D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists II

D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists II

D66 Scenario Premises for The Esoterrorists IIThe Esoterrorists has a number of scenario premises in the core book, short descriptions of potential investigations.

This supplement has 36 such premises that a GameMaster can flesh out into adventures. Each is given an overview and, where appropriate, details of any conspiracy.

Here is a sample result:

22 Operation Dream Killer: The OV has become aware of a number of different killings carried out in different places that have all proven to have had a common factor. Though the killers have varied in type, as have their victims, from family members to almost complete strangers, in each case the murderer was aware of their victim beforehand and told the police when they were arrested that their dreams told them to kill the person. The motivations for the killing also varied, with the killers stating everything from pre-emptive murders to prevent the other person killing them, to belief they were being cheated on, to attacking supposed stalkers.

The Sinister Conspiracy: An Esoterrorist cell has somehow managed to get inside the dreams of different people, and managing to incite them to kill someone after they wake. There have been more dreams where no murder was committed, which means that these haven’t cropped up in the police databases; in some cases, a few psychiatrists know, but the details aren’t shared. The Esoterrorists are currently testing the method, as none of the current victims are important to them. The end goal is to create assassins that can strike anywhere and at any time, and the team will need to find the cell and put an end to their experimentation.

Released: 22nd April 2023 Pages: 12

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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