10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about Interpol. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Counter-espionage, against both countries and corporations, is handled by Interpol’s I-2 directorate. The tension between Europe and the US has led the latter to be I-2’s primary target, and some within Interpol and the European Commission are concerned that this means other potential enemies are being allowed to operate far more freely than they should. It’s said that they are trying to redirect some of I-2’s efforts towards other nations.
Europe’s Mediterranean Patrols have very similar aims to Interpol’s I-6 directorate, so much so that the bureaucracy is trying to incorporate the patrols into I-6. Not everyone in the Mediterranean Patrols is happy with that idea, though, and are pulling in every favour they can to stop it.
I-4, the Interpol directorate that monitors corporations that operates in Europe, is intended to deal with corporations that try to bypass the law. It’s rumoured that in cases where there is a European corporation and a foreign one that I-4 will concentrate its efforts on the foreign one, so that the local company comes out of it better than the foreign one.
I-3’s new policy of recruiting caught netrunners to their own side has resulted in an influx of new, less hidebound talent, but also an influx of ‘runners who bear something of a grudge. Though these criminal netrunners are watched carefully, it’s said that a number of them are quietly working together to compromise the whole directorate so that they can regain their freedom.
Interpol never really caught on as the international police force it was originally intended to be, and it functions more like a strictly European one. However, it’s said that some within the organisation have never really given up on the international idea, and will do what they can to further this goal, which does include helping out the constabularies of other countries outside Europe to gain influence and favours.
Interpol’s I-1 directorate was founded as a counter-terrorism arm and originally used to conduct raids themselves but this has now been taken over by the army. However, both the army and Interpol feel that the intelligence and operations parts should be combined under one command; whose depends on whether it’s the army or Interpol. This is causing some friction in the operations as well as some manoeuvring on the council.
Interpol’s I-5 directorate is responsible for law enforcement in space and has recently been given jurisdiction over off planet interests by most orbit capable nations, with the US being the exception. It’s rumoured that a covert war is being waged in space between I-5 and the US, with the latter trying to impair I-5 in any way it can in order to protect its own interests.
Netcrime, Interpol’s I-3 directorate, only has a limited jurisdiction, tasked with only reacting to crimes that may affect the EC or EC property. It’s rumoured, though, that the agents of the directorate often have a very liberal interpretation when it comes to judging what crimes affect the EC, and regularly go beyond the letter of their mandate against those they believe could harm or are plotting to harm the EC electronically.
The newest directorate of Interpol is I-6, which covers organised crime. Perhaps because they are new, they have had some early successes, and it’s rumoured that some of the larger criminal groups have started putting prices on the heads of I-6 agents, because they have caused a drop in profitability.
The Pyramid is the main administrative centre for Interpol and it’s also home to its central datafortress. It’s rumoured that there are high bounties for any runners who can manage to breach the Pyramid’s protections and get into the datafortress, and that many who have tried have ended up mind burned as a result.
D10: Europe Rumours – Interpol is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the European Council and the Secretariat. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Councillor Evienne de Tours is notorious for getting into trouble, with photos and other things that most would find compromising turning up. So far, this doesn’t seem to have harmed the councillor, and there are rumours that if anything they may have increased her popularity with some citizens, with even suggestions that de Tours has arranged for such leaks herself.
Increased threats against some members of the Secretariat have resulted in the more high-ranking members pressing to, quietly, increase the size of their protection details, in particular seeking to get some of the more skilled members of the EDF protecting them. This is naturally something the EDF commanders feel is a waste of their soldiers’ talents.
It’s rumoured that the Secretariat, as the true force behind the running of Europe, have been increasing their power by ensuring that councillors elected to the European Council are chosen from candidates that the Secretariat have secretly approved. Though this doesn’t always work, it’s said that a growing percentage of the council is completely under the sway of the civil servants supposed to serve it.
