Category Archives: Miskatonic Repository

100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham Now Available

100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport and 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Not every starport is big and bustling and 100 Encounters for a Dubious Starport has 100 encounters and events for those less salubrious ports on the borderlands, sparsely-settled worlds and places with a dubious reputation. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

When searching desks, cabinets and the pockets of the dead, investigators can come across notes and letters. 100 Notes and Letters to Find in Lovecraft Country: Arkham Now Available has 100 such from them to find, all in or about Arkham.

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100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters and Arkham Brochure Now Available

100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters and Arkham Brochure are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Disturbing to Horrifying Fantasy Encounters has 100 encounters for a fantasy setting that range from those that suggest something is wrong to those that make it abundantly obvious. They can be used as background for a dark campaign, random encounter or adventure hooks.

The Arkham Brochure is a prop that is intended to be used with a 1920s setting. It is designed to appear like a promotional flyer published by Arkham’s chamber of commerce.

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100 Tropical Wilderness Locations and 100 Rumours to Hear in Lovecraft Country Now Available

100 Tropical Wilderness Locations100 Tropical Wilderness Locations and 100 Rumours to Hear in Lovecraft Country are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

GameMasters may not always have time to fill in every gap in a game world’s map and 100 Tropical Wilderness Locations has 100 different tropical-themed locations to drop in, that could be used as adventure sites, adventure hooks or simply background. Each location is named and described.

100 Rumours to Hear in Lovecraft Country has 100 rumours to hear in or about the towns of Arkham and Kingsport. They may be adventure hooks, ordinary human misdeeds or simply misinformation. The rumours are aimed at the 1920s-30s but, with some tweaking, some could be adapted to other settings.