20 Locations for the Wasteland (Legacy)

20 Locations for the Wasteland (Legacy)

20 Locations for the Wasteland (Legacy)The wasteland is full of strange places, some of which may be dangerous. In order to develop the wasteland further, this supplement has twenty different Locations for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition that can be dropped into a game’s wasteland to help develop it. These are landmarks that may only change gradually, and each has plot hooks that can be used to help create adventures.

Here is a sample result:

14. The Last House

Standing all by itself in the middle of nowhere is a single house, one with no sign that any others were nearby, even though it doesn’t appear to be the kind of house that would be on its own. The house is in good condition, and there are often supplies kept inside, but no-one ever seems to claim it as a home.

The house regularly has supplies, even if it has been cleaned out of them on a visit, and they seem to be new. Where do the supplies come from?

Though some people have briefly seemed to claim the house as their own, they always disappear between visits. Does something drive them away? Or does the house do something to them?

There’s a rumour that the house has been destroyed in a fire. However, when this is followed up on, the house is still standing, with no sign of damage to it, though signs of fire to the surroundings. How did it survive?

Released: 4th March 2023 Pages: 8

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG


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