Joachim Krüger is a former rocker and current representative for the Free Earth Alliance for the East Central Munich seat. Shortly after his victory, he was non-fatally shot in a drive-by that the police are treating as accidental. Neither Krüger nor his supporters believe that, and are attempting to investigate the connections that the police have with the People’s Democratic Party, whose candidate was defeated. It’s rumoured that there have been a number of anonymous threats received by those doing the investigating.
Members of the European Council may have to do a lot of work, but there’s also a lot of money to be made by the councillors, not just from the salary and allowances which are already huge, but the gifts from corporations who want councillors to be seen with their goods. It’s rumoured that there have been a number of attempts to reign in any excess, but these never get anywhere and those who push too hard frequently discover they’ve broken the law.
More than one group within Europe has a poor opinion of the councillors and the Secretariat, but the councillors and the highest-ranking members of the Secretariat all have heavy security. It’s rumoured, though, that lower down the food chain more than one member of the Secretariat has recently suffered an “accident” that was anything but.
Rolf Schneider is the Speaker of the European Council and he has a reputation for being a middle of the road selection. This makes him a compromise candidate and the definition of a good compromise is one that makes everyone unhappy, and it’s rumoured that this is indeed the case with Schneider, with neither the left nor the right liking his choosing.
The member states of the European Community are entitled to one councillor on the Euro Council for every 100 million eurodollars it pays into the EC. This gives the richer states a greater influence, and it’s rumoured that the smaller states have been seeking ways of boosting their income by inviting the wealthy and megacorps into their countries, and are not exactly bothered by just how legal their monies are, in exchange for substantial tax breaks.
The Secretariat are the high-level civil servants of Europe, with the commissioners assigned from the top tier of the Secretariat. Though the Secretariat and the commissioners are nominally subject to the orders of the councillors, most remain in their positions far longer than any councillor and are said to be the hidden power behind the throne.
There are rumours that some of the members of the European Council have become troubled by the amount of power that the Secretariat has, which even influences everything the counsellors do. However, it’s also rumoured that any councillor who makes too much of a fuss has dubious events from their past suddenly being discovered by the media.
D10: Europe Rumours – The European Council is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the process of trying to get past the borders of Europe. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Europe’s land borders are still maintained by the forces of their member nations, rather than being a unified group in charge of this, which causes a degree of variability in how borders are watched. It’s rumoured that some within Europe would like to create a unified border police force, but no nation seems willing to lose control of its landward borders.
Hydrophones have been planted around the coasts of Europe by several northern nations in the hopes of perfecting underwater surveillance. Ships would be identified by the sound of their screw, and it’s rumoured that a database of ship screw sounds is being slowly built up, and that a bounty is paid for any genuine sound that can be added.
It’s said that if a way of getting into the EC under the radar seems to be too good to be true, that’s because it is. It’s rumoured that the cheapest smugglers don’t make their money from the fees they charge, but from what they can sell their human cargo for. Both intact and in pieces.
Permanent cards allow the person who has one to permanently reside in the EC, and obtaining them is difficult. Naturally, there is a market in fake and stolen cards as a result, and it’s rumoured that some fake cards that have recently been cropping up on the black market are so convincing that they must be being obtained with the cooperation of bureaucrats inside the EC government.
Permanent Resident’s Cards allow someone who has one to live in Europe and gain most of the benefits of EC citizenship, including upgrading to full citizenship after five years. The cards can be revoked at any time, and it’s rumoured that a high percentage of cards are revoked in the last six months of the five years needed to become a full citizen.
The different forces that guard the land borders of Europe are said to be of varying quality. Or, rather, of varying honesty, with some of them, members of certain countries’ forces, being far more amenable to taking a bribe than others. However, it’s said that bribing them is dangerous, because many of those taking a bribe will turn in anyone offering such, after they have been paid.
The EC will give citizenship to those who have made “cultural contributions” which means the recovery of lost artistic and cultural treasures. It’s rumoured that there’s a thriving black market in fake “missing” minor league artwork that is sold to those who believe they can use it to bargain for citizenship.
