The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
At the centre of the Graveyard of the Machine God is a destroyed structure that resembles a massive cybernetic humanoid. It’s said that the silicon deity is obviously dead, but some recursors have claimed to have seen activity within it unconnected to any of the still-functioning subsidiary systems, and have posited that perhaps the being is slowly repairing itself.
Chunks of debris tumble through the Graveyard of the Machine God, surrounding the dead silicon deity that forms the recursion’s centre. It’s said that some of the debris doesn’t move in a random way, but in one that suggests a degree of sentient control, though whether it’s the debris itself that’s sentient, or whether an external force is directing it, is open to question.
It’s said that the silicone deity that lies at the heart of the Graveyard of the Machine God knew much about recursions other than its own, and it would be a treasure trove of knowledge should anyone gain access to it. There are rumours that some of the sacrosancts are attempting to access this knowledge for their own purposes.
Razor-droids are less intelligent mechanical droids found in the Graveyard of the Machine God. Though they primarily attack the sacrosancts in an attempt to stop them from raiding the god’s corpse for parts, it’s rumoured that they will attack anything else who might either attempt to scavenge from the place, or who might provide useful raw material for the sacrosancts.
Sacrosancts are autonomous mechanical droids that live in the corpse of the silicon deity in the Graveyard of the Machine God, scavenging parts from the silicon corpse in order to survive. It’s rumoured that some sacrosancts are perfectly willing to slice up anything else they encounter into usable parts, and that this is where the flesh they partly consist of comes from.
The Graveyard of the Machine God is infested with a nanovirus that infests those who travel to it. Translating to another recursion is one way to kill off the nanovirus, but it’s rumoured that the nanovirus is continually adapting, and is possibly sentient, with the end goal of adapting enough to survive outside of its home recursion.
The razor-droids have been trying and failing to destroy the group of sacrosancts known as the Washed, and it’s rumoured that each failure is making the Washed stronger. It’s said that some razor-droids have been turned to the washed without the usual conversion process, then sent back out amongst their own kind to work against the razor-droids from within.
The Washed are a group of semi-mechanical sacrosancts that live within the Machine God, which seek to convert others to be like them. It’s rumoured that the strange cult also seeks to spread its message beyond the recursion itself, converting all other beings to their kind.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangsl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Maelstrom looks to be gearing up for some kind of major action. The logical target would be their long-time foes, the Inquisitors, but it’s rumoured that Maelstrom needs more and newer equipment before going head-to-head with their foes. It could be that what the gang is gearing up for is something to get that equipment.
The Back Alley Brawlers are a group of vigilantes that fight the other street gangs using the same methods. There are rumours that the methods of the Brawlers are getting a little too close to those of the other gangs, and that they are in danger of becoming something not much different to what they are fighting.
The Black Queens are one of the most innocuous of Night City’s major gangs, having little interest in turf struggles or anything violent. They are known to be a good information source, though, and cops, criminals and corporate security have all taken advantage of this. There are rumours that the Queens have been collecting a lot of data through their activities, and have now established a significant, and valuable, cache of information.
The Brainiacs are a boostergang that values knowledge over brawn, and augment their abilities with skill chips. It’s rumoured that the gang has an interest in several small corporations that are developing cutting-edge cyberwear intended to augment the user’s intellectual and mental capacities, with the intention of keeping the best new developments for themselves.
The D.J.’s are mostly wanna-be rockerboys with little if any talent, who make their money in other, less legal, ways than their complete lack of musical ability. It’s rumoured that the gang has been trying to get someone with talent to help them achieve their musical goals, but so far no-one has proven to be remotely interested.
The Julliard is a gang that primarily functions as a self-protection organisation for street performers, and they are known to take this seriously. It’s rumoured that the Julliard has started getting more proactive in its defence of late, striking out at potential threats before they become actual ones.
