Tag Archives: GameMaster’s Resource

D8: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Miscellaneous

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Cataclyst roaches are human-sized roaches with human faces found in the recursion. They are intelligent and can speak, and it’s also rumoured that they are organised as well, albeit not that strongly. It’s said, though, that some of the Cataclyst roaches are attempting to step up their organisation to make the creatures into a truly dangerous force.
  2. Green ones are a warrior race from the recursion of Old Mars, and are known for their skill in battle, as well as their honourable, albeit warlike, nature. It’s rumoured that mercenary groups of green ones have been turning up in a number of recursions, hired by locals to attack their enemies; the fact that they are appearing in different recursions leads some to suspect that there is a single force behind this.
  3. Kro coursers are created by the magicians of Crow Hollow from the corpses of recently deceased kros. They are magically animated and preserved flesh, and without the magical maintenance of a magician, they slowly decay. It’s rumoured that some parties are attempting to create kro coursers that will survive without this maintenance.
  4. Professor Moriarty is a criminal mastermind from the Sherlock Holmes stories and the recursion 221B Baker Street. After discovering the Strange, the professor has broadened his operations into that, and it’s rumoured he’s even managed to get low-ranking agents inside some of the organisations, such as the Estate and the OSR on Earth and the Kaum on Ruk.
  5. Shoggoths are ancient, bioengineered creatures that can be found in many different places, and are feared by anyone who has ever heard of them. It’s rumoured that their ancient creators had some means of controlling shoggoths, and there are frequent attempts to discover just what this might have been, so that shoggoths can be controlled and used as weapons.
  6. The jabberwock has three different heads that quarrel amongst themselves unless and until they come across prey. It’s rumoured that the creature was three different people who hated each other and were cursed to take their current form, so that they could never be apart from those they hated.
  7. Vaxt is a planetovore whose ancestral weed survived a planetovore attack and later became one itself. Vaxt spreads to other worlds like a weed and devours civilisations. There are rumours that there are Vaxt types that have developed the ability to pass as other species, disguising themselves amongst the masses.
  8. Winged monkeys were enslaved by a Wicked Witch. Prior to that, they were not particularly vicious, and some constantly seek to free the winged monkeys again. This usually ends up failing, though, as the winged monkeys have been changed by their time in servitude and, probably, by magic.

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D10: Europe Rumours – The European Council

Europe10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe

This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the European Council and the Secretariat. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Councillor Evienne de Tours is notorious for getting into trouble, with photos and other things that most would find compromising turning up. So far, this doesn’t seem to have harmed the councillor, and there are rumours that if anything they may have increased her popularity with some citizens, with even suggestions that de Tours has arranged for such leaks herself.
  2. Increased threats against some members of the Secretariat have resulted in the more high-ranking members pressing to, quietly, increase the size of their protection details, in particular seeking to get some of the more skilled members of the EDF protecting them. This is naturally something the EDF commanders feel is a waste of their soldiers’ talents.
  3. It’s rumoured that the Secretariat, as the true force behind the running of Europe, have been increasing their power by ensuring that councillors elected to the European Council are chosen from candidates that the Secretariat have secretly approved. Though this doesn’t always work, it’s said that a growing percentage of the council is completely under the sway of the civil servants supposed to serve it.
  4. Joachim Krüger is a former rocker and current representative for the Free Earth Alliance for the East Central Munich seat. Shortly after his victory, he was non-fatally shot in a drive-by that the police are treating as accidental. Neither Krüger nor his supporters believe that, and are attempting to investigate the connections that the police have with the People’s Democratic Party, whose candidate was defeated. It’s rumoured that there have been a number of anonymous threats received by those doing the investigating.
  5. Members of the European Council may have to do a lot of work, but there’s also a lot of money to be made by the councillors, not just from the salary and allowances which are already huge, but the gifts from corporations who want councillors to be seen with their goods. It’s rumoured that there have been a number of attempts to reign in any excess, but these never get anywhere and those who push too hard frequently discover they’ve broken the law.
  6. More than one group within Europe has a poor opinion of the councillors and the Secretariat, but the councillors and the highest-ranking members of the Secretariat all have heavy security. It’s rumoured, though, that lower down the food chain more than one member of the Secretariat has recently suffered an “accident” that was anything but.
  7. Rolf Schneider is the Speaker of the European Council and he has a reputation for being a middle of the road selection. This makes him a compromise candidate and the definition of a good compromise is one that makes everyone unhappy, and it’s rumoured that this is indeed the case with Schneider, with neither the left nor the right liking his choosing.
  8. The member states of the European Community are entitled to one councillor on the Euro Council for every 100 million eurodollars it pays into the EC. This gives the richer states a greater influence, and it’s rumoured that the smaller states have been seeking ways of boosting their income by inviting the wealthy and megacorps into their countries, and are not exactly bothered by just how legal their monies are, in exchange for substantial tax breaks.
  9. The Secretariat are the high-level civil servants of Europe, with the commissioners assigned from the top tier of the Secretariat. Though the Secretariat and the commissioners are nominally subject to the orders of the councillors, most remain in their positions far longer than any councillor and are said to be the hidden power behind the throne.
  10. There are rumours that some of the members of the European Council have become troubled by the amount of power that the Secretariat has, which even influences everything the counsellors do. However, it’s also rumoured that any councillor who makes too much of a fuss has dubious events from their past suddenly being discovered by the media.