The Navy is the unified force that protects the coastal borders of the EC against smugglers. Recently, subs have become a major problem, even though they are easy to spot from orbit. The Navy is reputedly looking into deploying automated torpedo platforms that will fire on any sub without a valid transponder, though this has been meeting pushback out of concerns about just how accurate the systems are at telling friend from foe.
There are illegal methods of entering Europe, but as with all such methods, those using them should be very careful about who they trust. Some of those claiming to sneak people over the borders instead kill them and strip them for parts, both cybernetic and organic.
Those entering Europe from outside the zone are heavily scrutinised by customs police when they fly in, and the rooms where interviews are carried out house ducts to deliver paralysing nerve gas. It’s rumoured that in extreme situations, the gas emitted by these ducts is far more dangerous than merely paralysing.
D10: Europe Rumours – Entering Europe is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Space in Cyberpunk
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the moons and planets in Cyberpunk Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
ESA and NASA have both established manned installations on the moons of Mars, and the JAB also claims a portion of the moons’ surfaces. The moons are both small, with only a limited amount of area, and it’s rumoured that both the ESA and NASA bases have defensive armament installed, waiting for a conflict both feel is inevitable.
JAB has been collecting mineral-rich asteroids and propelling them out of the belt using shunt-rockets for mining. It’s also claimed that these are tests of kinetic energy weapons; accelerating asteroids with the rockets and launching them at targets, probably on Earth, Luna or Mars. This would create weapons nearly impossible to stop.
Mercury is a nearly airless cinder that is too close to the Sun to really be a suitable target for colonisation or development. However, there have been suggestions in the past about building a solar power collector/emitter array in orbit. Recently, it seems that there have been investigations done into making such, although it’s said that a ring of solar panels built around the planet’s equator is also being considered.
Most mining operations within the Belt are done by remotely-operated automated systems, as a way of avoiding the region’s dangers. It’s rumoured that sometimes these operations are hacked, resulting in whatever is being mined being dispatched elsewhere, presumably so that whoever is doing it can gain the benefits of asteroid mining without the expense.
The DSS Pathfinder is a major scientific mission dispatched by NASA to survey the Jovian system, though it hasn’t arrived yet. It’s rumoured that as well as surveying the different moons that the expedition is going to pay particular attention to the oceans of Europa; some claim that NASA has discovered something that is specifically directing them there.
The La Grange points of Earth are becoming increasingly crowded with colonies and factories being built at them, and it’s rumoured that some of the organisations operating in space believe that something needs to be done about this. Of course, they typically want other companies to leave, and it’s said that some of them are considering using force to do this.
The three massdrivers in Luna maintain a steady stream of material mined from the moon to Earth orbit for use there. It’s rumoured that an attempt to take control of one of the massdrivers was recently thwarted, and that if it hadn’t been, the massdriver would have started targeting locations on Earth.
There are clear indications that there are large amounts of water and atmosphere are trapped beneath the surface of Mars, and several teams are studying the deposits with the aim of gradually releasing them into the atmosphere. It’s rumoured, though, that at least one team favours a much faster approach, releasing all the trapped gasses and water in a single, massive burst.
Titan, the moon of Saturn, is substantially larger than Luna and, unlike any other moon in the solar system, has a true atmosphere, albeit of nitrogen and methane. The Cassini probe was unable to confirm or deny whether the rain of organic compounds in Titan’s atmosphere might have allowed life to form, and a joint JAB/NASA probe is intended to investigate further. It’s rumoured that this mission has suffered a number of sabotage incidents from an unknown party, perhaps another organisation that wishes to get to Titan first.
Venus, despite being comparable to Earth in size and gravity, is completely unsuited for human life without a lot of protection. There are rumours that some companies and organisations are investigating cloud-skimming on the planet, with the aim of scooping up the dangerous compounds and gasses in the atmosphere.
