Tag Archives: Maps Stock Art

100 Odd Local Taboos, 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (5E), 100 Encounters for the Deserts of the Nile Empire and Map – Village 30 Now Available

100 Odd Local Taboos100 Odd Local Taboos, 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (5E), 100 Encounters for the Deserts of the Nile Empire and Map – Village 30 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Characters can encounter strange taboos in places they visit, and 100 Odd Local Taboos has 100 such to encounter. Breaking a taboo, knowingly or not, can result in potentially serious consequences.

Fey forests can be strange places and some of them are dark and unfriendly. 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (5E) has 100 encounters for such a forest that can be used to enliven a journey. This is the original supplement converted for use with Fifth Edition.

In the deserts of the Nile Empire Storm Knights can encounter things that may be dangerous, odd or possibly useful, and 100 Encounters for the Deserts of the Nile Empire has 100 such encounters to enliven a desert journey.

Map – Village 29 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Missions and Quests for Bards, 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (C&C), 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (SWADE) and Map – Village 29 Now Available

100 Missions and Quests for Bards100 Missions and Quests for Bards, 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (C&C), 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (SWADE) and Map – Village 29 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Bards can get quests based on their abilities, and 100 Missions and Quests for Bards has 100 such that they could get from employers, guilds or do of their own accord.

Dwarven halls can sometimes fall to their enemies, and 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (C&C) has 100 things to discover in such an overrun hold. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.

Seas and oceans can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (SWADE) has 100 encounters for characters to have on them

Map – Village 29 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III and Map – Village 28

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk TechieWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III and Map – Village 28 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a cyberpunk techie type. They range from junk through odd to having use.

Shipwrecks can have odd things to find and points of interest and 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E) has 100 such. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III has 100 such related to Seattle in the Shadowrun setting. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Map – Village 28 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in twelve versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Missions and Quests for Druids, 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate IV (Lost Lands), 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (SWADE) and Map – Village 27 Now Available

100 Missions and Quests for Druids100 Missions and Quests for Druids, 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate IV (Lost Lands), 100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (SWADE) and Map – Village 27 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Druids can get quests based on their abilities, and 100 Missions and Quests for Druids has 100 such that they could get from employers, circles or do of their own accord.

Not every book is definitely useful or valuable and 100 Books to Find in or about Bard’s Gate IV has 100 such to flesh out a bookshelf in the Lost Lands setting about Bard’s Gate.

100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (SWADE) is a collection of coastal encounters to enliven a journey, and is a conversion of the original system neutral supplement to Savage Worlds.

Map – Village 27 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in eight versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Missions and Quests for Mages, 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands), 100 Elves for Aysle and Map – Village 26 Now Available

100 Missions and Quests for Mages100 Missions and Quests for Mages, 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands), 100 Elves for Aysle and Map – Village 26 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Mages can get quests based on their abilities, and 100 Missions and Quests for Mages has 100 such that they could get from employers, guilds or do of their own accord.

Not every book is definitely useful or valuable and 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands) has 100 such to flesh out a bookshelf in the Lost Lands setting about the Grand Duchy of Reme.

Characters may encounter elves and 100 Elves for Aysle has 100 such for them to meet in Torg Eternity. Each elf is named and given a brief description.

Map – Village 26 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in two versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Descriptions for Fantasy Currency, 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (C&C), D66 Elves for the Forbidden Lands and Map – Village 25 Now Available

100 Descriptions for Fantasy Currency100 Descriptions for Fantasy Currency, 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (C&C), D66 Elves for the Forbidden Lands and Map – Village 25 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Fantasy settings have currencies and 100 Descriptions for Fantasy Currency has 100 descriptions for such. Some are valuable whilst others are odd and perhaps not valuable except where they are from.

Sometimes magic can have an unexpected effect and 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon (C&C) has residual effects that could be found in a dungeon or other area. They can be minor or puzzling and may cause problems. This is the original supplement converted to Castles & Crusades.

Elves are longed-lived beings and protectors of nature in the Forbidden Lands. D66 Elves for the Forbidden Lands has 36 names and briefly described elves to encounter.

Map – Village 25 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Missions and Quests for Fighters, 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100), 100 Ogres for Symbaroum and Map – Village 24 Now Available

100 Missions and Quests for Fighters100 Missions and Quests for Fighters, 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100), 100 Ogres for Symbaroum and Map – Village 24 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Fighters can get quests based on their abilities, and 100 Missions and Quests for Fighters has 100 such that they could get from employers, guilds or do of their own accord.

When in the air in a fantasy setting, characters may still come across things, and 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Lore 100) has 100 such things. They range from the odd to the dangerous. This is a conversion of the original supplement.

Ogres are strange beings who wander out from the Forest of Davokar fully grown in Symbaoroum. 100 Ogres for Symbaroum has 100 named and briefly described ogres to encounter.

Map – Village 24 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Minor Treasures, 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (C&C), D66 Wolfkin for the Forbidden Lands and Map – Village 23 Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Minor TreasuresWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Minor Treasures, 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (C&C), D66 Wolfkin for the Forbidden Lands and Map – Village 23 are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dead enemies have pockets and other things that can be searched. What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Minor Treasures has 100 small items of value to find in such places.

Dead things are often buried or interred, and 100 Sarcophagi and Coffins for a Dungeon (C&C) has 100 things for them to be found in. Some are odd and some are dangerous. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.

Wolfkin are a cross between wolves and humans in the Forbidden Lands. D66 Wolfkin for the Forbidden Lands has 36 names and briefly described ogres to encounter.

Map – Village 23 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Space Bar Features, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Festival (Lost Lands), 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (SWADE), Map – Village 22 Now Available

100 Space Bar Features100 Space Bar Features, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Festival (Lost Lands), 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (SWADE), Map – Village 22 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Even in a futuristic setting characters can spend time in bars, and 100 Space Bar Features has 100 ways of making such bars more individualistic.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Festival (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to BookTown in Castorhage. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

The borderlands are those areas that are not quite tame, not quite wild. 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (SWADE) has 100 encounters to enliven journeys through such regions.

Map – Village 22 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Coder, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands), 100 Sights to See at the Port (Zweihander) and Map – Village 21 Now Available

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk CoderWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Coder, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands), 100 Sights to See at the Port (Zweihander) and Map – Village 21 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Coder has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a cyberpunk coder type. They range from junk through odd to having use.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to the Grand Duchy of Reme in the Lost Lands. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Characters can have encounters at ports and 100 Sights to See at the Port (Zweihander) has 100 such for them to see in the port or perhaps the associated settlement. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

Map – Village 21 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in four versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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