This supplement has 100 different books that characters could find in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme in the Lost Lands setting.
Not every book is that useful or valuable, and this supplement has 100 minor books that can be used to flesh out a bookshelf. Whether or not a specific book is useful or valuable in up to the GameMaster.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
81. The Last Stand of the Caleen Legion by Joffrey Gherier (How the legion fought against the Shadow Horde, but was scattered and Grand Duke Cale died in battle)
82. The Madness of Nerimar by Chastity Linton (A look at how the town in the Northmarches suffers from an unusually high percentage of violent assault and serial murder, as well as homicidal madness)
83. The Miracle of Durgam’s Folly by Huilienj Contretu (How the citadel successfully held out for 22 years against the hobgoblins of the Deepfells)
Released: 15th March 2025 Pages: 8
PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG