This is a list of twelve different sounds that players could hear in a medieval village. This list may eventually be incorporated as part of a published supplement, but currently it’s far too short for that, with nowhere near enough results for a full supplement. So, here it is as it stands as a source of inspiration and flavour.
- The wheels on a passing cart full of hay squeal as it goes by.
- An itinerant peddler is shouting his wares.
- The bells of the village church can be heard, ringing to call the faithful to service.
- Several of the village’s dogs can be heard barking out of sight.
- The blacksmith’s hammer can be heard ringing on the anvil in the village smithy.
- The sails of the windmill can be heard creaking as they rotate.
- A cow can be heard lowing as its owner drives it though the village.
- A gaggle of geese being driven to the creek is hissing at those nearby.
- The hooves of a cart horse are clopping on the street.
- A baby can be heard crying in a nearby house.
- Several hogs that are being butchered can be heard bawling.
- A rooster standing on a fence is crowing.