D10: Europe Rumours – The European Council is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: What’s in the Cooking Pot?

CauldronCharacters can come across cooking pots in camps and kitchens, and may feel a need to check just what’s cooking inside them and whether it’s good to eat.

  1. Leftovers from many different meals, an assortment of previously cooked meats and vegetables that is lacking any texture but filling.
  2. Mutton stew with cabbages and leeks. Filling but so overcooked it is tasteless.
  3. Nothing but herbs and greens.
  4. Pungent broth made solely of garlic and onions.
  5. Scraps and offcuts of now-soft leather in boiling water.
  6. Severed fingers and ears from a number of different species in a weak broth.
  7. Sludgy mess of vegetables that are no longer identifiable.
  8. Smelly broth of fish heads and bones.
  9. Tasteless mush of grey lumps of indeterminate origin.
  10. Tasty and perfectly spiced stew made from rat meat.

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D10: Numenera Rumours – Delend

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Delend’s inhabitants have more people trained in discovery, the numenera and exploration than most its size, thanks to the Changing Moon, and there are rumours that the inhabitants of the settlement use this in order to expand Delend’s influence over the surrounding area. Not so much to empire build as to ensure more resources for investigating the Changing Moon.
  2. Hildwin’s Ladder is the most popular way used by Delend to reach the Changing Moon, but it regularly needs reattaching after one of the Moon’s shifts. There are rumours that some wrights believe that they will be able to make the ladder automatically reattach itself each time, though others are not so sure of this.
  3. Navigating the Changing Moon is difficult, because it is always changing, which makes maps essentially useless. This doesn’t stop a certain class of people from selling “guaranteed” maps of the Changing Moon to explorers who don’t come from Delend. Those who rely on such maps rarely make it back out of the structure to seek a refund.
  4. Numenera devices and vehicles are sometimes used by explorers to attempt to go to and from the Changing Moon in order to avoid the salvage tax, but often these end up being shot out of the sky. It’s rumoured that some explorers are attempting to get a hold of an armed vehicle which will be able to shoot back if fired upon, which could escalate things in the settlement.
  5. One of the major challenges for explorers of the Changing Moon is not becoming shift-lost when the moon’s configuration changes to something new. There are rumours that, over time, this has gradually, and almost imperceptibly, become harder over the years, and explorers now are much more likely to become shift-lost than those of latter years.
  6. Some of the explorers who visit the Changing Moon are sure that the shifts the installation goes through are not random, but follow some kind of pattern, and they are attempting to gather as much information in order to determine what this pattern is. So far, reportedly all that’s happened is that a number of explorers have gone missing after following what they thought was a pattern, but turned out not to be.
  7. Some parts of the interior of the Changing Moon are said to be so different, including different physical laws, that it is as if they are part of a different reality, and in fact that is what some do believe; that certain areas of the Changing Moon are where the structure’s properties allow other realities to protrude through the dimensional walls.
  8. Sometimes explorers of the Changing Moon disappear for good, never to be seen again. Some theories suggest that they have actually wound up in another dimension, and may still be alive there, but there are few takers of any expeditions intended to try and determine if this is true.
  9. The Changing Moon is made from a substance called crimson cube by the inhabitants of Delend, and it’s believed that this substance is what allows the structure to rearrange itself so quickly. Some have tried experiment with crimson cube to see if it can be used outside the Changing Moon, and it’s rumoured that some of these experiments have ended very badly.
  10. There is a constant mumble of alien words that can be heard in the background on the Changing Moon. Some think that the structure is a single huge machine, but others believe that the sounds that can be heard are the last remnants of those who have disappeared during a shift, somehow merged into the Changing Moon itself.

