100 Books to Find in or About the Glorious Empire

100 Books to Find in or About the Glorious Empire

100 Books to Find in or About the Glorious EmpireBooks may be sources of useful information, or perhaps have value in and of themselves. Not every book falls into that category, though.

This supplement has 100 books for fleshing out a bookshelf, whether real or electronic. They concentrate on the Glorious Empire and cover a range of subjects, including some fiction. Whether or not a specific book is accurate is up to the GM.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

30. Foolish Provocation by Lily Horstede (A history of the Glorious Empire’s interactions with the Florian League, commencing military actions against a potentially dangerous enemy that would have preferred to be left alone and reaping the consequences of this)

31. Founding and Expansion by Donall Trostansson (A history of the founding of the homeworld of Syoahkhaokhirtlaeakhhtahyu, World of the Most Glorious Empire of Honourable Warriors, and the early expansionistic years of the Glorious Empire)

32. Frustrated Urges by Paige Rivero (How the Glorious Empire’s lack of ihatei frustrates the primal need for expansion felt by Aslan)

Released: 16th July 2022 Pages: 8

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