D10: Deep Space Rumours – Planets is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Space in Cyberpunk
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the organisations operating in space in Cyberpunk Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
All ESA facilities in space are now kept under intensive surveillance in order to prevent something like the O’Neill Wars, in which they lost control of two orbital cylinders, from happening again. Even so, it’s said there are still underground movements operating on the remaining facilities that haven’t been fully rooted out, and sooner or later another rebellion will happen.
Almost 85% of the orbital workshacks and space stations have been built by the Japanese Aerospace Bureau, thanks to its ability to mass produce them cheaply and efficiently. There are rumours, though, that everything manufactured by the JAB has backdoors built in, allowing the organisation to spy on others and, perhaps, even cause damage to the facilities.
IEC took the step to move operations off Earth more than any other mega-corp, though both EBM and Araska are now pursuing the same plan. There are rumours, though, that all three corporations have been clashing over the matter, as they are fighting for supremacy in orbit.
International Electric Corporation is the second largest orbital-based conglomerate, as they have moved much of their corporate infrastructure into orbit out of fear of an Orbital/Earth war. It’s rumoured that IEC has done more than simply move their infrastructure and manufacturing facilities; it’s said they are also developing space-based weapons platforms and ships. Purely for self-defence, of course.
It’s rumoured that one of the probes into the outer Solar System discovered something unexpected, which is being kept quiet. It’s not known which organisation was operating the probe, but there are only a limited number who operate such in the depths of the system, with NASA being put forward as a possible contender.
NASA is the primary source of transport for personnel and equipment to and from Mars and is using its position on the red planet to conduct further exploration of the Belt and the outer Solar System beyond. There are rumours that as well as the known sites in operation in the Belt that NASA has a secret facility where additional research is carried out.
The USAF has had at least three deep space weapons platforms commissioned in the last five years, a matter of concern to others in space as they could easily destroy other facilities. It is also better armed and equipped than any other orbital power and is more willing to use these. It’s rumoured that they also have some secret bases out in the Belt where new weapons are being constructed, well out of the site of most of the other powers.
There are rumours about just what the Utopian Corporation is up to and just what it’s been responsible for over the tears. UC has facilities scattered across the solar system, and it’s rumoured that the corporation is manufacturing nanotech-based weaponry at some of the remoter facilities.
There have been rumours for some time that the SRC has been planning manned missions to Venus and Mercury to set up mining outposts on the planets, and some insist that the preliminary stages of these missions are already underway, though they don’t appear to be able to explain how the SRC has managed to do such without anyone noticing.
Utopian Corporation was founded when a small team of scientists from Microtech left the company after it decided to target computer technology. Since then, UC has gained a technological capacity that outstrips any other corporation. It’s rumoured that Microtech would now do almost anything to bring the wayward company into the fold, though it’s unclear how this could possibly be done.
D10: Deep Space Rumours – Organisations is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangs of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangs of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Arzin Tynon is a new boostergang to Night City, and other boostergangs treat them with contempt. It’s rumoured that the gang is planning to make a play to not only grab some turf of their own, but to earn the respect of the other gangs. It isn’t known what they might be planning to try, but it could well be bloody.
Blood & Tears is a combat gang in the Zone noted for their trademark removal of eyes from their victims. It’s rumoured that a few people have been turning up outside the Zone also missing their eyes, and some are concerned that the gang is branching away from their home turf.
Death in the Afternoon is one of only two true Nihilist groups still operating in Night City. The gang operates out of the Combat Zone and does most of its damage outside the city proper. There are rumours, though, that recently Death P.M. has started carrying out more attacks within the bounds of Night City. It might be that they will go the same way as the third Nihilist gang, but they could still do a lot of damage on the way out.
Jack the Rippers is a nasty gang known to be responsible for the deaths of over one hundred joygirls in the last three years. Though witnesses claim the killer is one man, the NCPD has decided they are the work of a deranged gang. However, some believe that the police are definitely on the wrong track with that, and that until they start looking for a single individual, the police are not going to get anywhere.
