Watch the Sky is a piece of fiction for Hoardreach: The City of Wyrms, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

Jelbut watched someone duck down and cower, practically clutching the stones of the road, as a glider buzzed the street in East Town, followed by a wyvern on its tail; the glider’s pilot and the wyvern seemingly involved in an aerial form of tag. No-one else on the street seemed bothered; most didn’t appear to be paying the aerial duo the slightest bit of attention.
“You can always tell out of towners who have never been here before.” Jelbut remarked to their companion Benior. “Always so nervous about the antics in the air above, expecting one of the gliders to crash into the street below and, especially, their own precious body.”
“That has happened in the past,” Benior reminded Jelbut. “Some of those pilots are not as good as they think they are, and some of the natural flyers are rather less bothered about hitting the ground than they should be. There have been a few incidents.”
“Sure, but it’s not like it’s an everyday occurrence.” Jelbut continued. “More the exception than the rule. Besides, what benefit will you get from cowering? That’s not going to help you if a wyvern lands on your head. Never mind something larger and heavier. Once people have visited a few times, I’ve noticed they become far less worried that something will happen. Worrying over something you can’t control that will probably not happen has never done anyone the slightest bit of good. That’s the path to an early grave.”
“There are some necromancers of the Silver Wraiths from Moüd in the city.” was Benior’s response. “I’m sure they could find a use for someone whose driven themselves into an early grave from worrying about crashing wyverns. Well, it probably wouldn’t involve a grave at that.”
Jelbut laughed as they continued, and the out of towner they were watching stood up, brushed themselves off and looked round them with a nervous grin at their panicked response.
Perhaps next time they saw a flyer coming in low, they would be less nervous about it, Jelbut thought to themself.