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D6: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: The Strange

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Chaosphere hierarchs are quickened natives of recursions from the Shoals of Earth who have gained power over the Strange itself. Most are arrogant and dismissive of the needs of others, which does seem to include other Chaosphere hierarchs. However, there are rumours of a group of the beings that work together, albeit somewhat erratically, for a common cause.
  2. Cinticus Z is an artificial intelligence that can often be found in the Strange and seeks out first-time recursors, asking them to do something for it. Though it isn’t normally a hostile entity, there’s a persistent rumour that the intelligence seeks to become a planetovore, and the tasks it asks others to do for it are with this goal in mind.
  3. Cypher eaters graze on things that crystalise from the Strange, preferring violet spiral, reality seeds and cyphers, all things that are of value to others as well. Though some use cypher eaters to locate such, others consider them pests to be wiped out, but attempts to do the latter rarely seem to work.
  4. Dark energy pharaohs are essentially refugees from a collapsed recursion based on the Egyptian afterlife. After war broke out amongst the pharaohs, this collapsed the recursion and the survivors fled. Most dark energy pharaohs exist in strongholds in the Strange or in their own recursions, and have little to do with each other, but it’s rumoured that a few have banded together after a fashion to achieve mutual goals.
  5. Inklings are the ghosts of the Strange, and sometimes they can creep into recursions as well. No-one is entirely sure what inklings are, and one theory is that they are real ghosts, or at least the remains of dead people. Some claim that when an inkling kills someone with the spark, the deceased will turn into a brand-new inkling.
  6. It’s possible to train thoniks to follow simple instructions, rather like it can be done with various animals, such as dogs. It’s said that there are some trainers who visit the Strange to capture thoniks in order to train and sell them. Some of these trainers are said to train the thoniks to follow commands only known by the trainer as well, just in case.

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D10: Europe Rumours – Entering Europe

Europe10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe

This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the process of trying to get past the borders of Europe. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Europe’s land borders are still maintained by the forces of their member nations, rather than being a unified group in charge of this, which causes a degree of variability in how borders are watched. It’s rumoured that some within Europe would like to create a unified border police force, but no nation seems willing to lose control of its landward borders.
  2. Hydrophones have been planted around the coasts of Europe by several northern nations in the hopes of perfecting underwater surveillance. Ships would be identified by the sound of their screw, and it’s rumoured that a database of ship screw sounds is being slowly built up, and that a bounty is paid for any genuine sound that can be added.
  3. It’s said that if a way of getting into the EC under the radar seems to be too good to be true, that’s because it is. It’s rumoured that the cheapest smugglers don’t make their money from the fees they charge, but from what they can sell their human cargo for. Both intact and in pieces.
  4. Permanent cards allow the person who has one to permanently reside in the EC, and obtaining them is difficult. Naturally, there is a market in fake and stolen cards as a result, and it’s rumoured that some fake cards that have recently been cropping up on the black market are so convincing that they must be being obtained with the cooperation of bureaucrats inside the EC government.
  5. Permanent Resident’s Cards allow someone who has one to live in Europe and gain most of the benefits of EC citizenship, including upgrading to full citizenship after five years. The cards can be revoked at any time, and it’s rumoured that a high percentage of cards are revoked in the last six months of the five years needed to become a full citizen.
  6. The different forces that guard the land borders of Europe are said to be of varying quality. Or, rather, of varying honesty, with some of them, members of certain countries’ forces, being far more amenable to taking a bribe than others. However, it’s said that bribing them is dangerous, because many of those taking a bribe will turn in anyone offering such, after they have been paid.
  7. The EC will give citizenship to those who have made “cultural contributions” which means the recovery of lost artistic and cultural treasures. It’s rumoured that there’s a thriving black market in fake “missing” minor league artwork that is sold to those who believe they can use it to bargain for citizenship.
  8. The Navy is the unified force that protects the coastal borders of the EC against smugglers. Recently, subs have become a major problem, even though they are easy to spot from orbit. The Navy is reputedly looking into deploying automated torpedo platforms that will fire on any sub without a valid transponder, though this has been meeting pushback out of concerns about just how accurate the systems are at telling friend from foe.
  9. There are illegal methods of entering Europe, but as with all such methods, those using them should be very careful about who they trust. Some of those claiming to sneak people over the borders instead kill them and strip them for parts, both cybernetic and organic.
  10. Those entering Europe from outside the zone are heavily scrutinised by customs police when they fly in, and the rooms where interviews are carried out house ducts to deliver paralysing nerve gas. It’s rumoured that in extreme situations, the gas emitted by these ducts is far more dangerous than merely paralysing.

