Tag Archives: Cities of Sundara

Takatori Magical Tattoos (PFRPG)

Species of Sundara: Dwarves (PFRPG) introduced the Takatori dwarves, known for their tattoo culture.

The Takatori dwarves of Sundara boast an intricate tattoo culture, and those who can understand the tattoos can determine a dwarf’s marital status, trades, origin, successes and more just by examining them. Some of the tattoos are also magical in nature, doing more than simply showing a dwarf’s accomplishments to the world. The magical tattoos of the Takatori follow the standard rules for such. It is possible for non-Takatori to bear these tattoos, but it’s rare to find any who have other than those who have been fully integrated into a Takatori community.

Master Crafter’s Tattoo

Price 7,000 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight -; Aura faint transmutation


Master Crafter TattooThese tattoos are given to those who are masters in their field of craft, and the tattoos incorporate an element of the Craft skill in question in their design; a tattoo for a master of armour, for example, might incorporate a breastplate. They can be created to benefit any Craft skill, though that skill must be determined before the tattoo is done; they cannot be changed to a different skill afterwards; another tattoo would need making instead.

The most common tattoos found amongst a group of Takatori are for skills that are relevant to that group; Takatori far from the ocean are unlikely to sport many Craft (ships) tattoos. Takatori may still sport tattoos for any craft skill; it’s just that how common a particular type of tattoo is varies by the region, and those Takatori that live outside their traditional lands are more likely to have tattoos that would not be as common in their own realms.

A Master Crafter’s Tattoo provides a +3 circumstance bonus to the relevant Craft skill.

Construction Requirements

Cost 3,500 gp; Feats Inscribe Magical Tattoo, recipient having at least 10 ranks in the relevant skill; Spells fox’s cunning

Firecaster’s Tattoo

Price 6,000 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight -; Aura faint evocation


Firecaster TattooThese tattoos are commonly designed to look like flames or things that are associated with flames or fire.

Takatori often have an affinity to fire and the magic of the tattoo provides an enhancement to spells with the fire descriptor. It is commonly found on Takatori with the Heart of Fire species trait, though having such is not a requirement.

A Firecaster’s Tattoo will result in spells with the fire descriptor causing 1 point more of damage on every dice.

Construction Requirements

Cost 3,000 gp; Feats Inscribe Magical Tattoo, Intensified Spell; Spells burning hands

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Crafter of the Unusual

Silkgift: The City of SailsCrafter of the Unusual is a piece of fiction for Silkgift: The City of Sails, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

The workshop was at a temperature many would find uncomfortable at best. Kellen Smeltfire, being a Takatori dwarf, just found it pleasant.

The dwarf pondered the slightly unusual commission she’d just received from the sorcerers of Archbliss. Not so much for the subject of the commission, as where it came from. Those of the City of the Sorcerers were known for their elevation of magic above all other things, so for them to require purely mundane assistance was, though not unheard of, certainly not common.

It seems, though, that there are some things that magic does need help with, and that is why Silkgift’s Ingeneurium had been contacted. Kellen specialised in the construction of optical devices and the grinding of precision lenses, not an easy feat to do, and it seemed that Archbliss’s Stargazer’s Tower needed some new lenses to be ground to some very precise specifications for a new gazing device that was going to be installed in it.

The device would need a focusing ability, and this would require a mechanism to be constructed in order to achieve this. Magic is unable to create a mechanism out of thin air if the caster has no idea what the mechanism was supposed to be, only what it was supposed to do.

That is where the Ingeneurium and Kellen came in. They had access to the necessary skills and expertise to turn a detailed description into a functioning device that would do just what it was intended to do. Well, do what the specifications said it should do; no-one really understood just what the sorcerers were creating, beyond the physical and mechanical aspects. Magic would no doubt be involved in the finished device, after it was shipped to Archbliss.

Of course, just because you had the skills and experience didn’t mean that the construction would be easy. Besides, where would be the fun in it if it was easy? “Should be fun” mumbled the dwarf to herself as she grabbed pen and paper and started sketching some plans for the device, referring back to the details sent from Archbliss, and making notes of what materials and skills would be needed.

As to how Archbliss was paying for this… well, not really her problem. Certainly, the sorcerers could pay with gold, but given they would just conjure it up, the dwarf assumed that negotiations had been done for something of more value in payment. She’d make the device so that it worked. What happened next was up to everyone else.

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Towns of Sundara, 100 Sights to See at the Port (PFRPG) and 100 Children of Knowledge for Mage: The Ascension Now Available

Towns of SundaraTowns of Sundara and 100 Sights to See at the Port (PFRPG) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Children of Knowledge for Mage: The Ascension is available on Storytellers Vault.

