Going Copper Sale II!

944010 / Pixabay

With a third supplement, 100 Creepy Things and Events to Encounter Outdoors, going Copper on DriveThruRPG, the entire range of Names supplements has also been added to the Going Copper Sale.

The products aren’t showing up on the sale page as yet, but the discounts have been applied and the supplements can be found by clicking here.

Going Copper Sale!

944010 / Pixabay

Thanks to the Cthulhu Mythos Sale, 100 Creepy Things and Events to Find in a Spooky House became our first product to achieve the Copper sales level, which is accomplished on DriveThruRPG. In celebration of this, our three most expensive supplements which weren’t in the Cthulhu Mythos Sale were discounted by 20% for the duration.

Shortly afterwards, 100 Books to Find on an Occultist’s Bookshelf, also went Copper on DriveThruRPG, and two more supplements were added to the sale.

Now, for some reason, the actual sale itself isn’t showing up on the sites, even though the products are being discounted. So here are direct links to the discounted supplements:

100 Detailed Items to Find in an Occultist’s Chambers

100 Improvised Weapons to Find During a Zombie Apocalypse

100 Items to Find in an Occultist’s Chambers

Tomes of Alchemy

While I Was Away – 50 Reasons for Character Absences

Update: The sale can now be seen on RPGNow and the other sites. Click here to take a look at it.

Melos, A Contribution to Aiorskoru

MelosThis is a quick promo for  Melos, A Contribution to Aiorskoru, produced by a fellow RPGer at Rolemasterblog.com.

Melos is part of the Aioskoru OGL world started by Ken Wickham. Other content is also available for the setting from the latter currently. The supplement is essentially system-neutral, although it was based on some Rolemaster blog articles. The location itself can be dropped into other game worlds without too much trouble.

Melos is also available as Pay What You Want, so there’s nothing to lose in getting it.

100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box100 Things to Find in a Safe Deposit Box is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of items that could be found by players in a safe deposit box. Many have intrinsic value and others could be evidence of criminal activity.

Cthulhu Mythos Sale on RPGNow

944010 / Pixabay

The birthday of H. P. Lovecraft, the creator of the Cthulhu Mythos, has come around again, and once again RPGNow are celebrating this with a sale.

Seven of Azukail Games’ products are in the sale this year (up from one last year), and for just under the next thirteen days, these products have been reduced by 20%.

Take a look at the complete list by clicking here.

Another Three Template Packs Purchased

Template Pack # 3 DesertOver the weekend, Lord Zsezse Works had a sale of a number of their products that were close to reaching a “metal” level on RPGNow. Three of these were their three oldest template packs, Graveyard, Bog and Desert. With them being reduced, I reinvested some earnings and picked up all three of these excellent products.

All three of the template packs has backs as well as covers and pages and come in four different designs and two different sizes.

Admittedly, I don’t even have even a theoretical use for any of these packs at the moment; there are no products currently in any stage of development that these are really suitable for. Still, I consider them to be a good investment for the future; they didn’t cost much and new products are always being thought of or developed.

100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find Now Available

100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find100 Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs to Find is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of the herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been used for over 2,000 years. These are suitable for a wide range of time periods and settings.

100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector Now Available

100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector100 Things to Find With a Metal Detector is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of items that could be found by players using a metal detector. These could be specific items, or simply junk found whilst looking for something else.

100 Things to Find in a Skip Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Skip100 Things to Find in a Skip is now available to buy from DriveThrRPG and RPGNow.

This is a modern list of 100 things that could be found by players rummaging through a skip, whether to look for supplies or simply as decoration for a scene.

Four More Template Sets Purchased

With the Christmas in July Sale ongoing at RPGNow (and the rest of the related sites of course), I’ve reinvested some earnings into four more of Lord Zsezse Works’s excellent template sets.

Magic Template SetThese are some I had been planning to buy for some time. The sets are Dark Section, Magic, Space and Wild West.

All the sets but Dark Section have covers, backs and paper in four different designs and two different sizes. Dark Section only has covers and papers, but it seems likely that, at some point, it will also be updated with backs (it’s the oldest of the four sets and, whilst newer sets are published with backs, the older sets weren’t, but are being updated with them).

Of the four template sets, only the Wild West has an immediate use – there’s a supplement already finished to use for it. The Magic set has one supplement with the text close to being finished, and some more in development, and the Space set has at least two in progress works. Only Dark Section doesn’t have a definite, immediate, use, but it may be used with the Cthulhu-related supplement.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
