Tag Archives: The Strange

D10: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: Glass Desert

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Ardeyn’s Glass Desert is one of the most treacherous parts of the recursion because of the ground glass particles that comprise the sand. It’s rumoured that those who are killed by the abrasive nature of the sand may rise as undead beings composed of particles of swirling glass and in a vaguely humanoid form.
  2. Calometh is an Umber Judge who seeks the Silver Sword believing that it will enable him to free demons from evil taint. He’s regarded as a dangerous lunatic by the Court of Sleep, and was cast out to wander alone, though it’s rumoured that Calometh has recently started recruiting a handful of humans to his cause.
  3. Galeta Swan is the current leader of the Reclaimers of the Glass Desert, who was captured and put into slavery by glass pirates when she was young. Though Galeta has vowed to bring the Green Wilds to the desert as a way of seeking revenge on the pirates, it’s rumoured that sometimes she uses more direct means against them, and regularly hires others to seek out and destroy pirate ships.
  4. It’s rumoured that someone has been taking advantage of the fact that the glass pirates are not unified in order to turn at least some of them against the others. It’s being said that a clan is being paid a bounty for any other pirates they hunt down, and that some from outside the Glass Sea have started to consider signing up to do the same.
  5. Siraja, the captain of the Revenge, has a fearsome reputation such that some of the other glass pirates fear her. It’s rumoured that her reputation has grown to such an extent that a bounty has been offered on her head, body optional, in order to end her depredations.
  6. Taimin of the Nightstar is one of the most well-known of the pirates of the Glass Sea, and it’s known that he has a habit of decreeing death matches between members of his crew who are feuding with each other. It’s rumoured that he’s not averse to ordering a death match to eliminate those he fears might try and usurp him at some point.
  7. The glass pirates of the Glass Desert are anything but a coherent force and the clans will often fight when they come across each other. This makes the rumour that someone is trying to unite the pirate clans worrying, as the potential infighting is one thing that somewhat diminishes the risk the pirates pose.
  8. The Reclaimers want to return the Glass Desert to the garden it once was, and are seeking out any way of doing so. There are occasional rumours that for some Reclaimers this means any way at all, and that they have performed frightful acts in their attempts to recreate the lost garden.
  9. The Silver Sword is a blade of glass visible only every nine years in the Glass Desert and can briefly be used to shrink the borders of the desert. Knowledge of its existence has leaked out and many adventurers are now seeking it, as well as the Reclaimers. It’s rumoured that the Reclaimers have taken measures to deal with others seeking the sword.
  10. There is said to be one dragon living in the Glass Desert, and scholars believe it is an embodiment of elemental disaster. It’s rumoured that some sorcerers have been seeking out information on the Glass Desert dragon, but only in the hopes of being able to make a lesser beast of disaster.

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D6: The Strange Rumours – Implausible Geographic Society

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Amongst the Collections of the Implausible Geographic Society are items brought back from many different recursions. It’s said that some of these are very dangerous, but that the IGS keeps the most dangerous hidden well away. Which hasn’t stopped some from attempting to acquire them.
  2. Dame Amanda Wallace currently occupies the office of the president of the IGS but has not taken the role and the society hasn’t had a president in thirty years. There are rumours, though, that Dame Amanda, for some reason, is now considering taking up the role she is essentially fulfilling.
  3. Sir Raymond Creswicke is one of the few members of the IGS who is permanently at the Lodge. He’s always eager to give advice to new members, and it’s said that Sir Raymond has a list of recursions and things to look for in them, should they be found, that he will be happy to share with anyone willing to go searching for them.
  4. The IGS has apparently been performing research into those recursions that were explored by the Society in its early days, based on fiction that has diminished in popularity, which are now difficult to find or much smaller than they were. It’s said the Society has been considering trying to boost the popularity of the old books, perhaps by funding film and television adaptations.
  5. The Implausible Geographic Society separated from the Royal Geographical Society in 1913, though it’s rumoured this was not a complete and final separation. It’s said that some within the RGS still know what the IGS is up to, and are a means by which the two organisations communicate with each other.
  6. When knowledge of the IGS escapes beyond its group, agents are dispatched to erase it by any means necessary. Though this may just be through the use of a memory eraser, it’s rumoured that those who have proven resistant to such measures have themselves been erased.