Towns of Sundara has ten system neutral towns that can be used with Sundara, or dropped into another setting. Each comes with a map, a unique history, notable NPCs, unique locations and even rumors that can act as potential jumping off points for side quests within the town.

100 Sights to See at the Port (PFRPG) has 100 things that characters can see or encounter whilst at a port. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

The Children of Knowledge are one of the members of the Disparate Alliance and 100 Children of Knowledge for Mage: The Ascension has 100 such that can be dropped into a campaign, as people to encounter or as potential friends and enemies.

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Encounters for Archbliss: The City of the Sorcerers

Image: Jeff Brown.

Four encounters for each of the districts of Archbliss are given here. The encounters will work with the Pathfinder and 5E versions of the supplement.

Sunrise Way

  1. A creature whose true appearance is unknown is rapidly changing shape, from humanoid species to inhuman to monstrous.
  2. A rainbow of strange colours forms over the district, seemingly becoming solid, before slowly evaporating away.
  3. A tree forms out of stone, rapidly growing up out of the ground, budding and sprouting stone flowers and fruit.
  4. Some of the gold bricks on the Street of Gold are being removed from the way and replaced with new, with guards making sure that outsiders don’t interfere.


  1. A sparking ball of light materialises in the air, shedding a pearlescent glow as the sparks drip down from it and evaporate on the ground.
  2. A spelluser casts a spell at one of the crystal spires, which glows as it drinks up whatever the spell was.
  3. Apprentices are checking the sorcerer’s quartz of some of the district’s crystal spires.
  4. Lightning arcs towards two of the crystal spires, seemingly from thin air, causing them to glow briefly, before the lightning fades away.

Samen’s Way

  1. A crowd has gathered to watch a performance as the actors float above the ground.
  2. A dragon swoops down on the street, breathing fire at everyone below. Before the fire hits, the dragon and flames both turn into gold coins, which vanish when they hit the ground.
  3. A patch of unmoving shadow blocks part of the street and seems impossible to illuminate with light. Nothing can be seen from within it.
  4. Soldiers charge down the street, shouting a battle cry. They pass through anyone and anything they encounter.

Spirit Tower

  1. A dozen skeletons march in formation through the streets of Spirit Tower, before finally entering a crypt and closing the door.
  2. A funeral procession is walking slowly through the district, with a robed individual being transported on a floating bier.
  3. Someone is standing by the Obelisk and standing in the chill the monument radiates for an unusually long time.
  4. Undead guardians standing outside a crypt bar the way to someone who has approached it too closely.

North Gate

  1. A duel is taking place at Wardstone, with two different sorcerers fighting each other. One is using a flashy style with many effects; the other is more restrained in their casting.
  2. A patrol of Watchers is leaving the Black Tower. Several people shy away when the see the patrol.
  3. Visitors are entering the city and, by the way they are peering around in every direction with their mouths open, this is their first visit to the city.
  4. Watchers are escorting a captured sorcerer to the Vaults, making sure they don’t get a chance to break free or cast any spells.

Winter Gate

  1. A robed individual is bargaining with a vendor for an enchantment. They appear to be having difficulty agreeing on a price.
  2. A visitor is wandering the district lost and confused and asking for help, disoriented by the area’s effects.
  3. The route ahead seems to shift, blur and change, as if it is constantly moving and altering its destination.
  4. The air briefly shimmers and gives a glimpse of what looks like another world, one from a fairy story.

East District

  1. A group of excited children are being escorted to the Menagerie by what looks like a pair of teachers.
  2. A sorcerer gestures and conjures a creature up, speaks to it briefly, then dismisses it again.
  3. Someone walks past with a creature on a leash that doesn’t look like anything seen in nature.
  4. The Arches are activated and a number of people are teleported through them from the ground below.

Castle Archbliss

  1. A unit of Thuranen Guards arrives at a guard post and the current ones silently depart after their replacements show up.
  2. One of the viewing devices on Stargazer’s Tower shifts position to point at a new part of the sky.
  3. Several officials are chatting about a subject, but they cannot be overheard as it appears a spell is keeping their privacy intact.
  4. Thuranen Guards turn a tourist away who was seeking access to part of the castle, not listening to their protestations as they silently send the tourist on their way.

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A Lesson Learned

Ironfire: The City of SteelA Lesson Learned is a piece of fiction for Ironfire: The City of Steel, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Oleg bellowed as bones cracked. Steel clattered as it fell to the paving stones, and the huge man’s roar was cut off suddenly as the butt end of the staff slammed into his jaw, and spun his head. Eyes rolling, he stayed on his feet a moment longer before dropping to the ground in a heap. For a moment the crowd all around was silent, then whistles erupted, followed by curses. Coins exchanged hands as bets were settled. The young man knelt, placing his fingers on Oleg’s neck, and then in front of his mouth.

