Cities of Sundara: Silkgift (PFRPG) introduced aether weapons, firearms that use compressed air tanks to propel their shots, rather than gunpowder.
Aether Grapnel (Two-Handed Firearm)
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission
In some ways a hybrid of Silkgift’s aether weapons and net casters, the aether grapnel has a design not dissimilar to that of an aether rifle, but instead of a harmful projectile being fired by the rifle, it launches a grapnel instead. A grapnel weighs significantly more than the normal ball ammunition fired from a standard aether rifle, and the integral aether reservoir can only launch one grapnel before being depleted. The grapnel will trail rope behind it once fired, and Archer silk is commonly used to make the rope, due to it being light and strong.
Reloading a new grapnel into an aether grapnel takes a full-round action. All other rules that apply to standard aether weapons as found in the Silkgift book should be used for replacing and refilling the reservoir, misfires and firing underwater.
Though not a weapon, an aether grapnel still fires a hard object with force and it can still do damage. The cost includes one grapnel and 100′ of rope. Unlike normal aether rifles, aether grapnels do not come in dragon steel variants, as the improved material does not provide a noticeable benefit.
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission
As well as the remains that could be found in a coffin, other items might be found inside as well. Here are ten different things that could be found in a broken open coffin.
Broken, once sealed pot that looks to have been emptied of something.
Cradled in the hands of the corpse inside the coffin is a chalice of blackened silver.
Crowbar, chisel, hammer and small spade in a cloth bag underneath the corpse.
Hidden under the remains is a dagger that still bears what appear to be bloodstains, perhaps a murder weapon hidden in the coffin.
Inside the coffin is the projectile that killed the occupant; it looks as if it was inside the skull until the body decayed enough.
Leatherbound diary, somewhat stained now by proximity to a corpse.
Scroll case tucked into the coffin’s corner. Inside it is the last will and testament of the occupant.
Small bag containing dried herbs, seeds and bones, with an occult symbol embroidered on the outside.
Tightly tucked into the coffin, next to the corpse that was clearly its intended occupant, is another body, one that has been bent and broken so that it fits inside.
Two sets of manacles, one for arms, one for legs, that look as if they may have been on the body.
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Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Use that can be found with creature descriptions in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
A sarrak has been seen outside a number of villages recently, acting in what can only be called a strange way. Sarraks are normally only seen when they want to be seen, and are known to be highly intelligent, So, presumably, the sarrak in question, if it is just one, wants others to see what it’s doing.
Oorgolian soldiers are mechanical beings that patrol isolated parts of the Ninth World, and as far as can be told, they act on orders given many years ago that may no longer make sense. Though Oorgolians are usually found in groups of three or more, they are rarely seen in large numbers. Though it’s rumoured that somewhere there is a vast army of Oorgolian soldiers still following their ancient orders.
Philethis are strange creatures of unknown, or perhaps simply incomprehensible, motivation. They seem to be biomechanical in nature, though little of their true form is seen, but there are other claims. They are not automatically hostile unless provoked, but their conversations make little sense. Some claim they are ancient creatures whose sole intent is to simply spread confusion in their wake.
Rasters are large biomechanical airborne creatures that have an impressive appetite, though when caught it’s possible to train them into becoming airborne mounts. Sometimes the local population of rasters can apparently grow hungrier than usual, and will wreak devastation on nearby livestock and wide animals as they attempt to satisfy an appetite that appears to have grown temporarily insatiable.
Ravage bears are dangerous predators that at their most dangerous when hungry or protecting their young, or both. Most encounters with ravage bears are like any other encounter with a dangerous animal, but it’s rumoured that some abhumans have managed to train the bears and use them as watch animals, as well as a way of preying on travellers.
Seskii are loyal companions that can be trained in different ways, especially as they possess a degree of intelligence. There’s a rumour that someone in the wastes has trained an enormous pack of seskii to obey them, and are using this pack to spread terror through the region.
Snow lopers are fast-moving omnivores that are often trained to act as mounts. There are rumours of different types of snow loper, adapted to thrive in different climates, and even that there’s a purely carnivorous predatory type that hunts in packs.
Steel spiders are creatures of living metal that can be found in many places. They attempt to catch prey in their webs which are razor sharp and are dangerous to encounter. There’s a Nano who believes that it should be possible to train steel spiders into being effective guardians, and is looking for people to catch a number so that they have some to experiment on.
