One common element in dungeons – and other areas as well – is dead bodies. Corpses of adventurers who have tried and fallen and bodies of those monsters they have killed on the way. These can be simply described as dead bodies or they can be elaborated on in more detail.
This supplement contains 100 different descriptions of corpses. A few describe specific races and monsters but most can be adapted to many different creatures of the GameMaster’s choice.
The dead have often died in unusual or peculiar ways. These could be a sign that there are hazards or creatures that the characters need to be cautious of in the area. Or perhaps not; they could simply be there to confuse and befuddle players. Each result has a description that can be read aloud to players; many also have further information that can be found on closer investigation and suggestions for the GM.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
The supplement is also available in a Pathfinder version. Both copies are not needed.
Here are some sample results:
72. Parts – This corpse – assuming there is only one – is no longer even remotely intact. Instead, it has been split into its various parts and stored in multiple glass jars and containers. Eyes, feet, hands, organs, skin, brain, head and all the other parts, all can be seen through the glass floating in a cloudy liquid. (There is only one corpse, as characters who spend enough time
investigating the containers will confirm. The pieces are all floating in a preservative liquid, and the pieces, as a suitable check will reveal, appear to have removed cleanly with surgical precision.)
73. Part Skeletal – The top half of this corpse is comprised of decomposing flesh but, at the waist, the flesh ends cleanly. The rest of the corpse below that is simply bones that have been cleanly stripped of all flesh and appear yellow with age. (Strangely, the bottom of the corpse appears to be still articulated, all the bones still in the correct places, until it is disturbed, at which point the bones collapse into a pile, as they already should have. The demarcation between flesh and bones is quite clean, with no raggedness, and the bones, as a suitable check will determine,
appear far older than the flesh.)
74. Pinned – Only the head of the victim can be seen, as the rest is pinned under a fallen wardrobe (or other suitable piece of furniture). It does not appear as if the victim was crushed to death by the wardrobe’s weight; instead, the wardrobe would appear to have been too heavy for the victim to remove by themselves and they bear the signs of having died of thirst. (A suitable check, such as Strength, will allow the wardrobe to be lifted clear.)
Reviews for 100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon
“100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon is a great way to enliven your dungeons with a different encounter.”
sdonohue (four stars)
Released: 20th January 2018 Pages: 15
PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow