Tag Archives: Cyberpunk

D10: Night City Rumours – Studio City

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Studio City district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Brookhaven Co-op in Studio City is a low-cost apartment building that was constructed predominately out of substandard materials. The tenants run the building as a co-op and are attempting to get parts of it brought up to a higher level, but are struggling both due to a lack of funds and because the building is fundamentally garbage.
  2. Colonial Studios in Studio City is currently being renovated and repaired to make it a state of the art braindance and holographic producer, but it’s rumoured that work on this keeps running into problems, and sabotage is said to be suspected in some cases. The studio is said to be investigating, both on the Net and not.
  3. Libertine Lanes in Studio City is an old-fashioned bowling alley, though with some more modern features. It’s also rife with juviegangs, gang fights and dorphers, though attempts to shut them down have so far failed. However, it’s rumoured that an attempt is being made to get the place condemned and pulled down which, though it won’t solve the problem, will move it elsewhere.
  4. Malorian Firearms, Inc in Studio City specialises in custom weapons of high quality. Run by the gunsmith Eran Malour, it’s said that Malour is always looking for commissions to make new weapons that are “interesting” in some way. Malour seems less bothered about what such weapons will be used for, and more that making them will be interesting and a challenge to do.
  5. Over the years, the quality of films produced out of Studio City declined a lot, though the new owners seek to turn this around. It’s rumoured, though, that on parts of the lot content is still shot that makes even the trash produced at the depths look like the highest quality of work, and that often what’s filmed ventures into the extremely dubious if not outright illegal.
  6. Studio C at Studio City is in ruins and waiting demolition after a fire was started by an unknown arsonist. There are rumours that the company has been receiving threats, from someone claiming to be the arsonist and threatening to do it again unless they are paid off.
  7. The United Non-denominational Churches of God(s) in Studio City amongst other things runs a soup kitchen for those in need. It’s rumoured that the kitchen has been having problems with juviegangers recently, with them terrorising those heading to the soup kitchen, including the staff. They haven’t been attacking the place directly, but even indirectly it’s causing problems.
  8. There are warehouses on the Studio City lot that contain all kinds of things, some of them going back years. It’s rumoured that the company has recently uncovered a cache of old movies from the last century and are working to convert them to a modern medium. This is being done secretly, because the films are worth quite a lot, even in their current state.
  9. There have apparently been problems with Colonial Studios’ new braindance programs. Some claim that they have had a deleterious effect on some users, damaging their brains, but the studio claims this is disinformation being put out by corporate enemies trying to destroy their business.
  10. Z-KNT is based in Studio City and is one of Night City’s most successful progressive radio stations. Many rockers first found fame because of their exposure on Z-KNT, but some claim that money can be what gets someone played on the radio, not talent. Though this could just be coming from disgruntled rockers who weren’t themselves featured.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Studio City is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Little China

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Little China district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Aerocab’s offices in Little China are essentially the dispatcher location, with its vehicles maintained and stored elsewhere. Aerocab was the first company specialising in short flights to locations in the Night City area, and Aerocab was one of the first in the market to provide this. It’s rumoured that the company has been getting pressure to sell out to a larger company, and that their Little China offices have come under various forms of electronic attack to try and force them to agree.
  2. An Allpark parking facility in Little China is a prime target for a local boostergang known as the Lords of Discipline, who take advantage of the structure’s lack of security. The gang is not in general a dangerous one, mostly confining itself to muggings and car theft and is easy to intimidate. There are rumours, though, that the Lords have been investing in some better firepower and, though they may still be cowardly, now have better firepower to back them up.
  3. Ling Po Imports in Little China imports various luxury and expensive items from the Orient, all of which have guaranteed authenticity and a history provided to make it clear why they are so expensive. It’s rumoured that the company can also get its hands on things that are equally authentic, but lack as complete a history, due to them being obtained illicitly.