D10: Europe Rumours – Entering Europe is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Fantasy Killers

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stockart © Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games

Fantasy settings can have their killers, and some of them may well be magical or undead in nature. Here are ten killers for a fantasy setting, inspired by some slasher villains though changed for a fantasy setting.

  1. A wealthy family recently purchased a large animated doll from a wizard for one of their children and shortly afterwards the entire family, including the children, was found bludgeoned to death in their beds. The doll was not initially realised to be missing; it was only when the wizard asked about it that this was discovered to be the case. Given the price of the doll, it was thought the family was killed by someone who then stole it, but apparently the watch found bloody footprints at the scene that suggest otherwise.
  2. A number of villagers have recently been killed whilst they slept, and when found they appear to have been attacked something wielding odd, sharp blades. A figure has also been noticed slinking around the village at night; they appear to have been wearing a hat to hide their face and a curious metal gauntlet on one hand. This figure has shown an ability to vanish from places where there were no exits.
  3. Reports have been heard of an unusually tall figure haunting the local graveyard at night. This has been linked to a number of graverobbings that have been carried out of recent burials. It looks as if some attempt has been made to investigate this tall being, and a couple of bodies that have been dismembered by sharp blades have been found. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the figure has a number of unusually large ioun stones orbiting them.
  4. Several murders of young locals have been attributed to a killer who has only vaguely been glimpsed. The killer in question has been reported to be possibly masked, as their face has proven to be unusually pale and devoid of expression, and perhaps wearing a wig as well. They have been seen wearing some kind of work attire, and the kills have been carried out with what is presumed to be a large knife. Folk are being warned not to be out alone at night.
  5. The docks are said to be haunted by the ghost of a fisherman who was injured by landies and thrown into the water to drown. It’s said that the ghost can be recognised by its hooded raincoat and the longshoreman’s hook he holds in one hand and which he used to attack and kill the landborn he comes across. Others claim that the hook replaces a hand the ghost lost in life.
  6. The local woods have become dangerous to visit, not because of any dangerous animals, but because someone seems to be killing anyone in them that they come across. A few bodies have been found, all bearing various signs of injury. Some appear to have bene shot with a bow and arrow, whilst all of them bear some sign of torture. A local herbalist has stated that many also show signs of having consumed a sleeping herb, which could be how the killer is subduing their victims.
  7. The owners of the local mine have been seeking help after a number of what were initially thought to be fatal accidents within the mine turned out to be murders. This was discovered when someone reported seeing one of the murders happen, and it was done by someone dressed as a miner, though one hiding their face behind a mask under their helmet. It’s not known whether the murderer is the dead spirit of a miner, or someone killing those in the mine for their own purposes.
  8. There have been several murders of people in their homes recently, predominately of wealthier individuals or their family members. In each case, only one person has died and some have noted the presence of a good quality mirror near the bodies. No-one was seen entering or leaving the buildings, which in some cases were locked from the inside, though there have been reports of a tall man being seen within. It’s assumed that some kind of magic is being used to gain entry.
  9. There is apparently some currently unidentifiable form of undead plaguing the local area, preying on people, preferably those in the stages of early adulthood. A number of deaths have been assigned to this creature, though unlike most undead kills, it appears that the creature is using a large blade as their weapon. There have been a handful of sightings, leading to the belief that the creature is undead; it has a ragged black form and a distorted, pail white, rigid screaming face.
  10. What sounds like a jester has been seen recently, even though it is some time since the last circus passed through the area. The individual is apparently dressed in typical jester fashion, though there are comments that the facial makeup is oddly disturbing. The jester would not be considered worthy of notice, as they have, despite their somewhat disturbing appearance, never been seen to threaten anyone, but since the jester appeared, a number of local children have disappeared.