“He’ll live,” the man with the staff said as he stood. “But I would get him to a healer, if you want him to be able to use that arm again.

Varian’s mouth was tight with anger, his eyes dark and narrow. Fear erupted in them when the man with the staff crossed the circle toward him. The crowd around them went quiet. The man had won the duel handily enough, his spinning staff more than a match for Oleg’s brute muscle. But he had the look of an outlander, and outlanders didn’t always understand the rules of the duel. If he broke the rules the red cloaks would find him eventually, and there would be a trial, but that was small comfort to Varian, whose protector lay insensate in a heap on the flagstones.

“See here, now,” Varian said, taking an involuntary step back. His voice had risen to a shrill pitch that he tried unsuccessfully to swallow. “You won. I commend you. Now if you’ll excuse me-”

The man put a hand on Varian’s shoulder, and Varian’s voice died. The young man leaned down, and held his gaze. He waited a beat, ensuring he had Varian’s undivided attention. The crowd around them was silent as a mural, except for Oleg’s grunt of pain as he attempted to swim back up into consciousness.

“All I wanted was directions,” the man said. “Where is the House of Black Banners?”

Murmurs rose at that, as excited onlookers began to speculate. The man paid them no mind, his gaze steady on Varian. For his part Varian might have looked less stunned if he had been struck. He gestured vaguely behind himself.

“Two blocks down, and turn toward the harbor,” he said, looking at the unkempt man with the staff. “The black flags… they hang from the balcony above the door.”

“Thank you,” the young man said, enunciating the words to drive them home. He let go of Varian’s shoulder, and smoothed the tunic he’d been gripping. “My uncle has been expecting me.”

“Y-your uncle?” Varian asked as the man brushed past him, walking toward the chapter house of one of the city’s more dangerous companies of freelances.

“Come by upon the morrow, if you wish,” the young man called over his shoulder, his voice as friendly as could be. “If you’re willing to step into the ring yourself, I’m sure he’d be happy to teach you to fight your own battles. I doubt you’ll be as pretty as Oleg is by the time the lessons are done, though!”

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Cities of Sundara: Dragon Steel Tools (PFRPG)

Image: Azukail Games

Dragon steel, a valuable export from Ironfire: The City of Steel, is a superior form of steel that is stronger than normal steel. Its primary use is making weapons and armour, but anything that would normally be made of steel can be made from dragon steel for improved hardness, strength and performance, which includes tools. Just as with weapons and armour, dragon steel tools are not automatically masterwork but masterwork versions can be made.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as artisan’s tools but add a +1 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

These tools add a +3 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as thieves’ tools but grant a +1 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This kit has more tools and grant a +3 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This superior quality item adds a +3 circumstance bonus made to related skill checks. Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack.

Item Cost Weight
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel 10 gp 5 lbs
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 110 gp 5 lbs
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel 60 gp 1 lb
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 200 gp 2 lbs
Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 100 gp 1 lb

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Sellswords of Sundara (5E), Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available

Sellswords of Sundara (5E)Sellswords of Sundara (5E) and Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar is available on Pathfinder Infinite.

Sellswords of Sundara (5E) details ten mercenary companies, including history, notable members and rumours, for the Sundara setting, along with a new character option for each company. They can be used with Sundara or dropped into another setting.

Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Characters might find notes and letters when searching and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar Now Available has 100 such for them to find in or about Magnimar. Whether or not they have meaning is up to the GM and they can be used as random things to find or adventure hooks.

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Teaching a Lesson

Ironfire: The City of SteelTeaching a Lesson is a piece of fiction for Ironfire: The City of Steel, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

The square was lively that night. Crowds of people moved over the pavers in small knots, gossiping and laughing. Peddlers with wine casks on their backs, or racks of grilled meats on sticks, moved among them, doing a brisk business as the city’s lights were lit. No one stepped over the line of the circle in the center of the square, though. Blood still glistened on those stones; a slick, dark testament to the differences that had already been settled that night.

Two figures stepped into the circle from the northern end. They were a study in contrasts. One was broad-shouldered and tall, his thick nose scarred from being broken many times, and his long hair unkempt and knotted. The other was shorter, and slender, with an amused sneer on his face. The brute was pale, the other was dusky. The warrior wore steel and boiled leather, his companion painted silk and lambskin. The crowd began to whisper, eyes turning toward the pair of them. Oleg the Grinder had never lost a challenge laid down in the square, and given how easily his master Varian Kadrick took offense it was rare that a week passed that the musclebound enforcer didn’t settle at least one affair in the dueling ring.