  4. Night City Police Headquarters in Little China hosts a number of high-security cells for containing high risk prisoners, terrorists and cyberpsychosis cases. Those suffering from cyberpsychosis are naturally the most dangerous of those being held in the cells, and it’s rumoured that every so often there is an incident that results in the security of the cells being upgraded yet again.
  5. The Chinese leaders in Night City drew the line at Little China so that the area wouldn’t end up in the Combat Zone, and money from Southeast Asia has helped keep the area in local hands. There are rumours, though, that money is flowing in from somewhere else with the intent of taking control of Little China, though it isn’t known who would want to spend money to achieve that.
  6. The CPU of the elevator in the Red Door Inn in Little China is known not to be always cooperative, and residents may have problems confirming their occupancy and getting to the correct floor. It’s rumoured that this is deliberate, for some reason, with suggestions that sometimes residents not only don’t get taken to their floor, but get taken somewhere else entirely.
  7. The Night City Transit Center in Little China is the central hub for the city’s entire transit system, as well as being the location of the maintenance yards. It’s rumoured that the city is considering moving the hub to another location, which might have a deleterious effect on the district if it’s done.
  8. The Piper Memorial Sports Arena in Little China is home to many blood sports, in particular professional wrestling and boxing. It’s rumoured that the owners of the Arena are looking into promoting some even bloodier sports, in the probably correct belief that attendees would be willing to pay to see things such as gladiatorial matches to the death, but are running into more than a few objections.
  9. The Toy Box in Little China carries toys of the finest quality from all over the world. It’s rumoured that the proprietor, Hing Chin, also sells even finer goods than those he has on display; toys made from the most expensive materials for those who truly have money to burn.
  10. There have been rumours about Madame Lin’s Massage Parlor in Little China, related to Madame Lin being involved in the Pacific Rim slaver circuit. Such rumours have never been substantiated, and it’s said that one reason for this is that those who get too close to the truth have a tendency to disappear.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Little China is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Japantown

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Japantown district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Hotel Yamagumi in Japantown is, for some reason, owned by Arasaka, though no-one knows why. This hasn’t stopped speculation, though, with it being claimed to be a place where Arasaka can keep people safe to a place where they spy on the clientele, though neither makes much sense, given that it is easily verifiable that Arasaka is the owner.
  2. Kenshiro Saeba is a young solo and former private investigator who has been forced to hideout in Japantown after solving a kidnapping case involving Yasume Kanzaki and a rival gang boss. Kanzaki is fond of Saeba, to the annoyance of his heir, Shin, and there are rumours that Shin would be perfectly willing to cooperate in anything that would result in the disappearance of Saeba that couldn’t be traced back to Shin.
  3. The Garden in Japantown is Night City’s lover’s lane and is kept safe by the Gold Eagles, a Japantown-based guardian gang that keeps the area free of trouble. It’s rumoured that not only will the Gold Eagles stop anyone from attacking those who use the Garden, they will also ensure that they, and anyone they associate with, is never able to do anything similar again.
  4. The Gazebo in Japantown is rumoured to have been built by Richard Night himself, and it’s also where a mass murderer called “The Claw” left most of his victims’ bodies. The City is said to be planning to tear the Gazebo down, as most can’t think of any uses for it, but it’s said they are meeting opposition by different groups who all want it preserved for historical reasons, whether to honour Richard Night, the victims of The Claw or The Claw himself.
  5. The Imperial Bank in Night City’s Japantown has never been robbed, and it’s known to have a very expensive security contract with Arasaka. It’s rumoured that, as expensive as the current contract is, the bank is planning on increasing the current security, leading some to wonder if the management has become aware of a direct threat to the bank, one that has a chance of succeeding against the current security regime.
  6. The Japan Trade Center is where the high-level executives of most Japanese corporations operating inside the United States meet every month to discuss their future strategy and planned acquisitions. The topics of the meetings are kept secret, but it’s rumoured that recordings of them have been turning up on the Net for those willing to fork over enough money to buy.