The Edison’s are a posergang that specialises in the construction of ingenious and sadistic deathtraps and similar creations. Though most of these seem to be made for the gang’s own enjoyment, it’s said that they will also create traps for a price, should anyone have someone they want disposing of in an unusually cruel way.
The Golden Knights are a guardian gang with technology and strategies that allow them to keep a four-block area safe. It’s rumoured that some of those they’ve managed to keep out of their turf are unhappy about it, and that the gang’s leader has a substantial price on his head as a result.
The Second Comming are a former millennium cult that now believes that the Second Coming will arrive during the final episode of Combat Cabb. It’s rumoured that some of the gang’s members want to hasten this by forcing the series to end sooner than is planned.
The Tygers Claw occasionally protect the Japanese community at large in Night City, and there are rumours that they are backed by Arasaka. Though most believe the backing is purely financial, it’s also rumoured that Arasaka provides the members with cutting-edge cyberware designed to increase their speed and skills.
The Water Rats operate around Night City’s docks, and specialise in helping pirates smuggle stuff into the city. It’s said that the gang isn’t fussed about just what they smuggle into the city, as long as they themselves are at no risk of being directly harmed by it.
The Widow Sisterhood are a posergang sculpted to resemble famous beauties from past and present, and they are also assassins often hired by the corps or used as bodyguards. The Sisterhood is so close to so many powerful people that it’s rumoured that they also have a great deal of knowledge about just what’s going on in the precincts of power.
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangsl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
One of the favourite pastimes of the Sacred Blades is their practice of “counting coup” which is to leave a red handprint on a rival gang member or NCPD officer without being stopped or caught. It’s rumoured that this same print has been turning up in strange places in Night City, often well-protected ones, and it’s thought that perhaps counting coup has extended into beating security in various places.
Random acts of violence inspired by the band Total Anarchy are what the chromer gang known as the Steel Slaughter Slammers are renowned for. However, it’s rumoured that not every act of random violence is truly as random as it might seem; it’s said that if the gang is slipped some money, some of the apparently random violence is instead directed at specific targets.
The Bozos are killer clowns with a vicious and lethal sense of fun. It’s rumoured that the gang have been developing new devices, things that look like ordinary toys, but if someone other than a Bozo picks one up, soon show their true colours as lethal objects. It’s said the Bozos have been seeding these devices amongst ordinary items of the type they appear to be, so they can wait for the unknowing victim to start the fun.
The Bradi Bunch is a family posergang based on the old vidshow. Their members or runaway or orphaned children, and it’s rumoured that the gang trains these children to get into places where adults could not, in order to help the gang acquire the resources it needs.
The Inquisitors are a gang that is at war with every other gang in the city, and others besides, for they believe that cybernetics are evil and seek to destroy it. No-one knows the gang’s home turf, or who leads them, but there are substantial rewards for the information. Some claim, however, that the reason no turf or leader can be identified is that the gang itself is not a gang but a front for a government operation of some kind, and who’s in charge changes regularly.
The Kennedys are a posergang centred on the famous Kennedy family of the 20th century. They have no turf and it’s believed that their leader is planning to run for mayor. It’s rumoured that other members of the gang have been laying groundwork, some legal, much not, for this campaign.
The Piranhas are a party gang in the Combat Zone whose sole purpose is to have fun, though outsiders are not sure just what the gang defines “fun” as. It’s rumoured that a few people in the Zone have disappeared to end up entertaining the Piranhas at one of their parties.
The Red Chrome Legion are militant skinheads who primarily terrorise those that are not like them, which is pretty much everyone, though they notably avoid attacking those who are more powerful. It’s rumoured that the Legion is trying to get its hands on some decent cyberware to really make the chrome part of their name ring true.
The Voodoo Boys have been a high priority target for the NCPD for some time, but the police have had little success in dealing with them. It’s rumoured that undercover cops have attempted to infiltrate the gang, and that so far everyone has been sent back in pieces.