The Philharmonic Vampyres are a prankster gang who lack any turf and spend most of their time pulling largely harmless pranks. It’s rumoured that those who annoy the Vamps, though, can find pranks being pulled on them that are anything but harmless; things that would normally be designed in jest are now designed to hurt and kill.
The Silver Slash is a guardian chromer gang who are recognised and accepted by the Night City Police. There are rumours that some members of the gang take this recognition and status and use it to get away with committing criminal acts, but most believe that such rumours just originate from the Slash’s enemies are intended to undermine them.
The Slaughterhouse is one of the most violent boostergangs in Night City, and rumour has it that they’re only getting more and more violent. There are rumours that the gang members have been taking some new street drugs that make them more resistant to pain and able to inflict more damage, at the cost of becoming more unstable.
The Wild Things claim the East Marina as their territory, and haven’t been involved in any turf wars in some time. However, it’s rumoured that the leadership is considering expanding outside of East Marina, and are eying up any other gangs that might be easy targets in the neighbouring blocks.
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Enthait’s Eternal Market is a long street that is a spiral of blackglass that never seems to have a centre. Those who walk it inwards eventually end up on the outermost street again. There are rumours that the market does have a centre, and that whatever is there alters the fabric of space to make sure no-one ever reaches it.
Four skars rise above Enthait’s Eternal Market, and some wonder if those skars have an effect on the market itself. Space does not seem to work quite as it should within the market, and it’s suggested that the skars, whose purpose isn’t really known, are what’s responsible for the effect.
Greyes Burrin is the current head of Enthait’s defensive force, the zaffre, and some believe he is both the son of the Orness and only got the position because of that, even though Burrin never makes any attempt to capitalise on this supposed connection. It’s also rumoured that the reason Burrin can’t get the job of poison eater is because the Orness desires to keep him safe.
Greyes Rakdel is a healer as well as one of the greyes, and is mostly concerned about the health of the zaffre and the greyes, but will sometimes provide healing to others of Enthait. It’s also rumoured that she will provide healing for outsiders, though such is said to come at a very high cost.
Mekalan Hall is the headquarters of the zaffre and where the poison eaters are debriefed after a poisoning. One wall is taken up by the mural called the mekalan, which has images of dead poison eaters painted on it, the paint using the dead person’s blood, marrow and fat to make it. It’s rumoured that some of the essence of the poison eater remains in these bodily remains, and that they keep a careful watch on what happens under their gaze.
On occasion, the city of Enthait sings, a song that is low and sombre. The song is only heard when the city despairs, when it hungers and the winds swirl around it. Some wonder if Enthait is in fact a living creature of some kind, albeit of a strange kind of life, and that the song is truly a song of how the creature is feeling.
The skars are tall, curved spires that rise from various parts of Enthait and fill the sky. They come in different sizes, and appearances, but all taper to a sharp point. Weather is drawn to the skars and clouds often obscure the points; some believe that the skars are part of a weather control device that no-one currently alive knows how to use.
The Tawn is a rusty orange desert that extends around Enthait for dozens of miles. There are rumours that some things are hidden beneath the Tawn, perhaps remnants of ancient civilisations that are somehow connected to Enthait’s skars in some way, though no proof of this has been discovered.
There are hundreds of stalls, carts and permanent shops in Enthait’s Eternal Market and it’s said as well as the more obvious places to buy goods, there are other, harder to find and harder to get to, locations that sell goods that may not be entirely legal, or are perhaps completely illegal.
Underground tunnels connect most of Enthait, though those who use them frequently get lost and come out somewhere they’d never planned to be. Some wonder if the r3eason why so many people get lost in the tunnels is because they are constantly changing, or possess something that confuses the sense of direction.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Crow coin is the currency of Crow Hollow and in large quantities it has certain powers. It’s rumoured that somewhere within Crow Hollow lies an enormous treasure trove of crow coin, in theory just waiting for someone to come and take it but in practice guarded by powerful beings and deadly traps.