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D10: Numenera Rumours – Taracal II

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Abikitan has a shop on the Float that sells puff pastries but she’s more well-known for her healing services, which compete with those of the Canonicate’s Healer. Despite the Healer rarely leaving the main arcology, there are rumours that the Caononicate is still contemplating shutting down a rival.
  2. Senior members of Taracal’s Canonicate Council meet every week to discuss the city’s most pressing issues. It’s rumoured that recently the council has become fractured over some matter, with some members of the council wanting to pursue one solution, and the rest another.
  3. Taracal trades with many coastal cities, and has built up quite a network over the years. Some say that the floating arcology doesn’t merely trade with the cities of the coast, they also secretly invest some of the money made from trade in businesses in those cities, gradually building up their influence and power.
  4. The bonds are those who commit crimes in Taracal or who come to the city with nothing to offer, and they are pressed into indentured servitude for five years. It’s rumoured that the number of bonds from outside the city has been increasing, due to an attempt to reduce the number of citizens in service, and that the city government is less than bothered about how such are obtained.
  5. The Canonicate of Taracal is comprised of those who pledge themselves to the Unfathomable. The organisation governs Taracal, but has a lot of turnover, as few can use the Unfathomable’s powers for more than a few years without risking death. Former members leave Taracal, and it’s said that a large network of former members covers much of the Steadfast, perhaps with some goal in mind.
  6. The Float is the name given to the raft, piers and craft that are either permanently fixed or moored to Taracal, and it’s also a place where many different things are bought and sold. Fish is, naturally, one of these things, but there are rumours you can buy anything needed at the Float, even if what you want is illegal in the arcology.
  7. The Overseer is the one who soon approaches new arrivals to Taracal, to determine if they should be taken into service as bonds, because they can’t leave on their own, or be given another option. It’s rumoured that some of those who could make their own way off the arcology still end up as one of the bonds, as whatever means they had of leaving mysteriously vanishes or is stolen.
  8. The Sky Deck is the topmost level of Taracal and is home to many different activities, most of them seemingly innocuous. It’s rumoured, though, that the Canonicate keeps an eye on just who is on the Sky Deck and what activities they take part in, as a person’s leisure activities can give insights into their character.
  9. The undersea community of Skelirroth sometimes comes into conflict with Taracal, as the dredges that comprise Skelirroth damage the parts of the ocean they pass through, which includes those that Taracal does. It’s rumoured that the floating arcology has recently been hiring mercenaries onshore, especially those with maritime and underwater experience, perhaps with the intent of launching an attack on the undersea community.
  10. Though there are rumours that some of the bonds of Taracal, those forced into indentured servitude, are planning revolt, nothing has ever come of it. Some say that this is because the plans are still coming to fruition; others that the Canonicate has spies within the bonds that report on those planning anything.

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D8: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Ruk

