Tag Archives: Cities of Sundara

Encounters for Ironfire: The City of Steel

Ironfire: The City of SteelFour encounters for each of the districts of Ironfire are given here. The encounters will work with the Pathfinder and 5E versions of the supplement.

Stone Pole

  1. Two fighters salute each other as seconds stand by and commence a duel. The duel is over quickly, to the disappointment of the watchers, as one of the combatants was easily wounded by the other.
  2. A boisterous group of mercenaries who appear to be freshly arrived in town are entering the Ashes.
  3. Outside one of the armour sellers in the district, two mercenaries are discussing the merits of different types of armour with the owner, which involves much gesturing as if with weapons.
  4. A group of applicants wanting to join the Scarlet Company are shown inside the Scarlet Chevron by one of the Crimson Sergeants to prove their worth.

The Harbour

  1. One of the Harbour’s defence ships suddenly surges out of dock, seemingly in a hurry to get out into the water.
  2. Outside the Clearinghouse, someone stands on a crate and says they are looking for labourers for the day. There’s a surge as those still waiting for employment push forward.
  3. A gnome that is muttering to himself starts unpacking a crate on the docks. Everyone around him starts to back away and give him a clear berth.
  4. An argument breaks out between one of the custom agents, a ship’s captain and a merchant who owns a cargo brought in on the ship, over whether or said a cargo has been properly inspected.


  1. A new mural is being added to a building by two artists and passers-by stop to take a look at it.
  2. A group has assembled outside the Museum of Artistic Industry and a guide is calling them to attention as they are about to be shown around.
  3. A loud rumbling noise comes from Irons Academy, loud enough that those who can hear it check to see if anything has happened.
  4. A tea shop is setting up a number of tables outside its front door and a few customers are waiting for seats when they are ready.


  1. A huge gout of steam bursts from one of the vents, causing those nearest it to duck out of the way.
  2. Wagons that are by Oak Gate are being directed back out of the city again, to the warehouses that stand just outside, as the guard is telling the drivers the goods on them are unsuitable for storing in the city.
  3. Two dark shapes are seen down an alley. One looks to be struggling with the other.
  4. A barker is advertising the benefits of the inn and brothel they are promoting to any who pass.

The Dragon Forge

  1. Red-glowing slag hisses out into the canals of the Slag Runs as engineers open the locks for the stuff expelled from the Forge.
  2. A public meeting of the representatives of the city’s districts is being held and spectators are filing into the Castle to watch.
  3. Steam loudly whistles from the outbuildings of Smokefield, as excess is vented into the air.
  4. Slagbreakers head away from the Slag Runs with cartloads of slag that have been broken up.

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Leaving Moüd

Leaving Moüd is an introductory piece of fiction by Neal Litherland for Moüd: The City of Bones, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Desert Map
Image: Azukail Games

“Leaving us so soon?” the young man with the orcish teeth and the rakish glint in his eyes asked as he leaned on the counter. The rustle of parchment maps filled the travel station as other customers planned their routes, and cool air puffed out from grates in the floor where water ran. “It might look pretty straightforward as cities go, but I can promise you that Moüd’s got secrets worth digging for.”

“I’m sure it does,” Argor said, putting on a smile that was trying to be polite but wasn’t quite managing. “But we’ve done all we came here to do.”

The orc-blooded man shrugged, as if to say their business was none of his, before spreading his hands on the wooden counter top. “What direction are you going, and when would you like to start going there?”

“To the coast,” Argor said. “And as soon as can be arranged.”

The young man pursed his lips, his eyelids narrowing slightly. He looked like a big cat contemplating a course of action. “One of the sand trains leaves this evening, traveling through the night.”

“That-” Argor started to say before Ceravil cut him off.

“Will be fine,” she said, offering a smile of her own. She felt Argor’s irritated gaze on her, but wouldn’t turn to meet it. “We had an unfortunate accident coming here in the first place. Better to trust the guild when it comes to getting out of the desert.”

“Hard-learned wisdom,” the man said, nodding hard enough to make his long braids sway. “And a lesson I wish I could teach others who come through here.”

He named a price. Argor bristled slightly, and the negotiation began. Ceravil stepped away to let Argor do what he was best at, running her eyes over the maps and pamphlets. Silkgift caught her eye, as did Hoardreach. Those places were far from here, but after the sights they’d seen in the City of Bones, she felt a need for a change. The smell of a clean sea, or the sights of a place of wonder she’d only ever heard about. Behind her Argor opened his coin purse, carefully counted a fee, and handed it over.