  7. The Nakagowa Kabuki Troupe is the premiere attraction of the Bodukkan Center for the Performing Arts in Japantown, and there have been some claims that the Troupe is nothing more than a professional posergang, given that some members have been bio-sculpted and never appear in public out of character. Kabuki aficionados dismiss this claim, but it’s rumoured that sometimes the arguments on the matter can get heated, leading to the occasional fatality.
  8. The Nichiban Mall in Japantown is designed to look Japanese, is filled with Japanese shops and all the signs are in Japanese, so any gaijiin will need help getting directions. It’s rumoured that asking for directions often results in being given ones that are poor at best and downright misleading at worst.
  9. The Tokagawa Tower in J-town is home to, amongst others, the local yakuza boss, Hichigo Kanzaki. The penthouse in which he lives is said to be a veritable fortress, but it’s rumoured that no-one outside Kanzaki’s close family and retainers have seen him in some time now, and there are rumours that something may have happened to him.
  10. The XYZ Piano Bar in the Nakagumi Business Plaza in Japantown is a karaoke bar and a known hangout for yakuza, who can be found frequenting the bar on a weekend. There are rumours that certain members of the bar’s staff have recently disappeared, as it turned out that they were spying on the yakuza for someone, which did not go down well once it was discovered.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – West Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Lake Park

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Lake Park district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Combat Cabb in the Lake Park district of Night City has some of the most heavily-armed and armoured cabs in the city, and aim to get their customers to their destinations, no matter who needs shooting on the way. Recently, there have been a number of targeted attacks on cabs belonging to the company, with the attackers seeming to be after the cabbie and their cab, not the customer.
  2. Juvegangers make out on Isadore Island in Lake Park during the day, but there are rumours that a few of them have been disappearing. Normally the park is a safe place to visit in daylight, so the idea that someone is still preying on people, even juvegangers, during the day is a concern.
  3. Lake Park might be a safe and pleasant place to visit during the day, but at night it’s a different story. Various citizens who use the park are pressing the city to try and take it back from those who prey in the park at night, but with little sign of intere4st from City Hall. However, if the city government isn’t willing to do anything about making the park safer at night, it’s rumoured that these same people are.
  4. Night City Fire Station #2 has problems getting its old-fashioned tanker trucks to a building fire before said building burns down, due to traffic in the area. There are rumours of some arsonists using this to their advantage, and in fact helping cause more traffic problems to ensure that the fire department can’t get there in time.
  5. Rumour has it that some of the custodians that help keep Lake Park clean during the day don’t do just that. It’s said that some of them are using the fact that there’s all this land available with plants growing on it to grow a few of their own plants, which can then be sold onto the visitors to the park during the day.
  6. The headquarters of the Night City Transit Corporation is in Lake Park, and has been suffering problems recently. Though the security of the building is high, they’ve been suffering from well-planned and technically advanced graffiti attacks. Going by what’s being written on and around the building, someone clearly has an issue with the fares.
  7. The homeless of Lake Park are usually safe from being preyed on by gangs, as the local gangs will even protect the largest group of homeless, known as the Pack, from the predations of other gangs. Recently, though, there have been rumours that some of the Pack have been disappearing, though gangs are not necessarily thought to be responsible.
  8. The lake in Lake Park has a filtration system that sometimes breaks down, leading to the place smelling like raw sewage that day and being deserted because of this. There are rumours that following such days, bodies are often found in the water, dumped by people using the smell and absence of others as a way of avoiding attention.
  9. The picnic grounds in Lake Park have gas-powered grills at different points on the island, though the gas is turned off at night. Reportedly, though, despite this there have been a number of “incidents” – explosions – on some nights due to people tampering with the gas lines in an attempt to get the gas back on., Reportedly, the city is considering removing the gas lines entirely as a result.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – West Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Night City University

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Night City University district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  • Dr. Edward Michaels is the Dean of Night City University and he tries to keep the corporations out of the university’s decision-making process, which annoys them and many of his colleagues, who would prefer more corporate sponsorship. Rumour is that some of those colleagues are conspiring with the corporations in an attempt to force Michaels out of his position.
