100 Detailed Items to Find in the Garbage

100 Detailed Items to Find in the GarbageThis is a modern list of things that could be found by players in the garbage. This may be anything from a household bin to a dumpster or public waste bin to even a waste disposal site.

Players may be rooting through the garbage looking for clues or other details regarding an investigation or adventure. This list provides 100 detailed items to make this task more unpleasant. Many of the items found are disgusting and some are potentially dangerous. None are really useful, although players may not realise this.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

49. Jar – A glass jar that formerly contained raspberry jam, now missing the lid and crawling with ants inside that are harvesting the scraping of jam still left in it
50. Lump – A hardened whitish-gray lump of stuff that has been made into a ball and which smells minty
51. Kitchen Roll – A damp piece of kitchen roll that is stained brown, screwed up and contains used coffee grounds inside it

Released: 24th September 2016 Pages: 3

PDF ($0.75): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow

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