Warrior Heart are a combat gang found in the Combat Zone, one that fortunately spends most of its time fighting other gangs in order to hone their combat skills. However, it’s rumoured that the gang has been striking out of the Zone recently, not just at gangs bordering it, but anyone else who looks like they might be a challenge, from solos to NCPD officers.
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangsl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Maelstrom looks to be gearing up for some kind of major action. The logical target would be their long-time foes, the Inquisitors, but it’s rumoured that Maelstrom needs more and newer equipment before going head-to-head with their foes. It could be that what the gang is gearing up for is something to get that equipment.
The Back Alley Brawlers are a group of vigilantes that fight the other street gangs using the same methods. There are rumours that the methods of the Brawlers are getting a little too close to those of the other gangs, and that they are in danger of becoming something not much different to what they are fighting.
The Black Queens are one of the most innocuous of Night City’s major gangs, having little interest in turf struggles or anything violent. They are known to be a good information source, though, and cops, criminals and corporate security have all taken advantage of this. There are rumours that the Queens have been collecting a lot of data through their activities, and have now established a significant, and valuable, cache of information.
The Brainiacs are a boostergang that values knowledge over brawn, and augment their abilities with skill chips. It’s rumoured that the gang has an interest in several small corporations that are developing cutting-edge cyberwear intended to augment the user’s intellectual and mental capacities, with the intention of keeping the best new developments for themselves.
The D.J.’s are mostly wanna-be rockerboys with little if any talent, who make their money in other, less legal, ways than their complete lack of musical ability. It’s rumoured that the gang has been trying to get someone with talent to help them achieve their musical goals, but so far no-one has proven to be remotely interested.
The Julliard is a gang that primarily functions as a self-protection organisation for street performers, and they are known to take this seriously. It’s rumoured that the Julliard has started getting more proactive in its defence of late, striking out at potential threats before they become actual ones.
The Philharmonic Vampyres are a prankster gang who lack any turf and spend most of their time pulling largely harmless pranks. It’s rumoured that those who annoy the Vamps, though, can find pranks being pulled on them that are anything but harmless; things that would normally be designed in jest are now designed to hurt and kill.
The Silver Slash is a guardian chromer gang who are recognised and accepted by the Night City Police. There are rumours that some members of the gang take this recognition and status and use it to get away with committing criminal acts, but most believe that such rumours just originate from the Slash’s enemies are intended to undermine them.
The Slaughterhouse is one of the most violent boostergangs in Night City, and rumour has it that they’re only getting more and more violent. There are rumours that the gang members have been taking some new street drugs that make them more resistant to pain and able to inflict more damage, at the cost of becoming more unstable.
The Wild Things claim the East Marina as their territory, and haven’t been involved in any turf wars in some time. However, it’s rumoured that the leadership is considering expanding outside of East Marina, and are eying up any other gangs that might be easy targets in the neighbouring blocks.
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Sub-Urban Sprawl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Arasaka Weapon Assembly Facility A-452 is in Heywood and, as well as the assembly part, also has a warehouse and firing range. It’s rumoured that there was an incident recently in the warehouse which destroyed a significant amount of the interior, as well as the stock, and that Arasaka believes it was an act of sabotage.
It’s rumoured that a threat has been made by ecoterrorists against the Petrochem Refinery Terminal in South Night City, and that the company has increased security as a result. Some, however, are saying that the ecoterrorists are merely a front for one of Petrochem’s competitors.
North Oak is run as an extension of the military base that it is effectively built to support, with the military providing both law and, often summary, enforcement. There are rumours that some of the military patrols get out of hand, but if this is the case, it’s always well covered up.
Playland by the Sea is in Pacifica and was renovated recently. It’s proven to be popular, especially with those coming from San Francisco, but there are rumours that the renovation wasn’t as good as it should have been, with corners being cut that have resulted in a number of, covered up, accidents.
