100 Gateways Into (And Out Of) the Hedge

100 Gateways Into (And Out Of) the Hedge

100 Gateways Into (And Out Of) the HedgeThe Hedge of Changeling: the Lost is separate from the mortal world, but there are doors to it that one can open if one knows where to look.

This supplement has 100 different gateways to and from the hedge, together with the key that is used to get them to open.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

19. The Way Out: A grungy nightclub that leaves the lights off to hide exactly what’s going on during its business hours, The Way Out has cheap drinks, loud music and the sort of clientele best described as unscrupulous. Past the bathroom doors there’s an exit that leads to the back alley, but down a short side hallway there’s an unusual sight. A steel fire door stands in the hall with a stool next to it, along with an attendant to make sure no confused drunks try to stumble through this portal… not that they’d get far, as there’s nothing but a brick wall on the other side of the door. Those who do walk through the Gate, though, find themselves beneath a thick canopy lit by glowing flowers. The green hallway leads to a small trod, but once one exits the shrubs close back up, making the hall and The Way Out quite difficult to find for those who don’t know what to look for.
Key: Before touching the door, one must say, “I was never here.” Once this line is spoken, they must hit the door twice with the flat of their palm before opening it. Coming back through
requires someone who can find the Gate in the first place, and they must be carrying a Queen of Spades with a bullet hole in it.

20. The Penitent Gate: Our Lady of Sorrows is an old church, located in a neighborhood that’s definitely seen better days. Hard times run through the core of this place, and everything from the somber lighting to the quiet hymns being sung makes it feel as if grief is a permanent resident here. Off in an alcove, practically lost in shadow, is an old confession booth. Polished and weathered, a velvet rope blocks it off, and a nearby sign informs individuals this is a historic display, with an arrow directing them toward the functional booth. While most barely give it a second glance, more than one attendee of the church has said they’ve heard weeping coming from inside the old booth. Those who enter the Gate step into in a small clearing, surrounded by willow trees. A stream falls over sharp rocks, the babble eerily like a never-ending torrent of tears. A circle of stones surrounds the Gate, each bearing a single, engraved word… though the words seem to change from one moment to the next.
Key: One must enter the priest’s side of the booth, sit, and confess a secret or sin. Once this is done, an individual must stand, and cross themselves in reverse. This opens the Gate to the Glade of Sorrows. Returning from the Hedge one must stand amid the stones, and speak of a time they helped someone, or a noble deed they did. Though they enter the same Gate, they always exit out the confessor’s side of the booth.

21. Dewey’s Door: Libraries are havens, and they’re always full of secrets. This is usually considered a metaphor, but in the basement stacks there’s a shelf against the far wall that isn’t as
solid as it seems. If one unlocks the brakes on the wheels, and pulls the shelf out, they find a gray, metal door. Those who open the door find nothing inside but an old reading room, whose
only furnishing is a chair, and a desk that’s bolted to the wall. Written all over the walls are names and dates, snatches of conversation and ominous warnings. “Beware the Bog Teeth,” says jagged letters on one brick, while another simply advises, “Never follow the lights. They lie to you.” If one crosses through this Gate they enter a chain library, the books all anchored to their shelves and locked in place. Water dribbles down the walls, and hobs in hooded robes skulk in the shadows. The librarians never speak except to shush those who talk too loudly. Located in the depths of a stinking bog, this library is also a haven… but that doesn’t mean there’s no danger there.
Key: One must leave a message on the walls of the secret reading room before opening the door and stepping through into the Hedge. Coming from the Hedge one only needs the librarian’s permission; their consent is the Key.

Released: 14th May 2022 Pages: 33

PDF ($2.99): DriveThruRPG

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