Crow Hollow’s Beak Mafia is divided into various families, all of them independent from the others. There are rumours that some of the families are attempting to combine their forces into a larger entity, as such an alliance would quickly enable them to gain power over all the other families and gain dominance in the Glittering Market.
Shops come and go in the Glittering Market in Crow Hollow, but it’s rumoured that one shop comes and goes rather more discretely than others, and also returns at random intervals. It’s said that this shop should be avoided, no matter how tempting the wares look, for once the right person has come inside, the shop will disappear. When it returns, those who were inside it when it vanished have disappeared.
The Beak Mafia of Crow Hollow offers protection to the shops of the Glittering Market in return for a monthly fee. Though not every shop pays this fee, there are rumours about the sort of things that happen to shops and their proprietors who seek to avoid the expense.
The Glittering Market in Crow Hollow is, amongst other things, the premier location for the buying and selling of cyphers. It’s rumoured that some powerful items have changed hands here, but also that the most powerful items have a habit of ending up in the pockets of the Beak Mafia. One way or another.
Wyclef Drood is the current head of the largest Beak Mafia family in Crow Hollow, but there are rumours that his power is starting to slip away. It’s said that others in the family don’t respect Don Wyclef like they once did, and that his days are now numbered, with his replacement almost certain in the not-too-distant future.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Sub-Urban Sprawl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Arasaka Weapon Assembly Facility A-452 is in Heywood and, as well as the assembly part, also has a warehouse and firing range. It’s rumoured that there was an incident recently in the warehouse which destroyed a significant amount of the interior, as well as the stock, and that Arasaka believes it was an act of sabotage.
It’s rumoured that a threat has been made by ecoterrorists against the Petrochem Refinery Terminal in South Night City, and that the company has increased security as a result. Some, however, are saying that the ecoterrorists are merely a front for one of Petrochem’s competitors.
North Oak is run as an extension of the military base that it is effectively built to support, with the military providing both law and, often summary, enforcement. There are rumours that some of the military patrols get out of hand, but if this is the case, it’s always well covered up.
Playland by the Sea is in Pacifica and was renovated recently. It’s proven to be popular, especially with those coming from San Francisco, but there are rumours that the renovation wasn’t as good as it should have been, with corners being cut that have resulted in a number of, covered up, accidents.
Seven ships are homeported out of the NorCal Military Base in North Oak, though it’s rumoured that the size of the fleet detachment there might be increased, probably with the addition of more light warships, though it’s said there may be a couple of hunter-killer submarines on the horizon too.
The community of Rancho Coronado is mostly walled off by a concrete barrier topped by an electrified barbed wire fence. There are rumours that this barrier isn’t proving as effective as the residents might hope, and that there are plans to replace it with something better, and probably a lot deadlier.
The Night City Municipal Sewage Plant in South Night City is known for its regular sewage backfills. It’s rumoured that not every backfill is caused by the plant simply being insufficient to cope with demands, but because various things keep ending up in the tanks that should never have been dumped there in the first place.
The residents of the Pacifica Arcology are rarely seen as the enormous building is self-contained, and they can get most of what they need within it. Some of the other residents of Pacifica are growing unhappy about this, claiming that the arcology is siphoning money from the city from people who shop in the building, because such money never goes back out into the local area.
There’s a rumour that the Biotechnica Mono-donal Research Station in Heywood is performing research into some extremely dubious cloning projects, including one where they are cloning wealthy, important or powerful people. There’s no evidence of this, though, but some do believe that such a project would be popular in some circles.
Westbrook is a heavily-protected fortress, including surface to air missile sites that prevent any traffic that lacks the proper access code from getting too close. It’s rumoured that money in the right place can get those missile sites to fire on airborne craft that do have the right codes, as a way of eliminating troublesome individuals in “accidents.”
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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Mausoleums are buildings found in graveyards that are used to house the dead above ground. In a fantasy setting, they may also have odd features, or be larger or deeper.
