Sangen Geneering Heist (3Deep)

Sangen Geneering Heist (3Deep)Sangen Geneering Heist is an adventure for 3Deep

The characters are asked to break into a geneering company, steal some data and to destroy the originals and some in-progress experiments, because the work being done is illegal and unethical. This may be true, but the characters are not being told the full story.

The supplement includes two maps of the facility, one for characters and one for the Referee.

The adventure is also available in a version for Cepheus Engine and other role playing games using a 2d6 mechanic, including the Original Science Fiction Role Playing Game.

Released: 18th April 2020 Pages: 10

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