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D8: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Miscellaneous

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Cataclyst roaches are human-sized roaches with human faces found in the recursion. They are intelligent and can speak, and it’s also rumoured that they are organised as well, albeit not that strongly. It’s said, though, that some of the Cataclyst roaches are attempting to step up their organisation to make the creatures into a truly dangerous force.
  2. Green ones are a warrior race from the recursion of Old Mars, and are known for their skill in battle, as well as their honourable, albeit warlike, nature. It’s rumoured that mercenary groups of green ones have been turning up in a number of recursions, hired by locals to attack their enemies; the fact that they are appearing in different recursions leads some to suspect that there is a single force behind this.
  3. Kro coursers are created by the magicians of Crow Hollow from the corpses of recently deceased kros. They are magically animated and preserved flesh, and without the magical maintenance of a magician, they slowly decay. It’s rumoured that some parties are attempting to create kro coursers that will survive without this maintenance.
  4. Professor Moriarty is a criminal mastermind from the Sherlock Holmes stories and the recursion 221B Baker Street. After discovering the Strange, the professor has broadened his operations into that, and it’s rumoured he’s even managed to get low-ranking agents inside some of the organisations, such as the Estate and the OSR on Earth and the Kaum on Ruk.
  5. Shoggoths are ancient, bioengineered creatures that can be found in many different places, and are feared by anyone who has ever heard of them. It’s rumoured that their ancient creators had some means of controlling shoggoths, and there are frequent attempts to discover just what this might have been, so that shoggoths can be controlled and used as weapons.
  6. The jabberwock has three different heads that quarrel amongst themselves unless and until they come across prey. It’s rumoured that the creature was three different people who hated each other and were cursed to take their current form, so that they could never be apart from those they hated.
  7. Vaxt is a planetovore whose ancestral weed survived a planetovore attack and later became one itself. Vaxt spreads to other worlds like a weed and devours civilisations. There are rumours that there are Vaxt types that have developed the ability to pass as other species, disguising themselves amongst the masses.
  8. Winged monkeys were enslaved by a Wicked Witch. Prior to that, they were not particularly vicious, and some constantly seek to free the winged monkeys again. This usually ends up failing, though, as the winged monkeys have been changed by their time in servitude and, probably, by magic.

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D6: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: The Strange

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Chaosphere hierarchs are quickened natives of recursions from the Shoals of Earth who have gained power over the Strange itself. Most are arrogant and dismissive of the needs of others, which does seem to include other Chaosphere hierarchs. However, there are rumours of a group of the beings that work together, albeit somewhat erratically, for a common cause.
  2. Cinticus Z is an artificial intelligence that can often be found in the Strange and seeks out first-time recursors, asking them to do something for it. Though it isn’t normally a hostile entity, there’s a persistent rumour that the intelligence seeks to become a planetovore, and the tasks it asks others to do for it are with this goal in mind.
  3. Cypher eaters graze on things that crystalise from the Strange, preferring violet spiral, reality seeds and cyphers, all things that are of value to others as well. Though some use cypher eaters to locate such, others consider them pests to be wiped out, but attempts to do the latter rarely seem to work.
  4. Dark energy pharaohs are essentially refugees from a collapsed recursion based on the Egyptian afterlife. After war broke out amongst the pharaohs, this collapsed the recursion and the survivors fled. Most dark energy pharaohs exist in strongholds in the Strange or in their own recursions, and have little to do with each other, but it’s rumoured that a few have banded together after a fashion to achieve mutual goals.
  5. Inklings are the ghosts of the Strange, and sometimes they can creep into recursions as well. No-one is entirely sure what inklings are, and one theory is that they are real ghosts, or at least the remains of dead people. Some claim that when an inkling kills someone with the spark, the deceased will turn into a brand-new inkling.
  6. It’s possible to train thoniks to follow simple instructions, rather like it can be done with various animals, such as dogs. It’s said that there are some trainers who visit the Strange to capture thoniks in order to train and sell them. Some of these trainers are said to train the thoniks to follow commands only known by the trainer as well, just in case.