  • Hababas on Grace Street is a former biker bar that is now the preferred hangout of the Voodoo Boys. Armed conflicts are discouraged but students who fancy themselves as being toughs often go there to prove themselves. Quite a number of these have ended up severely injured as a result, and it’s rumoured that some of their more influential parents are pressuring the university to do something about the bar.
  • It’s rumoured that not everything done in the Science Labs of Night City University should be done there, or is authorised by the faculty. There have been claims of the chemistry labs being used to manufacture new drugs for use on the street or explosives, and that these are secretly shipped out to gangs willing to pay for them. Explosives are dangerous, though, and it’s said that there’s occasionally an “incident” in the labs.
  • It’s said that Night City University has been conducting research into neuralchip interfacing, using students as guinea pigs for the research, and that this research has gone very badly wrong. Though no students are said to have died, some are said to be barely alive and that their families have been paid substantial sums of money to keep everything quiet.
  • Newgate Prison and Paragon are two rather different bars that share the same building in Grace Street near the university. There are persistent rumours that Newgate is the place to go for any student wishing to score something a bit harder than just alcohol, but the owners continually deny this and a few attempts to find evidence of this have all failed to do so.
  • Night City University’s Schumaker Hall of Performing Arts hosts film and video studios, as well as other places. and there are constant rumours about students getting into those studios after hours to do video and film-related projects that are definitely not on the curriculum. No-one has ever been caught, nor even any evidence found, and it’s thought this is just an urban legend.
  • Night City University’s student housing is at least reasonably secure and all, no matter what the standard of the apartments are, have generally the same level of security. It’s rumoured, though, that this security is starting to wear thin around the edges, and that there have been incidents in some of the complexes.
  • Students at Night City University can arrange an agreement with the campus police to come to the protection of any students living in the blocks near to the university itself. It’s rumoured that some students are trying to increase the funding of the campus police so that they have the people and equipment needed to take control of the blocks closest to the university and make them as safe as the campus.
  • The Biograph Theatre on Grace Street has two screens, one showing art films for students, the other showing adult films to support the first screen. There are rumours that students in need of some money can inquire about appearing in the adult films for some quick cash, though no-one has ever seen anyone they recognise.
  • There are rumours that the university is planning to expand again, though opinions differ as to just where they will expand to. Suggestions range from simply buying up some of the neighbouring blocks and flattening them, to satellite campuses in other cities, to building their own artificial island in the bay.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Old Downtown is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – New Harbor

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the New Harbor district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Allison’s is one of the most expensive stores in the New Harbor Mallplex, with armed guards to keep out those who can’t afford to shop there, and additional security for the store itself on top of the Mallplex’s own. Yet there are rumours that the shop has been suffering from a lot of theft recently. Initially thought to be shrinkage caused by employees pilfering, it’s said this has now been ruled out, and with there being no signs of break-ins, the owners are lost.
  2. Bastion Swimwear in the New Harbor Mallplex is this year releasing a line of swimsuits made from the pelts of endangered animals. It’s said that the company has been receiving threats from environmentalists as a result, and has already had several cyber-attacks, with promises that the attacks will become physical in nature if they continue with this.
  3. Ebertech, the software firm that created the hit Starwarrior Commander chip, is based in the Mallplex Business Tower. It’s rumoured that the company has recently invested in upgraded security, after someone cracked their system and stole data related to the next game they are planning to release, and is also attempting to recover the stolen data by any means necessary, and ensure that there are no copies of the data out in the world.
