100 Town Guards

100 Town Guards

100 Town GuardsSettlements of all sizes in fantasy RPG settings are often under threat. Whether it’s small towns being harassed by gangs of bandits or attacked by roving bands of ogres, or big cities being threatened by pirate fleets or besieged by armies of the undead, there are dangers aplenty even in the most “civilized” of areas.

And the people who keep the peace, and who protect the citizens from these threats, are the members of the guard.

Whether the town’s guards are just locals who stepped up to the job, former militia or military veterans or even adventurers (or worse) who’ve since “retired” into an easier line of work will vary. The following list contains potential guards who run the gamut from gate watchers and beat guards, to inspectors and detectives, to those who bring a rather specialized skill set to the town or city they protect. So if your settlements could use a little more flavor, you’re sure to find someone (or more likely several someones) below!

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

35. Gardenia Valoris: Named for her mother’s favorite flower, Gardenia is a short, somewhat stocky woman who always has her sun-bleached hair tied up in a kerchief, and whose skin has been tanned dark by the long hours she spends out in the elements. While she seems too timid and kindhearted to be a guard, the pouches and potions she keeps on her person actually make her one of the more dire threats the force can muster when the need arises. Called an alchemist by some, and a witch by others, most simply keep to their politenesses when she’s around, and do their best to never take tea near her if it can be avoided.

36. Marion Wells: A halfling woman who spent years swinging a mattock in a mine, her job was to get into smaller tunnels and side passages where the bigger miners simply could not fit. While Marion managed to escape that life with no more than a rough cough and something of a limp, she still needed some way to earn a living once she turned her back on a digger’s lot. Taking a salary as a guard, all she has to manage now are late nights, and the occasional drunk trying to start trouble. While she might be short of stature, Marion has a grip that can bend iron, and it doesn’t usually take more than one solid blow to drop someone to their knees.

37. Lurke: Most who spy Lurke aren’t aware that he’s a member of the guard… or even that he’s a living creature at all. The gargoyle tends to sit atop the guardhouse, or to crouch over the gate when he’s on duty, though he can sometimes be spied throughout the city, taking up unusual vigils as he watches the streets from rooftops and balconies. Often Lurke will even crouch down just outside the gates, and see how long it takes for someone to realize he’s not just a fanciful decoration. Sometimes he’ll even put a small bowl in front of him with a sign that this is the collection point for entrance fees, seeing how long it takes before someone gets cute and tries to sneak in… or swipe the fees paid by others.

Released: 21st September 2024 Pages: 23

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