Tag Archives: Yin Yang Panda

Yin Yang Panda: Six New Tattoos

Yin Yang PandaThe Tattooed Monks splatbook for Yin Yang Panda introduces mystical tattoos and comes with six tattoos that can grant the owner additional abilities. Here are six new tattoos that can be used to add more abilities.

  • Ability – this tattoo allows the owner to enhance one physical ability. When this tattoo is activated with a standard test, the owner may re-roll a failed test once per day that could be considered to have used the physical ability in question. Every time the character gets an ability tattoo, they need to choose what ability it effects (strength, speed, agility etc.).
  • Ancestor – this tattoo allows the owner to speak with one of their ancestors. The character may make a standard test once per day to ask the ancestor a question on a subject that the ancestor has knowledge on. Each time the character gets an ancestor tattoo, they need to come up with some details on the ancestor they can speak to with it.
  • Charming – this tattoo allows the owner to more easily convince others to believe them and do what the owner wants them to do. When used, make a standard test to see if the NPC being spoken to reacts more favourably to the tattoo’s owner as a result.
  • Dreamwalking – this tattoo allows the owner to enter into the dreams of other beings. The being must be asleep at the time and known to the owner, even if they are not friendly. A standard test is needed to enter another creature’s dreams, and once there they can gain a single piece of information about that creature that they didn’t already know.
  • Insight – this tattoo enables the owner to gain insight about something. By making a standard test, they can get a flash of insight on something that will grant them an extra die to use on any tests related to it once per day. Every time the character gets an insight tattoo, they need to choose what they get insight on (combat, fields of knowledge, dealing with people etc.).
  • Vision – this tattoo allows the owner to see something they would otherwise not be able to (i.e., spirits, invisible beings, in the dark as if it were daylight etc.). Every time the character gets a vision tattoo, they have to decide what it allows them to see.

Based on Ying Yang Panda, Łukasz Kołodziej 2022, published by Skavenloft. Yin Yang Panda is based on Lasers & Feelings, John Harper 2013.

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