100 Dogs to Meet in Pugmire

100 Dogs to Meet in PugmireThis is a collection of 100 different dogs that could be found in Pugmire, whether within the city itself or in other towns or villages. Some are based in Pugmire itself, and would rarely be found outside of the City of Good Dogs. Others travel more, and can be encountered on the roads.

Each dog is given a name and descriptions of what they do. Some of the dogs could be useful contacts or providers of services. Others could be a source of adventure hooks, as they require items that the characters could go and find for them.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample result:

65. Orin Chow: Orin, formerly one of the Inquisitors with the police dogs, has since left and set up her own, rather specialist, practice, as what she calls a “freelance investigator.” She works for various parties, investigating any sort of mischief or criminal activity. Orin was a highly skilled Inquisitor and has carried her skills with her into her new career. So far, there aren’t many people who have needed her services, but those that have hired Orin have been satisfied with the result.

66. Orion Afghan: Orion is a blacksmith who largely specialises in servicing the caravan trade, shoeing horses, repairing metalwork on wagons and making nails and wire for crates and packing. That said, Kevin is proficient enough that he will gladly do work for others who might need his skills, although he has no practice at making weapons. He does repair or forge the occasional farm implement though.

67. Pal Rat-Terrier: Pal is the dog you call if you are plagued by pests. He is perfectly at home whether his job sends him onto the roofs of Pugmire or into the cellars and occasional tunnel. Pal is also a skilled fighter, as pests are not the only things that can be encountered in some of the places he ventures. Some creatures encountered are intelligent, some hostile and some are both.

Released: 21st March 2020 Pages: 15

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