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight  rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Gnathostomes of Ruk are related to the autonomous ecology samplers used by some factions, though they prey on other creatures. Tame samplers have been programmed to seek out gnathostomes and conduct bioassays on them, to discover how the creatures came to be. It’s rumoured that some tame samplers have since been seen again, but changed into gnathostomes.
  2. Marroids mutated from a genetically engineered tool and now look for fresh marrow from living creatures to sample. It’s rumoured that marroids are still mutating, and that there are ever more dangerous types appearing, and ones that hunger for things other than marrow; some, apparently, seek technological items.
  3. Myriand patrol Harmonius, ensuring that citizens and guests remain safe and that rules are followed. It’s rumoured, though, that not every myriand is a true myriand; some claim that one of the factions has discovered how to make beings that appear to be myriands, but which are loyal to the faction.
  4. Ruk’s spore worms are dangerous, intelligent but generally incomprehensible predators that disable prey with spore clouds. Some factions have been trying to gain the secrets of artificially making the spores, given that the worms themselves have so far proven impossible to train.
  5. The Ankaseri faction of Ruk, before they were eliminated, sold an artificial heart graft, called angiophages, that was weaponised and which, when activated, dug its way out of the graft recipient’s chest and killed a target by digging their heart out. There’s a rumour that someone has been doing research on the angiophage, wanting to start manufacturing them again.
  6. The Qinod Singularity expels constructs that are usually dangerous and need dealing with. It’s rumoured that recently some new constructs of types never seen before have been expelled by the Singularity, though no-one seems to have proof of this.
  7. Utricles are predators created by Ruk factions who are not bothered about just who the creatures eat. Existing utricles don’t distinguish master from prey, which does reduce how useful they are, given that they are just as willing to eat their creators as an intruder, but it’s rumoured that at least one faction has managed to alter the design to make utricles more controllable.
  8. Variokaryon are those who have had some many grafts that they’ve become addicted to them. They seek to incorporate as many new grafts as they can get away with, and there are rumours that there are variokaryon that prey on others of their kind, becoming true abominations of grafts.

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D10: Deep Space Rumours – Planets

Space Station10 Hooks and Rumours for Space in Cyberpunk

This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the moons and planets in Cyberpunk Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. ESA and NASA have both established manned installations on the moons of Mars, and the JAB also claims a portion of the moons’ surfaces. The moons are both small, with only a limited amount of area, and it’s rumoured that both the ESA and NASA bases have defensive armament installed, waiting for a conflict both feel is inevitable.
  2. JAB has been collecting mineral-rich asteroids and propelling them out of the belt using shunt-rockets for mining. It’s also claimed that these are tests of kinetic energy weapons; accelerating asteroids with the rockets and launching them at targets, probably on Earth, Luna or Mars. This would create weapons nearly impossible to stop.
  3. Mercury is a nearly airless cinder that is too close to the Sun to really be a suitable target for colonisation or development. However, there have been suggestions in the past about building a solar power collector/emitter array in orbit. Recently, it seems that there have been investigations done into making such, although it’s said that a ring of solar panels built around the planet’s equator is also being considered.
  4. Most mining operations within the Belt are done by remotely-operated automated systems, as a way of avoiding the region’s dangers. It’s rumoured that sometimes these operations are hacked, resulting in whatever is being mined being dispatched elsewhere, presumably so that whoever is doing it can gain the benefits of asteroid mining without the expense.
  5. The DSS Pathfinder is a major scientific mission dispatched by NASA to survey the Jovian system, though it hasn’t arrived yet. It’s rumoured that as well as surveying the different moons that the expedition is going to pay particular attention to the oceans of Europa; some claim that NASA has discovered something that is specifically directing them there.
  6. The La Grange points of Earth are becoming increasingly crowded with colonies and factories being built at them, and it’s rumoured that some of the organisations operating in space believe that something needs to be done about this. Of course, they typically want other companies to leave, and it’s said that some of them are considering using force to do this.
  7. The three massdrivers in Luna maintain a steady stream of material mined from the moon to Earth orbit for use there. It’s rumoured that an attempt to take control of one of the massdrivers was recently thwarted, and that if it hadn’t been, the massdriver would have started targeting locations on Earth.
  8. There are clear indications that there are large amounts of water and atmosphere are trapped beneath the surface of Mars, and several teams are studying the deposits with the aim of gradually releasing them into the atmosphere. It’s rumoured, though, that at least one team favours a much faster approach, releasing all the trapped gasses and water in a single, massive burst.
  9. Titan, the moon of Saturn, is substantially larger than Luna and, unlike any other moon in the solar system, has a true atmosphere, albeit of nitrogen and methane. The Cassini probe was unable to confirm or deny whether the rain of organic compounds in Titan’s atmosphere might have allowed life to form, and a joint JAB/NASA probe is intended to investigate further. It’s rumoured that this mission has suffered a number of sabotage incidents from an unknown party, perhaps another organisation that wishes to get to Titan first.
  10. Venus, despite being comparable to Earth in size and gravity, is completely unsuited for human life without a lot of protection. There are rumours that some companies and organisations are investigating cloud-skimming on the planet, with the aim of scooping up the dangerous compounds and gasses in the atmosphere.

Want some general space rumours? Check out 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar.

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