Tag Archives: Things

100 More Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find Now Available

100 More Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find100 More Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find is now available to but on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of different herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, a practice that has been around for over 2,000 years, and which are therefore suitable for almost any setting.

100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of items that could be found by players in a safe deposit box. Many have intrinsic value and others could be evidence of criminal activity.

100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find Now Available

100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of the herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been used for over 2,000 years. These are suitable for a wide range of time periods and settings.

100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector Now Available

100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of items that could be found by players using a metal detector. These could be specific items, or simply junk found whilst looking for something else.

100 Things to Find in a Skip Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Skip100 Things to Find in a Skip is now available to buy from DriveThrRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 things that could be found by players rummaging through a skip, whether to look for supplies or simply as decoration for a scene.

100 Electronics Supply Items to Find Now Available

100 Electronics Supply Items to Find100 Electronics Supply Items to Find is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of electronic components, and some related tools, that could be found by players looting or simply exploring a suitable shop, hobbyist’s workshop or laboratory.

100 Nutritional Supplements to Find Now Available

100 Nutritional Supplements to Find100 Nutritional Supplements to Find is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of nutritional and herbal supplements that could be found in suitable places such as health food stores and even in many homes.

100 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf Now Available

100 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf100 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 genuine alchemical texts that could be found by players on a bookshelf, covering both spiritual and physical alchemy, listed by year of publication.

Another 100 Things to Find in a Do-It-Yourself Shop Now Available

Another 100 Things to Find in a Do-It-Yourself ShopAnother 100 Things to Find in a Do-It-Yourself Shop is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 items, with some possible variations, that could be found by players in DIY shops, builder’s merchants and other appropriate places.

100 Early Books on Egyptology to Find on a Bookshelf Now Available

100 Early Books on Egyptology to Find on a Bookshelf100 Early Books on Egyptology to Find on a Bookshelf is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 genuine books on Egyptology, primarily published in the 19th and 20th centuries but all prior to 1940, that could be found by players on a bookshelf.