Spellusers can experiment on different things magically to see what they can discover.
This supplement has 100 such experiments to find in a wizard’s lab or home. Some are strange, some are dangerous and some are potentially useful.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
37. Hovering in the air is an image of what appears (DC 10 Knowledge (engineering) check confirms) to be the inside of a dungeon. Below the image are a couple of wands; moving them appears to move the view around the dungeon (the device radiates moderate divination and at the GM’s wish may allow the characters to get useful information on the location).
38. Hovering next to a stack of books is a small flying device holding another book. The device, if interacted with, will attempt to find a specific book in the pile. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t (the device will retrieve the right book from any pile on 1-3 on d6).
39. Hung on a dummy is a set of clothes. When a command word is spoken, the clothes will attempt to dress themselves on the speaker. They do not account for anything else being worn and often go on back to front or on the wrong limbs (if activated, the speaker must make a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid being grappled by the clothes for 2d6+2 rounds).
Released: 18th January 2025 Pages: 12
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