  4. Gang attacks outside the McCartney Stadium in Night City’s New Harbor are unfortunately common, and it’s believed that the city has finally had enough of these. Or, rather, the fact that many fans are now refusing to go to the stadium, given the large chance of risking life and limb to do so. The problem is that the city needs to hire someone to deal with the gangs permanently, and that’s going to be expensive and likely need military hardware to achieve.
  5. Mallplex bunnies know pretty much every inch of the New Harbor Mallplex and what’s going on in it, often better than the owners or security guards. It’s rumoured that a number of the mall bunnies have formed their own gang, offering various services to those visiting the mall, and using what they know for blackmail, theft and worse.
  6. New Harbor Mallplex in Night City is huge, with thousands of people living there and residential areas extending deep into the bay around eastern Night City. There are rumours of secret places hidden away inside the mallplex, where the owners have managed to squeeze in areas that are not officially recognised, where various activities take place, said to be government-funded.
  7. Shop-Mart in the New Harbor Mall complex recently reportedly had a peculiar incident happen inside, with a battered-looking individual with a gun taken down by store security after waving the gun around and babbling on about “shopping smart.” The man has reportedly not been identified as yet, and the gun looked to be an old, cut-down, shotgun.
  8. SkinLight in the New Harbor Mallplex features light tattoos, but they’ve been having problems recently with people who have been tattooed by the company reportedly suffering from a variety of illnesses. SkinLight say that this is nonsense and that someone is attempting to tarnish their reputation. They are said to be hiring people to find those responsible; either proof they are innocent or just a way of throwing people off the track.
  9. The Night City Rangers are the best team that calls Night City home and are strong contenders to win the next Superbowl, which will make it three in a row. There are rumours that the team members have been targeted in a series of harassments and “accidents” that have so far proven to be minor. It’s thought that someone doesn’t want the Rangers to get the title again; the question is just how far that someone is willing to go.
  10. The uniform of the Night City Slammers has been described as “convict-stripe modern” by one sportswriter, something that is not appreciated. A lot of fans are wanting the team to get a new uniform, one that looks better. Though some of said fans have also put a bounty on said sportswriter’s head; they may not like the uniform, but that doesn’t mean anyone else can criticise it.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Old Downtown is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Old Downtown

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Old Downtown district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Camden Court in Old Downtown are high-priced and secure apartments favoured by solos, with heavy and occasionally over-enthusiastic security. As the apartments are also favoured by a number of high-ranking police officers, incidents where the security force gunned down the wrong person tend to get covered up. This has annoyed a number of people who have lost friends or family members to the guards, and are attempting to do something about this. Some are reputed to have enough money behind them that some of the incidents may get uncovered just as quickly as they were covered up.
  2. It’s an open secret that Counter Intelligence Associates in Old Downtown do not merely practice countersurveillance but also help with less ethical operations – for a price, of course – though there is never any proof of this. It’s said that recently a gang tried to attack their main place of business, hoping to boost some of the hardware the company has on stock, only to fail very badly at this. None of the attackers has been seen since.
  3. MaxiMarket in Old Downtown is a 24-hour supermarket that claims to be able to get anything a customer wants, though they rarely disclose how long it takes to get it. It’s rumoured that not every order placed in this way is filled by reputable sources; one reason for the wait can be the place is waiting for someone to steal what they want to sell.
  4. Meadowcreek Pines in Old Downtown is a low rent apartment complex inhabited mostly by blue-collar workers. Boostergangs plague the place, as they know the residents keep what few valuables they have in their apartments, but it’s rumoured that a few boostergang members have gone missing or turned up dead and in pieces recently, suggesting that someone in Meadowcreek not only objects to their behaviour but has the ability to do something about it.
  5. Neither Soul Food News Kiosk nor the health store in the same building look to make enough money to keep the owner of the building afloat, yet he always insists business couldn’t be better. It’s rumoured that there was recently trouble with some gang members attempting to put the squeeze on, only to be cut down by Arasaka Security that the owner had, somehow, been able to afford to hire.