Stratharian war moths are dangerous flying creatures that swarm around the Ninth World, normally in the wilderness. There are rumours that some larger swarms of the moths act with an unusual intelligence, suggesting that in larger numbers the creatures have some form of hive mind.
The abhumans known as sathosh can join their minds together to act in union when attacking a foe. Normally, only two sathosh can do this, but there are rumours of larger numbers having the same power, and six to twelve sathosh acting together are a fearsome foe to face. Should even larger numbers band together, they might be extremely difficult to stop.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Creatures that are not native to the Strange become alienated the more time they spend in the Strange, though there are other factors that also increase is. There are rumours that some organisations are performing deliberate experiments in alienation on unwilling subjects to find out all the ways alienation might affect them.
In the Strange, the edge of a recursion permeable to the Strange rarely has an interface surface more than a few miles in diameter. There are rumours, though, that further out in the Strange, away from the Shoals of Earth, there are recursions with interface surfaces that are much, much bigger. Though no-one has any proof of this as yet.
Just as there are black holes in space, there are rumoured to be similar things in the Strange, perhaps corresponding to black holes in the baryonic universe. Such things are said to have a tremendous pull that’s practically impossible to escape, and may well be portals to elsewhere.
Navigating the Strange can be difficult, especially without the original sentient protocols designed by the Precursors, but there are rumours of something described as navigational beacons out in the deeper parts. Most assume that these rumours are just that, for such beacons would make more sense in the better-travelled regions; others believe they are lures designed to capture the unwary.
People and objects that move through the Strange leave a faint wake, that can be used, with difficulty, to track them. There are rumours of travellers discovering wakes that were anything but faint, though, leading to speculation as to just what might have caused them, and how large such a thing might be.
Planetovores are the creatures interested in using the Strange to find and take over a prime world, and they can vary tremendously in origin and personality, but all are powerful. There are rumours that some planetovores, possibly alien AIs, cooperate with each other to help achieve their goals more easily.
Reality seeds can be grown into a recursion for those with the right skills and resources, when planted in the Strange. There are rumours that some unknown party is buying up as many reality seeds as they can, through different fronts, presumably with some unknown goal in mind.
Some explorers believe that portions of the Strange have gained intelligence, with parts moving as if they are thinking and alive. A more out there claim is that the Strange as a whole is a single, vast, intelligent being of unknown goals and motivations. And some of them claim that “God” is a perfectly justifiable name for the Strange in that case.
The Strange has been described as a chaotic flow of spiralling fractal patterns iterating in on itself. Some say that the patterns have meaning, and if they are studied for long enough, this meaning will be revealed. Others says that only madness will come from spending too much time attempting to find meaning in the Strange.
Untethered recursions in the Strange are rare and are often hard to understand. Some of the recursions seem to bear more in common with traditional depictions of Hell than anything else, and some recursors have posited that they are in fact the inspiration for descriptions of such.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Japantown district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Hotel Yamagumi in Japantown is, for some reason, owned by Arasaka, though no-one knows why. This hasn’t stopped speculation, though, with it being claimed to be a place where Arasaka can keep people safe to a place where they spy on the clientele, though neither makes much sense, given that it is easily verifiable that Arasaka is the owner.
Kenshiro Saeba is a young solo and former private investigator who has been forced to hideout in Japantown after solving a kidnapping case involving Yasume Kanzaki and a rival gang boss. Kanzaki is fond of Saeba, to the annoyance of his heir, Shin, and there are rumours that Shin would be perfectly willing to cooperate in anything that would result in the disappearance of Saeba that couldn’t be traced back to Shin.
The Garden in Japantown is Night City’s lover’s lane and is kept safe by the Gold Eagles, a Japantown-based guardian gang that keeps the area free of trouble. It’s rumoured that not only will the Gold Eagles stop anyone from attacking those who use the Garden, they will also ensure that they, and anyone they associate with, is never able to do anything similar again.
The Gazebo in Japantown is rumoured to have been built by Richard Night himself, and it’s also where a mass murderer called “The Claw” left most of his victims’ bodies. The City is said to be planning to tear the Gazebo down, as most can’t think of any uses for it, but it’s said they are meeting opposition by different groups who all want it preserved for historical reasons, whether to honour Richard Night, the victims of The Claw or The Claw himself.
