Tag Archives: Item List

100 Things to Find in a Forensics Lab or on a CSI Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Forensics Lab or on a CSI100 Things to Find in a Forensics Lab or on a CSI is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of items that could be found by players looting or searching a forensics lab, or in the possession of a CSI at a crime scene.

100 Detailed Items to Find in an Occultist’s Chambers Now Available

100 Detailed Items to Find in an Occultist's Chambers100 Detailed Items to Find in an Occultist’s Chambers is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This list has 100 different items described in detail that could be found in an occultist’s chambers, especially a 19th century to modern one.

100 Things to Find at Christmas Now Available

100 Things to Find at Christmas100 Things to Find at Christmas is now available to buy on Drive ThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 items, with possible variations and of varying utility, that could be found at Christmas.

100 Things to Find by the Side of the Road Now Available

100 Things to Find by the Side of the Road100 Things to Find by the Side of the Road is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This modern supplement lists 100 different things that could be found by players by the side of the road, especially larger ones, some useful, some not.

100 More Things to Find in a Supermarket Now Available

100 More Things to Find in a Supermarket100 More Things to Find in a Supermarket is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern supplement listing 100 different things, with possible alternatives, that could be found whilst searching a convenience store, supermarket or similar shop.

100 Things to Find in a Supermarket Now Available

100 Things to Find in a SupermarketThe modern supplement 100 Things to Find in a Supermarket is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 base items, with many possible variants, that could be found by players in a supermarket, convenience store or other similar shop.

100 Things to Find at Halloween Now Available

100 Things to Find at Halloween100 Things to Find at Halloween is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 items that could be found in or decorating a house during Halloween.  Primarily a modern list, it can be altered to cover other time periods and settings.

100 Pieces of Equipment to Find in a Kitchen Now Available

100 Pieces of Equipment to Find in a Kitchen100 Pieces of Equipment to Find in a Kitchen is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 pieces of equipment – not food – that could be found by players in commercial and domestic kitchens.

100 Things to Find in a Pet Shop Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Pet Store100 Things to Find in a Pet Shop is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This modern list has 100 different things of varying use that could be found in a pet shop.

100 Things to Find in a Garage Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Garage100 Things to Find in a Garage is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This modern supplement lists 100 different things that could be found or looted from a garage or vehicle repair shop.