  6. Rose, Dahlia and Flora’s Creations in Old Downtown is a greenhouse and flower shop staffed by three elderly women and has almost any exotic plant known. There are rumours about just what some of those plants are and what the old ladies do with them, too; the outside of RD&F is starting to get covered with graffiti but it’s said that anyone who does spray paint the outside only does it once before turning up dead.
  7. The derelict tank in Old Downtown has become a place popular for ritual gang combat, with the fighters wading through a foot of partially congealed oil. Fights are frequently to the death, which bothers no-one, except that there are rumours that some gangs have taken to abducting people of the street and getting them to fight in the tank, either each other or against a gang member.
  8. The Hari Kiri Sushi Bar is an extremely exclusive and extremely expensive sushi restaurant in Old Downtown in Night City. There have been unproven rumours that misprepared pufferfish will be served to those who cause trouble, and indeed several questionable characters have died over the last few years. However, it’s said that it isn’t causing trouble that results in someone dying, because those dying are either on a list of people the owners wish to remove or whom they have been discretely paid to have killed.
  9. The Municipal Works Building in Old Downtown is an aging building in a district that’s going downhill, but it isn’t worth it to Night City’s government to try to move the activities in the building elsewhere. However, it’s reputedly getting harder and harder to find bureaucrats who are willing to work in Old Downtown, so Night City may have to either do something about the area or, rather cheaper, move.
  10. The Night City adjunct of the World Stock Exchange has amazingly tight security, but given the deteriorating nature of Old Downtown, many investors prefer to stay away. Given this, it’s rumoured that the stock exchange is considering moving to a more salubrious district of the city, which would only increase the decline of Old Downtown.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Old Downtown is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Medical Center district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. A contract dispute between Amerline and the private security force they hired to maintain the Amerline Depot in Medical Center has resulted in an upsurge in crime in the depot. Because of this, some customers are reputedly choosing not to use the company, which may lead to them resolving the dispute quickly, and others are said to have decided to protect themselves, often pre-emptively, which has led to a number of incidents.
  2. Argus Inc. in the Barbican Building of Night City’s Medical Center has been focusing on developing software for many local medical facilities. There have been rumours of problems with some of the applications developed recently, which is unusual as Argus programs are normally considered to be the most reliable on the market. Though it’s possible Argus may have been cutting corners, it’s perhaps more likely that someone is attempting to damage their reputation.
  3. Medical Technologies in Night City’s Medical Center grows new body parts and stores existing ones, all for use in medical purposes. The building has fairly low security, even though what’s stored could be considered to be valuable, but it’s rumoured that it’s only most of the building that has relatively low security. There are said to be hidden labs whose security would make Arasaka envious. Which leads to speculation as to just what might be going on in them.
  4. Night City’s Municipal Criminal Justice Complex in Medical Center is, naturally, one of the city’s most secure buildings, housing as it does Police Precinct #1 as well as jail cells, police academy and all the relevant other offices and training areas. Equally naturally, some consider a building so secure to be a challenge. No-one has managed to break the security, or at least no-one is known to have, and there are rumours about just what happens to those why try and fail.
  5. The Jellical Inn in Night City’s Medical Center requires all the personnel attire themselves as cats, which proves to be a popular diversion for the primarily business travellers to whom the hotel caters. There are rumours that some of the personnel are not merely attired as cats, but have had cybernetic enhancements to make a more convincing appearance, and that these personnel are for travellers with more… exotic tastes.
  6. The MacMillan Building in Night City’s Medical Center is occupied by a large number of psychologists and psychiatrists. Sometimes, someone with more serious problems than the white-collar people the practitioners usually see is brought into the building. It’s rumoured that there is a very secure room hidden within the building’s core after an incident involving a cyberpsycho.
  7. The Night Owl in the Bay Bridge Residential Hotel in Night City’s Medical Center is one of the few bars in the city that never closes. Those who patronise the bar are tend to mind their own business, and it’s rumoured a few of them use the bar as a place to mind their own illegal business; it’s said that with the right contacts at the Night Owl you can get just about anything you might want.
