Discussions of Darkness Episode 13: A Reminder that the World of Darkness is a Global Game

In this, the thirteenth episode in a series of videos in which Neal Litherland covers Chronicles and World of Darkness, he looks at the fact that this is a global setting.

Cosmic Horrors Sale 2023

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The Cosmic Horrors Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 28 of our supplements have 25% off for about two weeks. Click here to see them.

In addition, most of our Miskatonic Repository titles are also reduced. Click here to see them.

D66 Curious Magical Chests Kickstarter

D66 Curious Magical ChestsOur first Kickstarter, D66 Curious Magical Chests, is almost ready to go live. The pre-launch page is up and can be found by clicking here.

This supplement has 36 magical chests suitable for fantasy RPGs, especially those that can be considered to be OSR.

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D10: Night City Rumours – New Harbor

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the New Harbor district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Allison’s is one of the most expensive stores in the New Harbor Mallplex, with armed guards to keep out those who can’t afford to shop there, and additional security for the store itself on top of the Mallplex’s own. Yet there are rumours that the shop has been suffering from a lot of theft recently. Initially thought to be shrinkage caused by employees pilfering, it’s said this has now been ruled out, and with there being no signs of break-ins, the owners are lost.
  2. Bastion Swimwear in the New Harbor Mallplex is this year releasing a line of swimsuits made from the pelts of endangered animals. It’s said that the company has been receiving threats from environmentalists as a result, and has already had several cyber-attacks, with promises that the attacks will become physical in nature if they continue with this.
  3. Ebertech, the software firm that created the hit Starwarrior Commander chip, is based in the Mallplex Business Tower. It’s rumoured that the company has recently invested in upgraded security, after someone cracked their system and stole data related to the next game they are planning to release, and is also attempting to recover the stolen data by any means necessary, and ensure that there are no copies of the data out in the world.
  4. Gang attacks outside the McCartney Stadium in Night City’s New Harbor are unfortunately common, and it’s believed that the city has finally had enough of these. Or, rather, the fact that many fans are now refusing to go to the stadium, given the large chance of risking life and limb to do so. The problem is that the city needs to hire someone to deal with the gangs permanently, and that’s going to be expensive and likely need military hardware to achieve.
  5. Mallplex bunnies know pretty much every inch of the New Harbor Mallplex and what’s going on in it, often better than the owners or security guards. It’s rumoured that a number of the mall bunnies have formed their own gang, offering various services to those visiting the mall, and using what they know for blackmail, theft and worse.
  6. New Harbor Mallplex in Night City is huge, with thousands of people living there and residential areas extending deep into the bay around eastern Night City. There are rumours of secret places hidden away inside the mallplex, where the owners have managed to squeeze in areas that are not officially recognised, where various activities take place, said to be government-funded.
  7. Shop-Mart in the New Harbor Mall complex recently reportedly had a peculiar incident happen inside, with a battered-looking individual with a gun taken down by store security after waving the gun around and babbling on about “shopping smart.” The man has reportedly not been identified as yet, and the gun looked to be an old, cut-down, shotgun.
  8. SkinLight in the New Harbor Mallplex features light tattoos, but they’ve been having problems recently with people who have been tattooed by the company reportedly suffering from a variety of illnesses. SkinLight say that this is nonsense and that someone is attempting to tarnish their reputation. They are said to be hiring people to find those responsible; either proof they are innocent or just a way of throwing people off the track.
  9. The Night City Rangers are the best team that calls Night City home and are strong contenders to win the next Superbowl, which will make it three in a row. There are rumours that the team members have been targeted in a series of harassments and “accidents” that have so far proven to be minor. It’s thought that someone doesn’t want the Rangers to get the title again; the question is just how far that someone is willing to go.
  10. The uniform of the Night City Slammers has been described as “convict-stripe modern” by one sportswriter, something that is not appreciated. A lot of fans are wanting the team to get a new uniform, one that looks better. Though some of said fans have also put a bounty on said sportswriter’s head; they may not like the uniform, but that doesn’t mean anyone else can criticise it.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Old Downtown is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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100 Books to Find on a Cleric’s Bookshelf, 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley (PFRPG) and 100 Rumours for Wraith: The Oblivion Now Available

100 Books to Find on a Cleric's Bookshelf100 Books to Find on a Cleric’s Bookshelf and 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley (PFRPG) are now available buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Rumours for Wraith: The Oblivion is available on Storytellers Vault.

Whilst books can be valuable and useful, not every book is such. 100 Books to Find on a Cleric’s Bookshelf has books on subjects of interest to clerics to flesh out a bookshelf.

Alleys are small roads and paths where things can accumulate. 100 Things to Find in a Fantasy Alley (PFRPG) has 100 things to see in a fantasy alley, ranging from the odd to the disturbing. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder. You do not need both versions.

Wraiths, even though now dead, may still hear various rumours, and 100 Rumours for Wraith: The Oblivion has 100 such to hear. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.

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Speaking of Sundara: What’s to Come in Phase 4

In this video, Neal Litherland talks about what’s to come in future expansions of the setting.

Expanded Obstacles and Triggers for Death in Space Now Available

Expanded Obstacles and Triggers for Death in SpaceExpanded Obstacles and Triggers for Death in Space is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Game, this is a supplement to which we have contributed and it has more entries for Obstacles and Triggers.

Burial Crypts of the Wizard-Kings Now Available

Burial Crypts of the Wizard-KingsBurial Crypts of the Wizard-Kings is now available to buy on itch.

This is an Incursion for Trophy Dark in which the characters are delving into the tombs of ancient rulers. They will probably not return alive; they definitely will not return unscarred.

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100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Alpha Crucis PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or about Alpha Crucis.

Cestus of Stunning (PFRPG)

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stockart © Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games

The Fists of Kormmuz are sellswords found in Sellswords of Sundara (PFRPG) who fight using leather hand wraps, cestus studded with metal plates and full gauntlets, dealing damage with their fists. Sometimes these are enchanted to do more damage or other injuries to the target.

Cestus of Stunning

Aura faint mixed; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight 1 lb


The cestus of stunning is a +1 weapon and looks like a normal cestus, but on a successful blow it can deliver an additional 1d6 points of electrical damage and can stun the opponent. An opponent who takes a critical hit from a cestus of stunning, unless they are immune to electrical damage, must make a DC Fort save or be stunned for 1 round.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shocking grasp, colour spray; Cost 1,000 gp

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Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
