D10: Night City Rumours – Japantown

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Japantown district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Hotel Yamagumi in Japantown is, for some reason, owned by Arasaka, though no-one knows why. This hasn’t stopped speculation, though, with it being claimed to be a place where Arasaka can keep people safe to a place where they spy on the clientele, though neither makes much sense, given that it is easily verifiable that Arasaka is the owner.
  2. Kenshiro Saeba is a young solo and former private investigator who has been forced to hideout in Japantown after solving a kidnapping case involving Yasume Kanzaki and a rival gang boss. Kanzaki is fond of Saeba, to the annoyance of his heir, Shin, and there are rumours that Shin would be perfectly willing to cooperate in anything that would result in the disappearance of Saeba that couldn’t be traced back to Shin.
  3. The Garden in Japantown is Night City’s lover’s lane and is kept safe by the Gold Eagles, a Japantown-based guardian gang that keeps the area free of trouble. It’s rumoured that not only will the Gold Eagles stop anyone from attacking those who use the Garden, they will also ensure that they, and anyone they associate with, is never able to do anything similar again.
  4. The Gazebo in Japantown is rumoured to have been built by Richard Night himself, and it’s also where a mass murderer called “The Claw” left most of his victims’ bodies. The City is said to be planning to tear the Gazebo down, as most can’t think of any uses for it, but it’s said they are meeting opposition by different groups who all want it preserved for historical reasons, whether to honour Richard Night, the victims of The Claw or The Claw himself.
  5. The Imperial Bank in Night City’s Japantown has never been robbed, and it’s known to have a very expensive security contract with Arasaka. It’s rumoured that, as expensive as the current contract is, the bank is planning on increasing the current security, leading some to wonder if the management has become aware of a direct threat to the bank, one that has a chance of succeeding against the current security regime.
  6. The Japan Trade Center is where the high-level executives of most Japanese corporations operating inside the United States meet every month to discuss their future strategy and planned acquisitions. The topics of the meetings are kept secret, but it’s rumoured that recordings of them have been turning up on the Net for those willing to fork over enough money to buy.
  7. The Nakagowa Kabuki Troupe is the premiere attraction of the Bodukkan Center for the Performing Arts in Japantown, and there have been some claims that the Troupe is nothing more than a professional posergang, given that some members have been bio-sculpted and never appear in public out of character. Kabuki aficionados dismiss this claim, but it’s rumoured that sometimes the arguments on the matter can get heated, leading to the occasional fatality.
  8. The Nichiban Mall in Japantown is designed to look Japanese, is filled with Japanese shops and all the signs are in Japanese, so any gaijiin will need help getting directions. It’s rumoured that asking for directions often results in being given ones that are poor at best and downright misleading at worst.
  9. The Tokagawa Tower in J-town is home to, amongst others, the local yakuza boss, Hichigo Kanzaki. The penthouse in which he lives is said to be a veritable fortress, but it’s rumoured that no-one outside Kanzaki’s close family and retainers have seen him in some time now, and there are rumours that something may have happened to him.
  10. The XYZ Piano Bar in the Nakagumi Business Plaza in Japantown is a karaoke bar and a known hangout for yakuza, who can be found frequenting the bar on a weekend. There are rumours that certain members of the bar’s staff have recently disappeared, as it turned out that they were spying on the yakuza for someone, which did not go down well once it was discovered.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – West Hill is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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Dragongem (5E)

This is a new item for use with Cities of Sundara.

DragongemGemstones are one of the most prized treasures of the earth, with many different types of gems in many different lands. Dragongems only occur in the lands where dragon steel, from which they gain their name, can be found, which makes them difficult to get at the best of times. Even scarcer than dragon steel, the volcanic nature of the dragon steel lands adds to the danger of finding dragongems. Only in Ironfire are dragongems dug up with any regularity and even there they are scarce, and the subject of fierce bidding should they come onto the market.

Dragongems are an extremely rare form of diamond found in igneous rocks, and are commensurately valuable as a result. The carbon of the diamond contains inclusions of dragon steel that reflect the light in unusual ways and give the gems a strange, steel-like colour when light is shone on them. Peering into a dragongem will reveal tiny crystals of dragon steel inside it.

Dragongems are not quite as hard as diamonds, as the dragon steel inclusions slightly weaken the gemstone’s structure. This does make them easier to shape than diamonds, but not that much easier, as they are as hard as rubies and sapphires.

A dragongem will be worth at least twice what a diamond of the same size and quality would be. Though dragongems can be used to make unusual pieces of jewellery, they are rarely used for such mundane purposes. The sorcerers and spellusers of Archbliss have discovered that dragongems are unusually potent when it comes to enchanting them for magical use. They have a natural ability to enhance magics that have to do with sharpness and hardness, and can be found embedded in the hilts of dragon steel swords, where they can improve even a non-magical weapon, or in rings and amulets that are intended to improve various martial abilities and defences.

Dragongem Pommel

Wondrous item, rare

A dragongem pommel is a pommel- or hilt-mounted enchanted dragongem that can be attached to a sword of any type. The sword or dagger to which it is attached will gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and 10 hit points and will also be classed as a magic weapon for attack purposes. The bonuses stack with any that already apply.

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100 Plants for Alien Worlds100 Plants for Alien Worlds and 100 Fantasy Underwater Encounters (Lore 100) are available to buy on DriveThruRPG and Random Tables for Dragon Heist is available on DMs Guild.

Alien worlds have alien flora and 100 Plants for Alien Worlds has 100 such to find, ranging from the odd to the engineered to the dangerous. They can be used to flesh out alien ecosystems.

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