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D8: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Ruk

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight  rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Gnathostomes of Ruk are related to the autonomous ecology samplers used by some factions, though they prey on other creatures. Tame samplers have been programmed to seek out gnathostomes and conduct bioassays on them, to discover how the creatures came to be. It’s rumoured that some tame samplers have since been seen again, but changed into gnathostomes.
  2. Marroids mutated from a genetically engineered tool and now look for fresh marrow from living creatures to sample. It’s rumoured that marroids are still mutating, and that there are ever more dangerous types appearing, and ones that hunger for things other than marrow; some, apparently, seek technological items.
  3. Myriand patrol Harmonius, ensuring that citizens and guests remain safe and that rules are followed. It’s rumoured, though, that not every myriand is a true myriand; some claim that one of the factions has discovered how to make beings that appear to be myriands, but which are loyal to the faction.
  4. Ruk’s spore worms are dangerous, intelligent but generally incomprehensible predators that disable prey with spore clouds. Some factions have been trying to gain the secrets of artificially making the spores, given that the worms themselves have so far proven impossible to train.
  5. The Ankaseri faction of Ruk, before they were eliminated, sold an artificial heart graft, called angiophages, that was weaponised and which, when activated, dug its way out of the graft recipient’s chest and killed a target by digging their heart out. There’s a rumour that someone has been doing research on the angiophage, wanting to start manufacturing them again.
  6. The Qinod Singularity expels constructs that are usually dangerous and need dealing with. It’s rumoured that recently some new constructs of types never seen before have been expelled by the Singularity, though no-one seems to have proof of this.
  7. Utricles are predators created by Ruk factions who are not bothered about just who the creatures eat. Existing utricles don’t distinguish master from prey, which does reduce how useful they are, given that they are just as willing to eat their creators as an intruder, but it’s rumoured that at least one faction has managed to alter the design to make utricles more controllable.
  8. Variokaryon are those who have had some many grafts that they’ve become addicted to them. They seek to incorporate as many new grafts as they can get away with, and there are rumours that there are variokaryon that prey on others of their kind, becoming true abominations of grafts.

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D10: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Ardeyn

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. According to legend, the first dragons were made by Lotan, a legend that vastly annoys any dragon who’s asked if it’s true, and an annoyed dragon is a fearful sight. However, it’s rumoured that part of dragons’ annoyance at the question is because it is true, and that because they were created by Lotan, Lotan still has the ability to control them.
  2. Demons of Lotan are spirits of the dead transformed by Lotan into demons. They have no flesh and can possess others, and recently it’s said there’s been an upsurge in such possessions, suggesting that more demons of Lotan are active. Worse, most demons of Lotan strive only to cause as much harm as possible, but recently they seem to be acting with some kind of goal in mind other than random destruction.
  3. Dlamma egg fragments are said to insulate against the effects of magic, which makes them greatly sought after by adventurers, as well as others. It’s rumoured that some dlammas have grown tired of people hunting for egg fragments, though, and have started taking measures against such expeditions.
  4. Giants are a dangerous problem for Ardeyn, for gigantism is a curse whose sufferers are perfectly human most of the time, and often unknowing of their behaviour as giants. It’s rumoured that a group of people has started hunting down anyone known to have had a giant anywhere in their ancestry, or even suspected to have one, and killing them, in an attempt to wipe the curse out.
  5. Hydras incorporate useful heads from their victims into their body, where they eventually become as happy as the other heads. It’s rumoured that there is a hydra with a vast number of heads that it has acquired over many years, gaining a great deal of arcane knowledge as a result, making it both incredibly knowledgeable and incredibly dangerous.
  6. Kray were shown how to get past the Seven Rules of Ardeyn by the Betrayer, and today the creatures plague the recursion. It’s rumoured that the number of kray being encountered in Ardeyn has been steadily increasing over the years, and there’s a fear that they are still coming in from the Strange.
  7. Monitors are remnant Qephilim of Silence that went into hiding when the Incarnation of Silence disappeared. According to most, they haven’t been seen in centuries. However, there are rumours that some have seen a number of monitors congregating in out of the way places, and wonder if they have gained new knowledge about their Incarnation.
  8. The Betrayer, the former Incarnation of War of Ardeyn, makes several hundred homunculi, broadly in his own semblance. Most noteworthy are the translucent ones, which are the greatest of their kind. It’s rumoured that there is one of their precursor homunculi, one that looks identical to the Betrayer, hiding out somewhere in Ardeyn.
  9. The Incarnations summoned the golems of Ardeyn to mobility during the Age of Myth, and many still remain, now devoid of purpose or master. Sometimes they wake if disturbed, and occasionally magic can press them into service. It’s rumoured, though, that every now and then a golem awakens and sets off for an unknown destination, and some say they are all travelling to the same place, with a definite, albeit unknown, purpose.
  10. Umber judges are seen outside the Night Vault looking for escaped spirits, rogue necromancers and banned copies of the Gospels of Lotan. However, it’s ru8moured that recently one has been encountered that doesn’t appear to be seeking out any of these things, but looking for something else entirely.