  8. The U(F)C Health Sciences Center in Night City’s Medical Center is a branch of the University of Free California Medical School and med students go there for their two years of schooling. The students and interns won’t turn people away from the 24-hour emergency clinic, due to wanting the practice, but expensive supplies will be cut back if someone can’t afford the fee. It’s also rumoured that some of those who can’t afford to pay do end up paying in other ways, as they are dismantled and sold piecemeal as donor organs and slightly used cyberware.
  9. There’s a rumour that information that could be quite embarrassing for the federal government has been acquired by a netrunner. Little is known of the details, but it’s been said that representatives have been seen at Eurasiabank Plaza in Night City’s Medical Center, apparently in talks with the bank about the matter.
  10. WorldSat Communications Center in Night City’s Medical Center is occasionally accused by a paranoid of beaming microwaves at their offices in the Corporate Center. There’s no evidence this is true, or why WorldSat would want to do it, but it’s rumoured that one individual was so convinced of this that they tried to beam their own microwaves back at WorldSat.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Bank Block district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. 1st CitiBank is one of the few American banks holding its own against the European and Japanese banks. 1st CitiBank Tower in Night City’s Bank Block is heavily protected as a result, but there are rumours that this protection is under constant test and attack at the moment, as it seems a competitor, or perhaps just a group that hates the bank, is trying to breach its defences.
  2. Corporate security on the streets of Bank Block has increased recently, and it looks like different companies are all increasing their security presence, as well as hiring Arasaka Security for patrols. There’s a rumour that a threat has been made against the companies in the district, and that the companies plan to eliminate any potential threats before they can do anything.
  3. Night City Technical College in the Bank Block district of Night City is a fairly typical urban technical college with a typical range of courses on offer. It’s rumoured that some of the tutors teach off the books courses other than those advertised to select clientele, and that those with the money and the right contacts can learn skills useful on the wrong side of the law.
  4. Safe Child in Bank Block is rumoured to not be as sage as it’s supposed to be, despite using Arasaka Security. It’s said that the company has run into the occasional problem, and that to safeguard its reputation it has not only killed the people responsible for causing it problems, it’s also killed the children and parents affected, so that they are unable to spread any tales.
  5. The Federal Building in Night City’s Bank Block was built before California became a Free State. The federal government still maintains a small presence in the city, but there are rumours that either the Federal Building is going to be sold, or that California is simply going to take it over.
  6. The Japanese consul-general, Juzo Inoue, made many enemies during his time as the director of an industrial combine and is under constant guard. He rarely leaves the Japanese consulate in Night City’s Bank Block, and the consulate is so well-guarded that attacking with anything short of an army would be foolhardy. It’s rumoured that the consul-general’s enemies know this, and are attempting to steal his itinerary in order to make an attempt outside the compound. They are said to be offering a large amount of money for anyone who can gain access to it.
  7. The Night City Medical Center in Bank Block is the city’s largest hospital and is annexed to the city’s most prestigious medical research school. Though the hospital doesn’t accept charity cases, there are rumours that sometimes street people are taken inside, but never come out again because doing research requires people to carry out research on, and it’s best to use those who will not be missed.
  8. The Night City Stock Exchange and Trade Center Building in Night City’s Bank Block has some of the heaviest computer security in the city, as tampering with the exchange is tampering with world markets. This doesn’t stop netrunners from trying, though, and it’s said that the Exchange does its best to send permanent messages to those netrunners they track down, being willing to send carriers of said message to any place on the globe, or even in orbit.
  9. Winifred Ashcroft-Hammersmith, the manager of the Ashcroft Hotel in Bank Block, is both reclusive and eccentric and as a result her daughter, Julia, does most of the actual work. There are rumours that Winifred has not been seen by anyone but Julia in weeks, and some wonder if something has happened to her. Perhaps with Julia’s assistance.