“I’ll send word when your passage has been arranged,” the man said, giving them another grin that showed off his too-long lower tusks. “A pleasure doing business with you.”

“I never want to set foot here again,” Argor grumbled as they turned their steps to the heat of the street. “The dead stay below, the living stay above. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

“You say that now,” Ceravil said, clucking her tongue and smiling slightly. She watched as the newest arrivals to Moüd came down the street, bearing the accents and fashions of a dozen different lands. She smelled the scents of spices and cooking meats, and looked off in the distance at the bulk of the city’s hanging gardens. “Once the chill in your skin fades, you’ll remember this place more fondly.”

He grunted, but Ceravil knew. The footsore miles and uncomfortable seats always faded from Argor’s memory, but the wonders he saw in their travels always lingered.

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Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall Now Available

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG)Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG) describes a fantasy city, the third for a setting though it can be used elsewhere, with details on the city itself, locations and people, rumours and new game stats.

Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (5E )is the above supplement converted for use with the Fifth Edition of the World’s Most Popular Role Playing Game.

Characters may hear rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Gods of the Fall has 100 such for the Gods of the Fall setting. They are similar to the hooks in the setting book, According to Prophecy, but what prophecy they apply to, and whether they are true, is up to the GM.

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Travelling to Moüd

Cities of Sundara: Moüd (PFRPG)Travelling to Moüd is an introductory piece of fiction by Neal Litherland for Moüd: The City of Bones, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

The desert wind howled beyond the walls of the stranded wagons. Ceravil had her hood pulled low, and a cloth wrapped around her mouth and nose to keep the gusts of sand out. Argor had a blanket around his shoulders, and his head down. They’d been stranded for days now, buried by the wind and sand up to the broken axle that had left them in such dire straits. The ox had died, its leg snapping when it stumbled, and they’d had to put it out of its agony quickly. Accusations had been thrown, arguments had started and fears vented… now they sat in tired silence waiting to see if the desert would devour them or not.

Then they heard it; a rhythmic thumping sound. It was far away at first, but it grew steadily closer. It was joined by the creak of hawsers, and the shushing of sand skids. Argor kept his head down, but Ceravil’s ears all but twitched as she listened… and hoped. The sounds stopped close enough that the sand shifted, and made the broken down wagon lurch. Ceravil loosened the knot on the back flap, and stepped out into the blowing storm.

Something loomed nearby; a shrouded form that towered over the wagon. It was wrapped in black cloth, but white tusks protruded from its skull. Beneath the head, a flap shifted. A man in a gray cloak looked down at Ceravil, seated on a pillowed bench resting in the colossal creature’s rib cage.

“How many are you?” he yelled over the howling winds.

“Two,” Ceravil shouted back.

“No beasts?” the driver asked, holding back the flap as the wind tried to snap it. The silver skull on his hand gleamed, even in the dimness of the sand storm.

“No!” Ceravil said, shaking her head hard.

“There’s room,” the drover said, gesturing over his shoulder at the train of wooden wagons on sand skids. “Be quick! If we stop for too long even Milara won’t be able to pull us out!”

Ceravil nodded, and ran back to her wagon, stumbling in the storm. Argor was on his feet, his eyes shining with hope.

“Grab the strongbox,” Ceravil snarled at him. “And the hesh bag. The Wraiths will want their due when we get where we’re going.”

Argor looked like he wanted to spit, but he kept his words behind his teeth. He snatched up the heavy leather satchel, and kicked the secret panel of the wagon open. He pulled out the strongbox, and the small parcels of valuable goods they’d squirreled away. The necromancers of Moüd would get their gold, and with a little luck they’d still have enough left to turn this disaster in a profit in the City of Bones.

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Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E) and 100 Things to Find Down the Rabbit Hole (Or Through the Looking Glass) Now Available

Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (PFRPG)Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E) and 100 Things to Find Down the Rabbit Hole (Or Through the Looking Glass) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (PFRPG) describes a fantasy city, the first for a setting though it can be used elsewhere, with details on the city itself, locations and people, rumours and new game stats.

Cities of Sundara: Ironfire (5E)is the above supplement converted for use with the Fifth Edition of the World’s Most Popular Role Playing Game.

100 Things to Find Down the Rabbit Hole (Or Through the Looking Glass) has 100 things to find in a setting based on the Wonderland books.

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