100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) has descriptions of 100 different doors that can be used in a dungeon, to make players think that there is something important about them or to simply add colour. This is a Pathfinder adaptation of the system neutral 100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon.
Smells Like Stream Spirit has the characters stumbling across two groups of naiads that are in conflict with each other. The characters may help resolve this conflict peacefully, or trigger a war.
Dungeons have occupants and travellers and it is unlikely that they are going to clean up after themselves in many areas. 100 Pieces of Junk to Find on a Dungeon Floor has 100 pieces of random appropriate rubbish to find on a dungeon floor.
In The Warehouse Heist the characters are hired to recover a hidden item from a shipment before it is discovered. They are not the only ones looking for it. This comes with a 24″x24″ battlemap that can be printed out and assembled.
Magic items sometimes need command words to use and 520 Command Words for Magic Items provides 20 words for each letter of the alphabet that can be used to make their use more interesting.
In One Muhaha, Two Muhaha, a death cult takes a more sinister turn when one of its members turns up dead after a meeting and drained of blood. The characters will need to discover what is really going on.
100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness, written by Neal Litherland, is available in both system-neutral and Pathfinder versions. It details 100 different encounters that characters could have whilst travelling, beneficial, dangerous or simply odd.
The Empty Village is a short adventure hook where the characters arrive in an oddly deserted farming village, with no signs of life, neither people nor animals. A map of the village is included.
World War Tree sees a town attacked by living trees who have had enough of the destruction caused to the forest by the town’s recent rapid expansion. They are determined to rend the town into pieces.
Player characters are not the only people that can be encountered and 100 People to Encounter in the Wild West has 100 people to encounter in the Wild West. These can be used in a historical campaign, steampunk or Weird West.
The Inn of Dusk is a roadside inn with a dark secret and staying overnight may be a fatal mistake. The supplement comes with a 24″x20″ battlemap of the inn and a menu that can be printed out.
Ominous Place Name Generator is a Pay What You Want supplement that can be used to generate ominous names for places. It consists of two d100 tables and one d30 table and the results can be combined in a number of ways.
Mating Season is a short adventure hook in which the characters could become an offering to the hill giant queen by a prospective mate. They risk becoming a part of the suitor’s celebratory feast.
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