100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players II

100 Irrelevant Notes and Letters to Bamboozle Players IIPlayers will often find notes and letters when searching for clues during adventures. Those that are detailed in full tend to be important – and therefore easily identifiable as such. It is unlikely that only important material will be found, so here are 100 irrelevant, yet important-looking, notes and letters to find.

None have any importance, unless a GameMaster decides otherwise (they could perhaps be used as adventure hooks or tweaked to steer players). The majority are suitable for any setting or genre, although a few may need tweaking for modern settings. Names and places can be added or altered to ones relevant to a particular setting.

As well as the main list, there is a supplementary list of 12 different conditions to find notes in.

To use the lists, either roll d100, or d12 for the supplementary table, for random results, or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

42. I’ve found an old sewer tunnel that leads into the city. It’s hidden by undergrowth near the that cluster of rocks you can see from the bridge. It looks like no-one has been down it in a long time, although by the smell it is still fulfilling its purpose as a sewer, although one that is no longer maintained properly. Which means it won’t be guarded or patrolled. See if you can find out where exactly it leads to within the walls. With that, we have a great route into and out of the city, without having to bribe the guards or risk one going back on the deal. Make sure you check it
out thoroughly though – just because it isn’t patrolled doesn’t mean nothing else is there. A lack of guards makes it more likely that some sort of animals or creatures will have moved in. We will need the place clearing out of threats, then to secure the entrance so that nothing else can come in. Send word to me at the usual place once you’ve finished.
43. I would encourage all soldiers to cease speculating on what is being done in the newly-breached chambers. Even worse than speculation would be attempting to take a look – worse for the curious soldier that is. Not only will such an individual experience a horrible and painful death, they will continue to experience this even after they have died, as the powers present allow me to inflict the same sensations on their souls. I would suggest that the curious consider this rather unpleasant outcome before disturbing me. Magus Thrawn
44. Jeremiah – Last seen heading out the east gate. Sandin – Last seen boarding a ship at the docks. Orminal – Last seen in a tavern in the Old Quarter.

Released: 9th March 2019 Pages: 14

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow

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