Seven ships are homeported out of the NorCal Military Base in North Oak, though it’s rumoured that the size of the fleet detachment there might be increased, probably with the addition of more light warships, though it’s said there may be a couple of hunter-killer submarines on the horizon too.
The community of Rancho Coronado is mostly walled off by a concrete barrier topped by an electrified barbed wire fence. There are rumours that this barrier isn’t proving as effective as the residents might hope, and that there are plans to replace it with something better, and probably a lot deadlier.
The Night City Municipal Sewage Plant in South Night City is known for its regular sewage backfills. It’s rumoured that not every backfill is caused by the plant simply being insufficient to cope with demands, but because various things keep ending up in the tanks that should never have been dumped there in the first place.
The residents of the Pacifica Arcology are rarely seen as the enormous building is self-contained, and they can get most of what they need within it. Some of the other residents of Pacifica are growing unhappy about this, claiming that the arcology is siphoning money from the city from people who shop in the building, because such money never goes back out into the local area.
There’s a rumour that the Biotechnica Mono-donal Research Station in Heywood is performing research into some extremely dubious cloning projects, including one where they are cloning wealthy, important or powerful people. There’s no evidence of this, though, but some do believe that such a project would be popular in some circles.
Westbrook is a heavily-protected fortress, including surface to air missile sites that prevent any traffic that lacks the proper access code from getting too close. It’s rumoured that money in the right place can get those missile sites to fire on airborne craft that do have the right codes, as a way of eliminating troublesome individuals in “accidents.”
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Charter Hill district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Andrew Scythe, the head of security for the Hacienda, is said to be looking to hire some people on a temporary basis. There’s a rumour that he’s become concerned that some of his staff have been compromised in some way, and that he’s hiring outside contractors to investigate the matter.
Hydrosubsidium in Charter Hill is known to be conducting operations in the Del Coronado Trench to the east of Night City. There are rumours that the company has suffered incidents in these operations, with some claiming that these are the result of sabotage, others that they are due to the dangerous nature of whatever the company is up to.
It’s said that there was a strange break-in at the Darkwood Apartments in Charter Hill. Rumour has it that unknown individuals broke into the building, but didn’t break into any of the apartments, even though, given the nature of the tenants, there would be a decent amount of valuables to hand. It’s not known just where the intruders went when they got inside.
Shaito Imports in Charter Hill imports and sells many goods from the Far East, and it’s rumoured that not all of what they import is entirely legal. No-one seems to know what else they might be importing, or where they might be selling such, though.
Some of the businesses in the Wyman Building in Charter Hill are said to be merely front companies whose sole purpose is to launder cash for criminals. It’s also rumoured that the entire building is such a front, and this is why the owners are not exactly bothered about money laundering going on within it, because they get a piece of the action.
Synop-Tel in Charter Hill is a small company that researches telecommunications advances, and stays in business by licensing what it invents and develops to larger companies. It’s rumoured that one of their customers is trying to pressure the company into being bought up by threatening to take their custom elsewhere.
The Hacienda in Charter Hill is Night City’s famous hotel-casino, and the only one of its type in the city. It used to have a gang problem, but the professional security force set up has ended that. It’s rumoured that the Hacienda’s security is very pro-active too; think about going after the place and they will end you before you try.
The Night City Hilton in Charter Hill is rumoured to be the hideout of several well-known solos. There are also rumours that these solos pay the local management well to ensure that they are not bothered and for certain unfortunate side-effects of people coming after them to be discretely disposed of.
The Richard Night Memorial Aquarium in Charter Hill is funded by various corporations, in return for tax write-offs, and it’s rumoured that the companies have found other ways of making the place pay as well, through sea life that is kept there from which useful compounds can be extracted.
There’s a rumour that the Hacienda in Charter Hill has been hit recently by some people successfully managing to scam the games. It’s thought that, if this is true, that whoever is responsible must have broken through the Hacienda’s security to gain access to the casino’s systems.
D10: Night City Rumours – Charter Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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