100 Lizards for Pirates of Pugmire

100 Lizards for Pirates of Pugmire

100 Lizards for Pirates of PugmireThis is a collection of 100 different lizards that could be encountered in and around the Acid Sea and the lands beyond.

Each lizard is given a name and a description of who they are and what they do. Some could be useful contacts or providers of goods or services. Others could be potential sources of adventure hooks, allies or foes.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

Rasmus Sidselchilde: Rasmus is a gecko who is officially an ambassador for the lizards, representing several different families more often than not, and less officially a spymaster who’s goal it is to keep track on what’s happening with the established powers of the world, so that the lizards can know just what’s going on and work out how they might be affected. Rasmus, naturally, does not spread this around, but does commonly hire other species to perform various needed tasks that are intended to help the gecko gather information, even if those doing the jobs do not know this.

Rebeca Indiachilde: Rebeca is a hibernal turtle that runs a trading emporium catering to travellers and adventurous types. What they sell can vary from wagon parts to things needed to explore a ruin, and they also trade goods for other items, so what’s in stock can vary greatly, depending on just what the gecko has traded recently and with who. Rebeca also listens to stories and tales that customers tell, for these can give an idea as to what’s going on in the world, and this information is then passed into the lizards’ whisper network.

Remy Morganachilde: Most lizards are constantly travelling, stopping occasionally in places to trade for things such as supplies and goods, or get information or pass on messages. Sometimes, however, a caravan may run out of certain things, for one reason or another, and need to get them before they arrive at their next destination. That’s where lizards like Remy come in, as they will travel in advance of a caravan to pick up needed goods and supplies and bring them back, as a small group or individual can travel faster, meaning the caravan can keep going without a problem.

Released: 10th February 2024 Pages: 17

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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