The Imperial Bank in Night City’s Japantown has never been robbed, and it’s known to have a very expensive security contract with Arasaka. It’s rumoured that, as expensive as the current contract is, the bank is planning on increasing the current security, leading some to wonder if the management has become aware of a direct threat to the bank, one that has a chance of succeeding against the current security regime.
The Japan Trade Center is where the high-level executives of most Japanese corporations operating inside the United States meet every month to discuss their future strategy and planned acquisitions. The topics of the meetings are kept secret, but it’s rumoured that recordings of them have been turning up on the Net for those willing to fork over enough money to buy.
The Nakagowa Kabuki Troupe is the premiere attraction of the Bodukkan Center for the Performing Arts in Japantown, and there have been some claims that the Troupe is nothing more than a professional posergang, given that some members have been bio-sculpted and never appear in public out of character. Kabuki aficionados dismiss this claim, but it’s rumoured that sometimes the arguments on the matter can get heated, leading to the occasional fatality.
The Nichiban Mall in Japantown is designed to look Japanese, is filled with Japanese shops and all the signs are in Japanese, so any gaijiin will need help getting directions. It’s rumoured that asking for directions often results in being given ones that are poor at best and downright misleading at worst.
The Tokagawa Tower in J-town is home to, amongst others, the local yakuza boss, Hichigo Kanzaki. The penthouse in which he lives is said to be a veritable fortress, but it’s rumoured that no-one outside Kanzaki’s close family and retainers have seen him in some time now, and there are rumours that something may have happened to him.
The XYZ Piano Bar in the Nakagumi Business Plaza in Japantown is a karaoke bar and a known hangout for yakuza, who can be found frequenting the bar on a weekend. There are rumours that certain members of the bar’s staff have recently disappeared, as it turned out that they were spying on the yakuza for someone, which did not go down well once it was discovered.
D10: Night City Rumours – West Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
Zombies are one of the types of low-level undead that are frequently encountered by characters, though individually they are often not much of a threat.
What Distinguishing Feature Does the Zombie Have?
Little flesh remains and the zombie is verging on skeletal.
Lower jaw is missing and the tongue dangles free.
Maggots riddle the body and drop from it.
One hand is missing at the wrist.
Short sword protrudes from its torso.
Walks with a noticeable limp.
How is the Zombie Behaving?
Gazing around it in an alert manner.
Moving with a jerk, then stopping, then jerking forward again.
Standing in the same spot, not moving at all.
Travelling in circles.
Walking around constantly and randomly.
With its head bowed, not looking at the surroundings.
What Items Does the Zombie Have?
Empty scabbard on a sword belt that smacks into the zombie when it moves.
Full helmet encasing its entire head.
One thigh-length leather boot.
Punctured breastplate.
Shield strapped to its back.
Torn backpack, now empty.
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Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Use that can be found with creature descriptions in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
Erynth grask are ultraterrestrials with a practically incomprehensible intelligence. They are usually encountered singly, and are dangerous when so encountered, but some claim that there is a pattern to encounters with the creatures. Not just a pattern for the behaviour of an individual erynth grask, but for all of them, as if the entire species is acting on some sort of overarching plan.
Ghost crabs live on the ocean floor, but only in the deeper regions. They can be a danger to any who venture into the depths, as the hunt creatures for food, trapping them in their webs. Though ghost crabs grow up to 5′ across, there are rumours of even larger specimens found in the depths, ones which can grow two, three or even more times larger than even the largest typical ghost crab. These are also said to be substantially more intelligent.
Isthyns are known to fiercely defend their nests, even if doing so means that they will die. A nest of isthyns isn’t so easy to kill, though, and sometimes people harvest isthyn eggs and plant them in places where they wish to deny access to resources, allowing the eggs to hatch and riddling regions with the dangerous creatures.
Jiraskars are extremely dangerous, and fast, creatures, and an encounter with such can quickly end in death for all concerned. However, someone has decided that, because of this, jiraskars would be highly effective in combat. Which is likely true, but training one would be extremely difficult and dangerous. They are offering a reward for all jiraskars that can be captured alive, and an even bigger reward for any that can be trained.
Margr are known for their violent lives, killing each other or anyone unlucky enough to stumble across them. There’s a rumour of one tribe in the wastes, though, that has managed to rein in its bloodlust, at least when it comes to other members of the tribe, and are therefore growing in size and strength. If not stopped, they may become a significant threat to any settlements and caravans in the region.