A small moat runs around the mausoleum, filled with stagnant-looking water covered here and there with a green scum. A small, permanent stone bridge leads over the moat to the mausoleum’s doors.
From the outside, the mausoleum looks to be a large one, but opening the doors will reveal it is surprisingly small inside. The doors, and the walls, are unusually thick, making the interior much smaller than would be expected.
Initially, nothing looks odd or unusual about this mausoleum, at least until the stone that was used to construct it are examined. The stone is not native to the region and can be identified as having come from many hundreds of miles away.
Matching bronze doors with engraved scenes of battle lead into this elegant stone mausoleum. On each side of the door is a bronze sconce that is kept magically alight.
Shadows look to be thicker around this mausoleum, and it seems enswathed in them even on the brightest of days. Inside, it’s even darker and light sources seem diminished.
The mausoleum glows at night and appears to be richly created and it dominates the area of the cemetery. Investigation will reveal that this is all an illusion intended to enhance a plain, rather small, building.
The mausoleum is hard to find, as it is within a copse of trees and is moreover completely covered in vines, making it almost impossible to notice from outside the copse. Investigating the trees and vines will show that they have been deliberately grown to hide the building from view.
The mausoleum is missing its roof and the stones of the walls bear the soot marks of fire damage. In places, the stones have melted, suggesting that the fire was not mundane in origin. The interior of the mausoleum is an empty, charred mess.
The most noteworthy part of this mausoleum is the door. It is a huge, circular slab of stone that rolls aside to gain access. The stone is carefully balanced that, when the locks keeping it in place are removed, it rolls easily with the slightest push.
This mausoleum is larger than it initially appears from outside. When entered, it can be seen that, along with the aboveground chamber, stairs lead down into a crypt that is about double the size.
Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Enthait is built on the ruins of a more ancient complex, and it’s rumoured that there are strange things buried beneath the city’s streets, things that the Aeon Priests who live within the settlement are tasked with ensuring remain buried where they currently are.
Few of Enthait’s poison eaters survive all ten offerings of poison provided by the Eye of Enthait; the Orness is the only one who ever has and is the current ruler of the city until someone else takes her place. Som whisper that the Orness ensures that no-one else ever survives all ten poisons, making sure her position is never threatened.
In Enthait, the poison eaters eat poison in order to connect to the all-knowing entity called the datasphere, which can reveal any and all dangers threatening the city. It’s rumoured that some of those who eat the poison become, in truth, nothing more than appendages of the datasphere, part of why it is so knowledgeable.
Some claim that some of the poisons produced by the Eye of Enthait are in truth not poisons, but other substances that merely happen to be toxic as a side-effect. However, this seems like a pointless distinction to most, though those suggesting it believe that the more toxic substances just need eating in lower quantities.
The city of Enthait, for some reason, is a magnet for danger. drawing everything from malign influences to sentient diseases to abhuman tribes. Some think that this is connected to the ancient ruins it is built on, and that these ruins either draw such influences to the city, or perhaps create them out of the whole cloth.
The deadly vallum of Enthait contains all manner of dangerous devices, some functional, some not, waiting to hurt anything that attacks. It’s rumoured that the Aeon Priests do not know just what every device was capable of, and that some buried there are far more dangerous than suspected.
The greyes are the ten highest-ranked members of the zaffre, the defence force of Enthait. Every greyes has some kind of unique talent, and when a poison eater makes a threat known, a team of greyes with the right skills is sent to deal with it. It’s very rare for the entire force of greyes to be sent to deal with a threat, but it’s rumoured that has become more common over the years.
The Orness is the putative ruler of Enthait, as she’s the only one who has managed to survive all ten poisonings. Some wonder if in truth she has survived all ten, or whether she, in some way, faked at least one of the poisonings in order to establish herself as the city’s ruler.
