Tag Archives: Neal Litherland

100 Whispers & Rumors For Moüd, City of Bones, 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme II and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (SWADE) Now Available

100 Whispers & Rumors For Moüd, City of Bones!100 Whispers & Rumors For Moüd, City of Bones, 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme II and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (SWADE) are now available on DriveThruRPG.

Moüd is an old, and once lost, city in the Sundara setting, and has complications that date back centuries. 100 Whispers & Rumors For Moüd, City of Bones has rumours for the city’s different districts.

Not every book is definitely useful or valuable and 100 Books to Find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands) has 100 such to flesh out a bookshelf in the Lost Lands setting about the Grand Duchy of Reme.

Mountains can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains (SWADE) has 100 encounters that can be used to add flavour to a journey.

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A Dekas of Dwarven Clans, 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands III Now Available

A Dekas of Dwarven ClansA Dekas of Dwarven Clans and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (5E) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands III is available on Pathfinder Infinite.

Dwarves can come in more flavours than that of the typical fantasy dwarf and A Dekas of Dwarven Clans describes ten different dwarven clans in detail.

Seas and oceans can be dangerous places and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Oceans (5E) has 100 encounters for characters to have on them. This is a conversion of the original supplement. You do not need all versions.

Characters may come across rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands III has 100 such for them to hear. They can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation or background colour.

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100 Things a Wandering Monster is Doing, 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (3Deep) and 100 Books To Find In The Miskatonic Library (That AREN’T In The Restricted Section) Now Available

100 Things a Wandering Monster is Doing100 Things a Wandering Monster is Doing, 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (3Deep) and 100 Books To Find In The Miskatonic Library (That AREN’T In The Restricted Section) are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Wandering monsters can be found in dungeons and other places, but they may be doing something when they wander and 100 Things a Wandering Monster is Doing has various activities, from taking a nap to patrolling.

Fey forests can be strange places and some of them are dark and unfriendly. 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (3Deep) has 100 encounters for such a forest that can be used to enliven a journey. This is the original supplement converted for use with 3Deep.

The Cthulhu Mythos has many notorious tomes and books that contain the sanity-blasting secrets of the Mythos. But there are many books that are useful without being so dangerous, and 100 Books To Find In The Miskatonic Library (That AREN’T In The Restricted Section)  has these to stock the shelves.

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100 Ads And Announcements For A Village Noticeboard, 100 Magical Experiments to Find (PFRPG) and 100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth II Now Available

100 Ads And Announcements For A Village Noticeboard100 Ads And Announcements For A Village Noticeboard, 100 Magical Experiments to Find (PFRPG) and 100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Villages have noticeboards and these noticeboards have lists of current events, jobs that need doing and warnings. 100 Ads And Announcements For A Village Noticeboard has 100 such things, which could be used for background colour or adventure hooks.

Mages and wizards can perform magical experiments and 100 Magical Experiments to Find has 100 such for labs and towers. They range from the odd to the dangerous. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder.

100 Knick-knacks for Terrinoth II has 100 minor items that could be found in treasure hoards, in an NPCs possession or given to characters.

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100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel!, 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (5E) and D66 Frailers for the Forbidden Lands Now Available

100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel!100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel!, 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (5E) and D66 Frailers for the Forbidden Lands are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Ironfire in the Sundara setting is a young city but that doesn’t mean it is quiet. 100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel! has rumours for the city’s different districts.

Dwarven halls can sometimes fall to their enemies, and 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (5E) has 100 things to discover in such an overrun hold. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.

Frailers are the half-elven descendants of elven hostages left in Alderland in the Forbidden Lands. D66 Frailers for the Forbidden Lands has 36 names and briefly described Frailers to encounter.

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100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel, 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible Now Available

100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel, 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Rumours can be heard in or about brothels just as with other places, and 100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel has 100 such to hear about the trade. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

Strange air and odd feelings can be found in a dungeon and 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E) has some to encounter. They can range from odd to harmful to helpful.

Characters can gain information from a variety of sources and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible has 100 things for them to hear. These can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

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100 Cyberpunk Data Files to Find for Sale, A Night At Breckon’s Beacon (Army Men), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands II and Filler Art – Chest of Bones Now Available

100 Cyberpunk Data Files to Find for Sale100 Cyberpunk Data Files to Find for Sale, A Night At Breckon’s Beacon (Army Men) and Filler Art – Chest of Bones are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands II is available from Pathfinder Infinite.

In a cyberpunk setting, characters can find data for sale, and 100 Cyberpunk Data Files to Find for Sale has 100 such to find of varying value and utility.

A Night At Breckon’s Beacon (Army Men) is a Rank 1 mission for Army Men and has the characters following up on a missing patrol.

Characters may come across rumours when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands II has 100 such for them to hear. They can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation or background colour.

Filler Art – Chest of Bones is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. It comes in four versions; one with extra shadows, one without, each with one on a white background and on a transparent one. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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100 Helpful Hirelings, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) Now Available

100 Helpful Hirelings100 Helpful Hirelings, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Characters will often need the assistance of others to help them, and 100 Helpful Hirelings has 100 such to hire. They provide skills and experience that the characters may lack.

Shipwrecks can have odd things to find and points of interest and 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) has 100 such. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder.

Moorlands and heaths are similar regions and often the result of long habitation. 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) has 100 encounters for such regions and can be used as ways of enhancing journeys or as potential adventure hooks.

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100 Town Guards, 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (5E) and 100 Books to Find in or About Hollowfaust II Now Available

100 Town Guards100 Town Guards, 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (5E) and 100 Books to Find in or About Hollowfaust II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Towns have guards intended to help keep the peace, though they may vary in competence and honesty. 100 Town Guards has 100 such that characters could encounter in urban locations.

Ruins can be encountered and just because they are ruined doesn’t mean they are empty. 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (5E) has 100 things to encounter in a ruin, from signs of other creatures to magical effects. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.

Not every book found is useful or valuable, and 100 Books to Find in or About Hollowfaust II has 100 minor books to find on a Scarred Lands bookshelf, all about Hollowfaust.

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Ungentlemanly Warfare: A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men), 100 Things to Find in Caves (5E) and 100 Belare for Esper Genesis Now Available

A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men)Ungentlemanly Warfare: A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men), 100 Things to Find in Caves (5E) and 100 Belare for Esper Genesis are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Booby traps are a common part of role playing games and warfare, and Ungentlemanly Warfare: A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men) has 13 such for Army Men.

Caves can have interesting features, and 100 Things to Find in Caves (5E) has 100 such, ranging from intelligent to animal to natural. They can be used as background colour or items of interest. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition. You do not need all versions.

100 Belare for Esper Genesis has 100 belare for characters to encounter. Each is named and briefly has its main interest described. They can be used as friends, foes or simply passers-by.

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