Mastigophores are normally found in pairs, or larger groups, guarding ancient ruins from interlopers, standing watch and stopping anyone entering. There’s a rumour of some more mobile groups of mastigophores, that travel along regular routes, almost as if they are guarding a road or other ancient route that has now disappeared.
Mesomemes harvest the heads of their victims, whether human or animal, and attach them to tendrils that sprout from the creature. Most mesomemes have an assortment of heads from many different creatures attached to them, but there are rumours of the occasional one which is much more selective, only choosing heads from a specific type of being.
Most murdens live out in the wilderness regions, where they prey on passers-by, but there are rumours that some have set up homes in the tunnels and sewers beneath some larger cities. Though few claim to have seen them, or survived the seeing anyway, there are repeated claims of the irritating telepathy of the murdens being detected.
Nevajin are creatures that can separate their head from their body and have both parts still function separately, though this is a painful process. Someone wants to capture a number of nevajin and forcibly separate their bodies from their heads, to study just how far apart the two can survive, and is willing to pay substantial amounts to anyone who can capture the creatures.
The poisonous reptiles known as laaks are not particularly dangerous individually, but they are rarely found individually. A few people have been said to have turned up dead recently, seemingly poisoned by laaks, though none can be found on the premises. Leading to suspicions that someone is letting laaks into places to do their killing, then collecting them again.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Genetic codes capable of creating truly dangerous creatures can be obtained in Shome in the Periphery, though it’s said that the buyer should check everything carefully before attempting to make such beings. It’s said that a few buyers have ended up dying at the claws and fangs of the things they were trying to create, due to not checking that they had bought what they thought they had bought.
Lady Kasin-dar, of the Fortress of Favors, is known to extract marrow from often-unwilling subjects for the genetic needs of the black-market. It’s rumoured, though, that she also extracts genetic material for her own needs; some say she is suffering from a terrible genetic disease caused by her research that requires regular transfusions of clean genetic material to keep in check.
Mendalla is the unseen crime lord who rules the organisation known as the Onomasticon. Given that no-one has seen Mendalla, there are plenty of rumours about him. Some of these suggest that he’s actually a respected figure in Ruk society who rules the Onomasticon as a way of operating on both sides of the law.
Shome in the Periphery is a lawless city where it’s possible to buy goods that the major factions don’t want selling. Or, at least, that’s what’s normally stated. There are rumours that sometimes the goods being sold by the criminals of Shome are supplied to them by the factions, though it’s unclear as to why this would be done.
Some of Ruk’s factions have outposts and installations in the Periphery, including mobile harvesters and resource barges. There are rumours of a quiet war happening amongst these outposts, as the factions strive with each other for advantage, though never going so far as to instigate open conflict; little enough comfort to those in the way.
The average citizen of Ruk believes that those who venture into the Periphery is either unbalanced in some way or a criminal. To the extent that some citizens are claiming that everyone who does so needs stopping from returning to Harmonius, as they are clearly a bad influence that needs to be kept out of the Glistening City.
The Fortress of Favors is home to Lady Kasin-Dar, who has the ability to rip bones from one individual and splice them into others. The Factol Council and the Myriand have both warned the Lady from using any of the citizens of Harmonius for her experiments, but it’s rumoured that sometimes the council sends citizens who need to be punished to her.
The Onomasticon is a criminal organisation that keeps a database of genetic profiles; given that such can be used to create a whole host of person-specific things from toxins to mind-control parasites, it is extremely illegal. Though the Onomasticon primarily sells such data to others, it’s rumoured that they have gradually been collecting the genetic profiles of people in positions of power, influence or simple utility in order for the organisation to increase its power by controlling them.
Underground tunnels link Shome in the Periphery to the Shadowed City beneath Harmonius. There is a rapid transit system, like a pneumatic tube filled with mucous, that runs through the tunnels, making travel much faster. Though it’s rumoured that not everyone who enters the mucous reaches their destination; some are said to be devoured by the mucous, which is a living creature, so that it can continue to function.
Various groups have attempted to shut down the criminal organisation known as the Onomasticon over the years, with no success. It’s rumoured that other groups have tried to infiltrate the organisation in order to control it too, but if any of these have been successful in this, no-one is telling.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Lake Park district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Combat Cabb in the Lake Park district of Night City has some of the most heavily-armed and armoured cabs in the city, and aim to get their customers to their destinations, no matter who needs shooting on the way. Recently, there have been a number of targeted attacks on cabs belonging to the company, with the attackers seeming to be after the cabbie and their cab, not the customer.
