Tag Archives: Shadowrun

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III and Map – Village 28

What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk TechieWhat Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III and Map – Village 28 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Defeated enemies have pockets, and What Has He Got in His Pockets? 100 Items for a Cyberpunk Techie has 100 items that could be found in the pockets, or other location, of a cyberpunk techie type. They range from junk through odd to having use.

Shipwrecks can have odd things to find and points of interest and 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (5E) has 100 such. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City III has 100 such related to Seattle in the Shadowrun setting. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Map – Village 28 is a hand-drawn black and white village map with a 300dpi resolution in twelve versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.

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100 Sci-Fi Cargoes, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: The Capitol (Lost Lands) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City II Now Available

100 Sci-Fi Cargoes100 Sci-Fi Cargoes, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: The Capitol (Lost Lands) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Cargoes need shipping in a science fiction setting and 100 Sci-Fi Cargoes has 100 such that could be found, whether the characters are paid to ship them or they are plundered from somewhere.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: The Capitol (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to the Capitol in Castorhage. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City II has 100 such related to Seattle in the Shadowrun setting. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

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100 Rugs and Carpets to Find in a Dungeon, Blight Bane’s Gambit, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City and Filler Art – Book Chest Now Available

100 Rugs and Carpets to Find in a Dungeon100 Rugs and Carpets to Find in a Dungeon, Blight Bane’s Gambit, 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City and Filler Art – Book Chest are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Floors are not always bare and 100 Rugs and Carpets to Find in a Dungeon has 100 things to cover them. They can be used as simple decoration or something more.

Blight Bane’s Gambit is a novella based in the Sundara setting. It follows the protagonists, a group of orcs, as they look for a magic sword.

When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Emerald City has 100 such related to Seattle in the Shadowrun setting. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

Filler Art – Book Chest is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. There are two variations of the chest and each comes in a version on a white background and on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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