  10. Yarakimi Inoue is the daughter of the Japanese consul general for Night City and the teenager has a reputation for getting in all sorts of trouble. However, her father is well-connected and hires Arasaka security teams to get his daughter out of trouble. Rumour is that anyone who thinks Kimi is easy prey has a tendency to disappear.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Corporate Plaza

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Corporate Plaza in the Corporate Centre  district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Arasaka Plaza & Tower in Night City’s Corporate Plaza is the main office of the American division of the company, and has some of the toughest security around. It’s rumoured that Arasaka will anonymously hire freelancers to attempt to break into the tower for a lot of money, physically or electronically, to test their own defences. It’s also said that no-one has succeeded at this and those that have failed have been killed by Arasaka.
  2. It’s rumoured that there was very nearly a nasty accident at the Orbital Air tower in Corporate Plaza. It’s said that an AV-4 came very close to crashing into the tower rather than landing on the pad. Furthermore, there are claims that this was caused by sabotage in a deliberate attack against the company, possibly by a competitor or possibly by someone just trying to cause trouble.
  3. Microtech Center in Night City’s Corporate Plaza already has high security on the building, but it’s rumoured that the company has been increasing it even more, primarily by hiring more human security guards. There are suggestions that perhaps some of the electronic security systems were compromised in a digital attack recently.
  4. People in Corporate Plaza for whatever reason have reported an increase in traffic to and from Merrill, Asukaga & Finch, more than would be expected from the employees and those clients who would have occasion to visit the company. Reputedly, a lot of the increased traffic is in limos, expensive hire cars and other vehicles suggesting that the visitors are wealthy, important, out of towners or a combination of these.
  5. Petrochem International has only a relatively small office in Night City’s Corporate Plaza, with the only public access being to a small museum along with the gift shop and public relations department. Security is high in the building, yet apparently someone managed to scrawl anti-oil graffiti inside the museum without anyone witnessing it. Petrochem is apparently keeping the matter close to the chest whilst they find out what happened.
  6. Raven Microcybernetics’ global headquarters is in Night City’s Corporate Plaza, which has a small manufacturing area as well as a large R&D section. It’s rumoured that the building’s manufacturing area is where the company tries out some new designs that are being kept very tightly held, whether this be to stop corporate espionage or because the designs might skirt, or even dance right over, the law’s limits.
  7. The Infocomp Building in Corporate Plaza has only one public facility, a huge digital research library that can only be accessed from within the building, due to the sensitivity of the material. However, it’s rumoured that, despite the tight security, a netrunner and their team managed to briefly link up a connection from the research library to the outside, stealing a lot of information before most, but not all, of the team was caught.
  8. The main office for Euro Business Machines, International’s American division is in the Corporate Plaza of Night City. Also located in the Plaza are the regional offices for Microtech International, and it’s rumoured that the two companies have a quiet war of netrunners going on, as each attempts to breach the security of the other. It’s not known if this is a series attempt to attack the other company, or just employees of the two having fun and sharpening their skills.
  9. The West City Tower in Corporate Plaza is full of hundreds of different businesses and outlets of all types, some catering directly to the public, but more not, unlike the Plaza Business Tower. It’s rumoured that quite a few organisations, criminal, governmental and others that have activities they wish to conduct in relative anonymity rent spaces in the tower where they are lost as just one amongst many, unless something gets out of hand and calls attention to them.
  10. There have been reports of a trade in counterfeit tickets for Network News 54’s shows that are filmed before a live audience. Though those with the counterfeit tickets don’t tend to get in, because there are more tickets than there are seats to the shows, the counterfeits are good enough to get past security and ill will is building in people who have been turned away after buying what they thought were genuine tickets. It’s rumoured that Net 54 is planning to hire some specialists to permanently deal with the problem at its source.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Corporate Plaza is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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