20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy)

20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy)

20 Hazards for the Wasteland (Legacy)The wasteland is full of hazards and dangers. In order to develop the wasteland further, this supplement has twenty different Hazards  for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition that can be dropped into a game’s wasteland to help develop it. They can have hostile effects, reactions and potential adventure hooks.

Here is a sample result:

16. Melting Lands

Harm: 1

Rising up above the wasteland are the remains of what were once very tall buildings. Over time, the buildings have gradually been sinking, not being swallowed up by the ground but because they appear to be melting, albeit slowly. A puddle of liquid surrounds the buildings, which is the remains of the now-dissolved materials of which they were made.

If the liquid could be safely harvested and hardened, it could prove to be a good source of building materials that could be poured into shape.

The buildings are melting faster than they used to, and the pool of liquid is getting larger.

A settlement has seemingly been destroyed the same way. It’s said that someone who visited the Melting Lands returned, infected with whatever is causing the buildings to melt.

Hostile Ground: Applies disadvantage to anyone not wearing a Hardened outfit in the area. Direct exposure to the buildings or the liquid causes Harm.

GM Reactions:

The liquid puddle hunches up and tries to envelop someone.

The effect starts affecting even Hardened gear.

The liquid spreads out behind travellers, attempting to cut them off.

Released: 6th May 2023 Pages: 11

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
