100 Helpful Hirelings

100 Helpful Hirelings

100 Helpful HirelingsWhen we think of our brave adventurers putting their lives on the line, we tend to focus only on the stoic band of heroes. However, many of these characters will also pay for the services of others with specific skills to help them in their quests. Whether they want to have a few pairs of strong shoulders to carry the treasure chests they find out of the cavern or crypt where they discovered it, or they wish to have someone with specific arcane knowledge on-hand, it is amazing the services you can acquire with a little bit of gold slid into the correct palms.

The following supplement is filled with hirelings of all sorts! From groomsmen and coach drivers, to chroniclers and sages, to lock-pickers and spies, there are a variety of characters in here whose skills can help ease a party’s way toward their objectives. And, of course, it’s always possible for hirelings to become close friends to the player characters if they are treated well and kept in good stead over an entire arc of an adventure… or deadly enemies, if they are treated poorly when it comes time for their payment to be rendered.

Which way these characters will go will be up to your party.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

77. Goren Hakkon: A figure of physical might, steel cables of muscle ripple beneath Goren’s gray green skin with every movement he makes. Though his heavy jaw contains a full set of fangs, the orc’s words are clear when he speaks, and his voice rumbles with authority. One part bodyguard and one part herald, Goren adds an air of importance to his clients while at the same time shooing away low-level threats that might hamper them. Often sent ahead to arrange receptions, and make appointments, the inherent threat of Goren’s presence ensures that people know his clients mean business.

78. Mabel Hawkwind: A crackpot of the highest order, Mabel is full of wild theories about entities from beyond the stars, and how they’ve influenced cultures both ancient and modern in this world. While most people disregard the halfling’s ramblings, and she’s shunned by most institutions of serious scholarly learning, there are islands of insight in her improbable hypotheses. Her enthusiasm for fieldwork, as well as her genuine skill in identifying arcane artifacts and items of power, are the main reasons she’s hired onto so many expeditions, despite the improbable things she’s hoping to find.

79. Katrin Flowers: A young woman who’s spent several years of her life walking in and out of lockup, Katrin has been part of protests, revolutions and uprisings alike. While her dark hair hangs over the burn scars on her cheek, there’s no hiding the fire that still rages in her eyes. Though she’s somewhat disillusioned by her years in the trenches of politics, the arsonist and saboteur is more than happy to put her skills to work for money, even if she doesn’t fully support her clients’ cause. Scorched houses, ruined roads, scattered horses and more can create a lot of chaos… chaos that her employers can then exploit for their own ends.

Released: 19th October 2024 Pages: 21

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