The poison that the poison eaters of Enthait consume comes from a device called the Eye of Enthait, and there are ten different poisons that the Eye provides. Or, at least, there are ten known poisons provided; some claim that, every now and then, others are produced.
The zaffre are Enthait’s defence force and guard the community from both external and internal threats. Given that they serve the wishes of the Orness, some claim that the zaffre also tackles threats to her leadership, even if such threats don’t risk the community as a whole.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has four rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Cataclyst is a recursion that is a nuclear wasteland following the attempts by fledgling AIs to consolidate their minds and protect themselves. It’s rumoured that there are some from outside the recursion, with Ruk and Earth being the most likely, who are seeking to find some of the AIs and take them back to their own realm.
Edgerina the Sunspot is a salvager in Newk on Cataclyst who has gained many powerful enemies over the years due to her eradicating those who might waken sleeping threats in the ruins. It’s said that those enemies are combining their resources to put a truly enormous price on the Sunspot’s head, one that would draw bounty hunters from far and wide, seeking to claim it.
Newk is a town in Cataclyst where survivors scavenge the ruin beyond known as Doomstreets. There are various dangers in Doomstreets, including killer robots, and it’s rumoured that some of these robots, should anyone be foolish enough to disturb them, will pursue whoever does so until they are dead or the robot is destroyed, no matter where the person might go.
Various groups are said to have set up outposts on Cataclyst to study the strange technology of the recursion in comparative safety. The presumed aim of such is probably to discover technology that can be viably used outside of the recursion.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Charter Hill district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Andrew Scythe, the head of security for the Hacienda, is said to be looking to hire some people on a temporary basis. There’s a rumour that he’s become concerned that some of his staff have been compromised in some way, and that he’s hiring outside contractors to investigate the matter.
Hydrosubsidium in Charter Hill is known to be conducting operations in the Del Coronado Trench to the east of Night City. There are rumours that the company has suffered incidents in these operations, with some claiming that these are the result of sabotage, others that they are due to the dangerous nature of whatever the company is up to.
It’s said that there was a strange break-in at the Darkwood Apartments in Charter Hill. Rumour has it that unknown individuals broke into the building, but didn’t break into any of the apartments, even though, given the nature of the tenants, there would be a decent amount of valuables to hand. It’s not known just where the intruders went when they got inside.
Shaito Imports in Charter Hill imports and sells many goods from the Far East, and it’s rumoured that not all of what they import is entirely legal. No-one seems to know what else they might be importing, or where they might be selling such, though.
Some of the businesses in the Wyman Building in Charter Hill are said to be merely front companies whose sole purpose is to launder cash for criminals. It’s also rumoured that the entire building is such a front, and this is why the owners are not exactly bothered about money laundering going on within it, because they get a piece of the action.
Synop-Tel in Charter Hill is a small company that researches telecommunications advances, and stays in business by licensing what it invents and develops to larger companies. It’s rumoured that one of their customers is trying to pressure the company into being bought up by threatening to take their custom elsewhere.
The Hacienda in Charter Hill is Night City’s famous hotel-casino, and the only one of its type in the city. It used to have a gang problem, but the professional security force set up has ended that. It’s rumoured that the Hacienda’s security is very pro-active too; think about going after the place and they will end you before you try.
The Night City Hilton in Charter Hill is rumoured to be the hideout of several well-known solos. There are also rumours that these solos pay the local management well to ensure that they are not bothered and for certain unfortunate side-effects of people coming after them to be discretely disposed of.
The Richard Night Memorial Aquarium in Charter Hill is funded by various corporations, in return for tax write-offs, and it’s rumoured that the companies have found other ways of making the place pay as well, through sea life that is kept there from which useful compounds can be extracted.
There’s a rumour that the Hacienda in Charter Hill has been hit recently by some people successfully managing to scam the games. It’s thought that, if this is true, that whoever is responsible must have broken through the Hacienda’s security to gain access to the casino’s systems.
D10: Night City Rumours – Charter Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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