Juvegangers make out on Isadore Island in Lake Park during the day, but there are rumours that a few of them have been disappearing. Normally the park is a safe place to visit in daylight, so the idea that someone is still preying on people, even juvegangers, during the day is a concern.
Lake Park might be a safe and pleasant place to visit during the day, but at night it’s a different story. Various citizens who use the park are pressing the city to try and take it back from those who prey in the park at night, but with little sign of intere4st from City Hall. However, if the city government isn’t willing to do anything about making the park safer at night, it’s rumoured that these same people are.
Night City Fire Station #2 has problems getting its old-fashioned tanker trucks to a building fire before said building burns down, due to traffic in the area. There are rumours of some arsonists using this to their advantage, and in fact helping cause more traffic problems to ensure that the fire department can’t get there in time.
Rumour has it that some of the custodians that help keep Lake Park clean during the day don’t do just that. It’s said that some of them are using the fact that there’s all this land available with plants growing on it to grow a few of their own plants, which can then be sold onto the visitors to the park during the day.
The headquarters of the Night City Transit Corporation is in Lake Park, and has been suffering problems recently. Though the security of the building is high, they’ve been suffering from well-planned and technically advanced graffiti attacks. Going by what’s being written on and around the building, someone clearly has an issue with the fares.
The homeless of Lake Park are usually safe from being preyed on by gangs, as the local gangs will even protect the largest group of homeless, known as the Pack, from the predations of other gangs. Recently, though, there have been rumours that some of the Pack have been disappearing, though gangs are not necessarily thought to be responsible.
The lake in Lake Park has a filtration system that sometimes breaks down, leading to the place smelling like raw sewage that day and being deserted because of this. There are rumours that following such days, bodies are often found in the water, dumped by people using the smell and absence of others as a way of avoiding attention.
The picnic grounds in Lake Park have gas-powered grills at different points on the island, though the gas is turned off at night. Reportedly, though, despite this there have been a number of “incidents” – explosions – on some nights due to people tampering with the gas lines in an attempt to get the gas back on., Reportedly, the city is considering removing the gas lines entirely as a result.
D10: Night City Rumours – West Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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In space, ships can still run into trouble, and here are ten different descriptions of problems that others have suffered and which they need help with.
A hull breach has affected the ship and a number of compartments depressurised, killing everyone in them. The depressurised area has cut off several parts of the ship, and without the breach mending and atmosphere restoring to the affected areas, it is impossible to fully control it.
An explosion in the ship’s engine compartment has resulted in the engines being destroyed, most of the engineering crew, including the chief engineer, being killed, and the compartment being opened to space. The ship is currently dead in space and drifting.
Life support on the ship has suffered a critical malfunction due to a computer problem, one that took out all the backup systems as well. If aid isn’t forthcoming soon, everyone will die when the oxygen runs out.
Passengers on the ship came out of cryosleep to discover that the crew had vanished, even though the escape pods remained in place. They lack the skills to pilot the ship, especially as many of the systems have been powered down.
Poorly-fitted reactor shielding has flooded much of the ship with radiation. Many of the crew are dying or dead, and those that have managed to get to better shielded areas are unable to do anything about the problem, as they are unable to get to suitable gear.
The ship has collided with a small asteroid and has suffered extensive damage to its systems and hull as a result. It is no longer capable of getting underway and may be too badly damaged to repair outside of a spacedock.
The ship has suffered an attack by pirates and, although it managed to drive them off, it suffered extensive damage in the process. The pirates may return with reinforcements, and if that happens, a second attack will not be driven off.
The ship in question is in a decaying orbit about a large planet and lacks the ability to break free. They urgently need towing out of the gravity well before they burn up in the atmosphere or just crash.
The ship was too close to the system’s star when a solar flare overwhelmed its systems with an EMP. Most of the systems are now burnt out and the ship is dangerously close to the star and getting closer.
The ship’s fuel supply is contaminated, possibly deliberately at the last place they refuelled, and they are currently dead in space. The ship could do with new fuel, as well as help in flushing their system clear of that which is contaminated, or perhaps a tow if another ship is capable of doing such.
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