It was a moment later when another figure stepped into the ring. He was tall and slender, dressed in a sweat stained tunic and worn down boots. His skin was burned nut brown by the sun, and though he wasn’t large, he seemed strong enough. He carried a staff nearly as tall as he was, but other than that he bore no weapon or armor. He leaned on the staff with both hands, regarding the other two across the circle.

“I call a challenge,” Varian said, his pouty lips curling into a cruel smile.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” the young man in the handmade woolens asked. “I apologized for what happened.”

“Your apology is worth less than nothing,” Varian snarled, turning and spitting on the ground. “I call a challenge. Do you accept, or yield?”

The young man looked around at the crowd for a moment. Dozens of eyes were turned his way. Some were curious. Others pitying. Several had the sharp, hungry look of those sure they were about to see real bloodshed. One man sat on a bench, his gnarled fingers wrapped around the head of his walking stick. He smiled, his white teeth a sharp contrast to his dark skin, and winked at the young man holding the staff.

“I accept,” he said, turning back to face Varian. Oleg smiled as well. It was just as unpleasant as his master’s smile, though for completely separate reasons.

“Teach him a lesson, Oleg,” Varian said, slapping his champion on the shoulder. Oleg drew the sword from his hip, turning it in his grip so the unsharpened edge was on the striking side. Those who’d seen the Grinder fight knew that the blunt edge was no less dangerous for lack of a whetstone. The young man sighed, rolled out his shoulders, and stepped forward.

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Barradan Tooth Charm (5E)

Barradan Tooth Charm
Image © Azukail Games 2021, All Rights Reserved

The Barrada of Sundara, a water-dwelling subspecies of orcs detailed in Species of Sundara: Orcs (5E), have teeth that grow back and they remove and use these teeth to make charms that are enchanted by the orc’s shamans which are then gifted to others. When worn, these charms allow water breathing for the wearer.

Barradan Tooth Charm

Wondrous item, uncommon

A Barradan orc’s tooth that is mounted on a necklace. When worn and activated, the charm allows the wearer to breathe underwater as water breathing for 10 minutes at the cost of one charge. The charm has only 5 charges when fully charged, and once all are used, the tooth crumbles to dust.

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Faith is a piece of fiction for Gods of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Gods of SundaraThe acolyte knelt on his simple rug, holding still in the silence. The echo of his question was ringing in his ears, and he was fighting a flush of embarrassment that he’d asked it at all. His teacher, an older, handsome woman with her lips stained as red as her robes, regarded him quietly. There was a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth, and lurking behind her eyes. The acolyte dropped his eyes, but kept his head held high.

“I was wondering when you would find the courage to finally let that one off your lips,” Amari said, her voice playful, but not mocking.

“You knew?” Vitar asked.

Amari’s smile finally broke the dam, and her laughter came with it. She shook her head, carefully dabbing the corner of her eye so as not to smudge her carefully-applied kohl. “Vitar, my dear pupil, every priest who has knelt on that rug has wondered that same thing in their hearts. And if I am to tell you the full truth, as I swore to do when I accepted my position, it would not surprise me to learn that most pupils of all the world’s faiths from the great to the small have asked it in one way or another.”

“So there is an answer?” Vitar asked, raising his eyes.

“There are many answers,” Amari replied, nodding to him. “I don’t know which of them is correct, but I can tell you the one I have come to believe over the years.”

Vitar swallowed hard. He’d been expecting to be chastised, or worse to be brushed off. He leaned forward, his hands on his thighs, his eyes bright with expectation. Amari smiled, and for just a moment wondered if she’d looked as young and innocent as her charge when she’d finally gotten up the courage to ask the question that came out of every acolyte’s mouth sooner or later.

“Are the gods real?” Amari asked, repeating Vitar’s question. “Yes. But they are real in the way the sky is real, or that time is real. Or the bottom of the sea. They are too large for us to see in their entirety, or to truly contemplate without feeling very small inside ourselves. For while we may understand them in part, it is often impossible for us to truly know them except in the way that a mouse might know a thunderstorm.”

Vitar swallowed, and nodded. He started rubbing a fraying patch on his robes with his thumb; a nervous habit Amari had yet to break him of. She waited, letting him work through his thoughts in his own time. Part of being a teacher was to know when to let the student do the work for themselves.

“If they are real, but we cannot know them, then why do we do this?” Vitar asked, swallowing.

“You know the answer already, don’t you?” Amari said. It wasn’t a question, though she asked it like one.

“Faith,” Vitar said.

“Faith,” Amari agreed, nodding her head approvingly.

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