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D4: The Strange Rumours – Recursions: Gloaming

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has four rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Eletta Salt is the vampire who is the current leader of the Code, those who pledge themselves to Law, not Chaos. It’s rumoured that a number of attempts have been made recently to get rid of Salt, but the vampire has so far proven far too wily to be taken down by any assassin.
  2. Gloaming seems very similar to modern Earth, except that the population doesn’t like being out at night, even though most don’t know why. It’s said that those inhabitants who delve too deeply into the why of it sometimes disappear during the day as well.
  3. The Conclave of Chaos in Gloaming consists of those beings who devote themselves to Chaos. It’s rumoured that some of the Conclave go a little too far, even by its standards, in the pursuit of chaos, going to extremes in their behaviour that endanger the others.
  4. Those in the know about Gloaming know that there are two factions that govern the place, one being the Code. The Code is a set of rigid rules that those abiding by it follow, though it’s rumoured that they are too rigid, and that strict adherence can cause more problems than it solves.

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D10: The Strange Rumours – Recursions: Ohunkakan

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Coyote is one of the elder spirits of Ohunkakan and where he walks the world is always touched with absurd humour and comedic consequences are common. It’s said that if Coyote is annoyed with someone, then the humour gains a harsher tinge to it in order to punish the recipient.
  2. Elements from the past, often mythic in nature, can be seen in Ohunkakan, mixed up with more modern things. It’s said that if you study the recursion for long enough, you can gain insight into what happened in the past by observing the elements of it that still remain in the recursion.
  3. Grandfather of Bears can force travellers to hold up mountains by the strength they gain due to his reality-warping nature. It’s said that if you can please Grandfather, he will grant you a boon, part of himself that will allow the wearer to have unusual strength as long as they are in Ohunkakan.
  4. Storytellers of Ohunkakan can alter the world around them, and their ability is highly esteemed. It’s rumoured, though, that a small number of storytellers use their abilities for their own personal advantage, altering the world to benefit them and them alone.
  5. Tales told in the recursion of Ohunkakan just might come true, and some recursors have been reputedly trying to take advantage of this, by repeatedly telling stories they want to come true. It’s not known if any have been successful, but it’s said that if they persist it could cause trouble one way or another.
  6. The elder spirits of Ohunkakan carry their own pocket realities around with them, where reality itself is warped by the logic of their own story. It’s rumoured that sometimes one of these elder spirits is even able to warp reality outside of the recursion, though as they never leave it’s unclear how this would be known.
  7. The Horned Serpent of Ohunkakan has been slain many times, but each time returns again, though often in a different shape. It’s rumoured that there is a way of permanently killing the Horned Serpent, but that this way is kept secret, because of the creature ever dies then Ohunkakan will die with it.
  8. The Thunderer of Ohunkakan is a being that inspires bravery and punishes cowardice and, as well as causing destruction, also causes new life to spring up in his wake. It’s rumoured, though, that sometimes the Thunderer only causes destruction, eradicating all life as he passes.
  9. The war between the Thunderer and the Horned Serpent in Ohunkakan constantly damages the threads of the stories and skilled storytellers must constantly weave them back together, else risk opening Ohunkakan to the Strange. It’s rumoured that this task is getting increasingly harder, and the likelihood of the recursion being opened rises with every generation that passes.
  10. There are dangerous spirits in Ohunkakan that prey on people, and as long as stories are told about these spirits, they will remain a danger. It’s said to be impossible to end the stories, for the spirits themselves seek out people to tell them, whispering their own tales in the sleeping recipient’s ear so that they will speak it when they wake.

