Category Archives: Videos

Tabletop Mercenary Episode 3 How I Became a TTRPG Professional (And How You Can Do The Same)

In this episode, Neal Litherland talks about how he became a professional and how you can too.

100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (Black Spear).

Neal Litherland Reads “Born in The Boneyard” from 100 Effects of a Primquake

In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “Born in The Boneyard” from 100 Effects of a Primquake.

Making a Solid Barrel with Crooked Staff Terrain Textures and Wooden Dowel

This video looks at taking the Barrels & Sacks texture from Crooked Staff Terrain and using it in combination with some wooden dowel to make more durable solid barrels.

Discussions of Darkness Episode 18: Reward Player Success Whenever Possible

In this video, Neal Litherland looks at rewarding player success and why you should do this.

Tabletop Mercenary Episode 2: 3 Methods For Making Money As A TTRPG Professional

In this episode, Neal Litherland discusses three ways that professionals can make money in TTRPGs.

100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C) PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Dungeon Entrances (C&C).

Neal Litherland Reads “A Little Taste of Perdition” from World’s Oldest Profession: A Baker’s Dozen of Brothels

In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “A Little Taste of Perdition” from World’s Oldest Profession: A Baker’s Dozen of Brothels.

100 Sluagh for Changeling: the Dreaming PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Sluagh for Changeling: the Dreaming.

Discussions of Darkness Episode 17: Avoid Restricting Game Options To Maintain Player Interest

In this video, Neal Litherland looks at why you shouldn’t restrict player options.