100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds)

100 Less Than Useful Books to Find on a Forgotten Realms Bookshelf (Fantasy Grounds)Books can be an important source of information. They can provide needed clues and background details, or be valuable in and of themselves. Not every book is of this nature, though.

This is a list of 100 books that could be found on a bookshelf in the Forgotten Realms. They may be inaccurate, contain misinformation or simply be irrelevant. Whether or not any individual book has use is up to a DM. With books still being uncommon in a fantasy setting, they will probably have a small value. Each book has the title, author if there is one and some details on the contents

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Here are some sample results:

51. Secrets of the Zhentarim: Inside the Black Network (A book by an anonymous author, although it purports to tell the innermost secrets of the Black Network, this is actually a collection of misinformation published by them; everything in the book is untrue to one degree or another)

52. Sessrendale No More by Chussreeta Ilarryl (How Sessrendale came to be abandoned; portrays its destruction at the hands of Archendale as purely down to motivations of greed on the part of Archendale rather than an attempt by that Dale to destroy any evil that lurked within)

53. Strife on Moonshae by Evarel Kraden (A fictionalised account of the recent troubles of the Moonshae Isles involving the plots of Talos)

Released: 25th January 2020 Pages: N/A

MOD ($1.25): DMs Guild

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