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D8: The Strange Rumours – Recursions: Graveyard of the Machine God

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. At the centre of the Graveyard of the Machine God is a destroyed structure that resembles a massive cybernetic humanoid. It’s said that the silicon deity is obviously dead, but some recursors have claimed to have seen activity within it unconnected to any of the still-functioning subsidiary systems, and have posited that perhaps the being is slowly repairing itself.
  2. Chunks of debris tumble through the Graveyard of the Machine God, surrounding the dead silicon deity that forms the recursion’s centre. It’s said that some of the debris doesn’t move in a random way, but in one that suggests a degree of sentient control, though whether it’s the debris itself that’s sentient, or whether an external force is directing it, is open to question.
  3. It’s said that the silicone deity that lies at the heart of the Graveyard of the Machine God knew much about recursions other than its own, and it would be a treasure trove of knowledge should anyone gain access to it. There are rumours that some of the sacrosancts are attempting to access this knowledge for their own purposes.
  4. Razor-droids are less intelligent mechanical droids found in the Graveyard of the Machine God. Though they primarily attack the sacrosancts in an attempt to stop them from raiding the god’s corpse for parts, it’s rumoured that they will attack anything else who might either attempt to scavenge from the place, or who might provide useful raw material for the sacrosancts.
  5. Sacrosancts are autonomous mechanical droids that live in the corpse of the silicon deity in the Graveyard of the Machine God, scavenging parts from the silicon corpse in order to survive. It’s rumoured that some sacrosancts are perfectly willing to slice up anything else they encounter into usable parts, and that this is where the flesh they partly consist of comes from.
  6. The Graveyard of the Machine God is infested with a nanovirus that infests those who travel to it. Translating to another recursion is one way to kill off the nanovirus, but it’s rumoured that the nanovirus is continually adapting, and is possibly sentient, with the end goal of adapting enough to survive outside of its home recursion.
  7. The razor-droids have been trying and failing to destroy the group of sacrosancts known as the Washed, and it’s rumoured that each failure is making the Washed stronger. It’s said that some razor-droids have been turned to the washed without the usual conversion process, then sent back out amongst their own kind to work against the razor-droids from within.
  8. The Washed are a group of semi-mechanical sacrosancts that live within the Machine God, which seek to convert others to be like them. It’s rumoured that the strange cult also seeks to spread its message beyond the recursion itself, converting all other beings to their kind.

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D6: The Strange Rumours – Recursions: Crow Hollow

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Crow coin is the currency of Crow Hollow and in large quantities it has certain powers. It’s rumoured that somewhere within Crow Hollow lies an enormous treasure trove of crow coin, in theory just waiting for someone to come and take it but in practice guarded by powerful beings and deadly traps.
  2. Crow Hollow’s Beak Mafia is divided into various families, all of them independent from the others. There are rumours that some of the families are attempting to combine their forces into a larger entity, as such an alliance would quickly enable them to gain power over all the other families and gain dominance in the Glittering Market.
  3. Shops come and go in the Glittering Market in Crow Hollow, but it’s rumoured that one shop comes and goes rather more discretely than others, and also returns at random intervals. It’s said that this shop should be avoided, no matter how tempting the wares look, for once the right person has come inside, the shop will disappear. When it returns, those who were inside it when it vanished have disappeared.
  4. The Beak Mafia of Crow Hollow offers protection to the shops of the Glittering Market in return for a monthly fee. Though not every shop pays this fee, there are rumours about the sort of things that happen to shops and their proprietors who seek to avoid the expense.
  5. The Glittering Market in Crow Hollow is, amongst other things, the premier location for the buying and selling of cyphers. It’s rumoured that some powerful items have changed hands here, but also that the most powerful items have a habit of ending up in the pockets of the Beak Mafia. One way or another.
  6. Wyclef Drood is the current head of the largest Beak Mafia family in Crow Hollow, but there are rumours that his power is starting to slip away. It’s said that others in the family don’t respect Don Wyclef like they once did, and that his days are now numbered, with his replacement almost certain in the not-too-distant future.

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