100 Dangerous Plants

100 Dangerous Plants

100 Dangerous PlantsThere are many dangers to be found out and about. Some dangers are terrain, others are monsters or other creatures. Plants can also be a source of danger.

This supplement contains 100 different dangerous plants to encounter. The list is divided into 10 smaller lists of ten plants, each arranged by the type of terrain in which they are found. They can be used to make travel more hazardous.

Here are some sample results:

32. Glutton’s Brew Algae: Colonies of this aggressive algae are frequently found further out to sea. They choke out fishing shoals and create dead zones as they grow. Should they attach to a ship, they will rot the wood and eventually consume the vessel. Characterized by their soft green color and gelatinous consistency, they resemble heaping blobs of mucus floating on the water. It is resistant to fire and damn near impossible to eradicate. It is ill advised to touch or consume, as the algae rots everything it comes in contact with.

33. Lich Kelp: Characterized by its deep black coloring and slimy purple mucus, this kelp typically grows around shipwrecks, but is known to wash ashore after storms. The mucus membrane that surrounds the kelp fronds is a neurotoxin. Touching the kelp will cause numbness and paralysis of the affected limb. Consuming or even prolonged contact with the kelp will cause foaming at the mouth, full body paralysis and death. Some say that coastal lichs will often coat their lairs in this gruesome muck, but it is unproven as most who enter the lair of the lich do not live to tell the tale.

34. Lemonsalt Razor Grass: This tall beach grass is characterized by its dusty coloring and feathery seed fronds. It grows about four feet tall, and often covers thick swaths of coastal prairies. Walking through this grass is a painful trial, as the stalks are coated in “fuzzy” needles similar to nettles, and coated in a sap containing salt and citrus. This is the literal example of rubbing salt in one’s wounds. A traveler can certainly die of a “thousand papercuts” if they are foolish enough to walk through this formidable grass.

Released: 6th February 2021 Pages: 19

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