100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay III

100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay III

100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay IIICharacters may find notes and letters when searching everything from desks to bodies. This supplement has 100 different such letters that they could find related to the City of Dolmvay from Small Niche Games,

The notes may be used as background flavour, misdirection or potential adventure hooks. A secondary table can be used to describe the condition the notes are found in.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

56. Look into the connection between the Shadowmaster and the Thieves’ Guild. The Inquisition is concerned they are too close.

57. LT, Arrange for the person whose sketch is attached to be disposed of. Usual fees. NT

58. Marten, those behind the Night of Blood Betrayal are out for you. It wasn’t the children behind it; there was another force behind them. Watch your back.

Released: 29th June 2024 Pages: 9

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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