100 People to Encounter in Arkham

100 People to Encounter in Arkham

100 People to Encounter in ArkhamWhilst in Arkham, investigators can meet other, often ordinary, people, though often these will be those who frequently come into contact with others, such as those who work for or own businesses.

This supplement has 100 ordinary people for investigators to meet, aimed at 1920s Arkham. Most are not important and have little if any knowledge of the Mythos.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

53. John Washburne: John can often be found at Pickering House, working as a volunteer. They are a member of the Arkham Historical Society and have a passion for the history of the area, though they have no knowledge of, or belief in, things of a more occult nature, dismissing such as myths and tales. Still, John is worth speaking to about local history, for their knowledge of the mundane happenings. As well as volunteering at Pickering House and being a member of the Historical Society, John also runs a small business and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club, making him well connected in town.

54. Jonathan “Jack” Houghton: Most would call Jack a hobo when they see him, if they see him at all, for Jack is rarely in Arkham proper. Some would call him a wildman, should they encounter him outside of town. Jack himself prefers the term “woodsman”; he lives in Billington’s Woods and spends most of his time there, living off the land. Jack is a mostly self-taught expert on surviving in the woods. Technically, Jack is trespassing, but as the current owner lives in England, nothing is done about it, and Jack steers clear of the mansion and its surroundings; they feel “wrong” to him.

55. Joseph Coffin: Joseph is an intern at St. Mary’s Teaching Hospital, supplied by Arkham University’s School of Medicine and, like most such students, works the night shift. And he has heard just about every joke and seen every reaction regarding a student of medicine being called “Coffin.” From patients and superiors he tolerates it, feeling he must, but Joseph has rather less patience when it comes to others. Sadly, as far as he is currently concerned, he’s very low on the totem pole and there are far more people he must tolerate than he would really like, which has left him feeling a bit bitter inside.

Released: 10th September 2022 Pages: 11

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

Preview of 100 People to Encounter in Arkham

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