100 Things to Find in a Loft or Attic, 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG), 100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain II and Filler Art – Flowers 3 Now Available

100 Things to Find in a Loft or Attic100 Things to Find in a Loft or Attic, 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) and Filler Art – Flowers 3 are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain II is available on DMs Guild.

Characters may end up searching a loft or attic, whether for an ordinary investigation or during or after an apocalypse. 100 Things to Find in a Loft or Attic has 100 things to find, from junk to potentially valuable.

Dungeons and other locations may contain statues and 100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon (PFRPG) has some to enliven such areas. They can be a source of room flavour or perhaps adventure hooks. Two supplementary tables can be used to define materials and dressing. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder.

100 Knick-knacks for Undermountain II has 100 minor items that could be found instead of trinkets or in an NPCs possession, all connected to Undermountain in some way.

Filler Art – Flowers 3 contains five hand drawn flowers. There are two versions of each image, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The images can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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Neal Litherland Reads “Fine Print” from 100 Sci-Fi Guilds

In this video, Neal Litherland reads “Fine Print from 100 Sc-Fi Guilds.

Refuge Glitch: Cryopod and Bridging Malfunction Supplement Compatible with Death in Space Now Available

Refuge Glitch: Cryopod and Bridging Malfunction Supplement Compatible with Death in SpaceRefuge Glitch: Cryopod and Bridging Malfunction Supplement Compatible with Death in Space is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this is a collection of 30 new cryopod malfunctions and 30 new bridging errors for Death in Space, to which we have contributed.

100 People to Encounter in Arkham PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 People to Encounter in Arkham.

Talisman of the Rushes (PFRPG)

This is a new magic item for use with Cities of Sundara.

The gnomes of Sundara from the Rushes subspecies, when they venture out into the world, often wear a small bottle of water from their river around their neck. The talismans are reputed to have various properties, and in some cases, they are enchanted to have these.

Talisman of the Rushes

Aura faint divination and transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 4,000 gp; Weight


Talisman of the Rushes (PFRPG)
(c) Azukail Games

The talisman of the Rushes takes the form of a small bottle of water on a necklace for wearing around the neck. Some talismans may be made of superior materials or decorated, but all are fundamentally identical.

When worn, the talisman of the Rushes grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves against mind-affecting effects. It also grants a +2 circumstance bonus to any checks to avoid getting lost.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, guidance, owl’s wisdom; Cost 2,000 gp

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100 Spaceships to Encounter, 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon (C&C), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Nile Empire and Colour Filler Art – Treasure in Sand Now Available

100 Spaceships to Encounter100 Spaceships to Encounter, 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon (C&C), 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Nile Empire and Colour Filler Art – Treasure in Sand are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may encounter spaceships in different places, and 100 Spaceships to Encounter has 100 such named and briefly described for them to come across.

Dungeons can have staircases, and 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon (C&C) has 100 such for characters to encounter. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.

Storm Knights can gain information from a variety of sources and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Nile Empire has 100 things for them to hear. These can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

Colour Filler Art – Treasure in Sand has assorted items of treasure partially buried in sand. There is a single image on a transparent background, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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Speaking of Sundara: The Future of Sundara

In this video, Neal Litherland talks about the future of Sundara going forward.

d66 Encounters on the Road (PFRPG) Now Available

d66 Encounters on the Road (PFRPG)d66 Encounters on the Road (PFRPG) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

This supplement to which we have contributed is published by Sad Fishe Games and has 36 encounters for fantasy roads.

Cepheus 2023 Publishers’ Bundles

Cepheus 2023 Publishers' BundlesAll of our Cepheus Engine supplements are currently available at a discount in two Cepheus Publisher bundles. These bundles feature products from several different publishers and are limited time. Click here to see the first bundle and here to see the second.

D10: Encounters for a Fantasy Graveyard

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

For one reason or another, characters can spend quite a bit of time in graveyards and cemeteries. One way of making this time more interesting is with some random encounters in them. Here are ten encounters, some odd, some potentially useful, to have in a graveyard.

  1. A freshly dug grave, with the damp soil still piled next to it. The grave clearly hasn’t been dug long, and the shovel used to dig it has been plunged into the pile of soil. If the spade is pulled out, the blade of it bears slight traces of fresh blood.
  2. A gravestone has been damaged so that only the very stub remains. Bits and pieces of broken stone lie around the grave, together with an abandoned sledgehammer. The grave itself has also been attacked, and by the smell and looks of it, someone has urinated and defecated on it.
  3. A ghostly white figure is seen flitting amongst the gravestones in the distance. If pursued, the ghostly figure can easily be caught up with and turns out to be just a woman in a flowing white dress who is looking for a specific grave.
  4. Covering a grave is a thick iron mortsafe, a device created to prevent bodysnatchers from digging up coffins. The mortsafe is clearly damaged, with its iron bars bent and twisted. However, it looks like the damage came from below, as if something was prying its way out from the grave, not above.
  5. Flowering plants cover this very well kept grave and the headstone itself practically gleams. A small compartment at the base of the grave contains various tools used to maintain it, and now and then, or if the grave is interfered with, the implements fly out of the compartment to keep the grave in perfect shape.
  6. Kneeling at the end of a grave is a hooded figure dressed in black. They appear to be mourning the one whose grave it is, and the grave looks comparatively recent and fresh flowers have been laid on it. The person will refuse to respond to anyone who speaks to them. If pressed, they turn, lift their hood revealing a horrifying visage and then vanish.
  7. Mushrooms and other fungi are growing in unusual profusion over one grave. Even the headstone is nearly hidden under a mass of mould, which will need scraping away to read the inscription. As night, all the different fungi glow with an unsettling blue light.
  8. One grave stands out from the others because it is completely enswathed in cobwebs. For some reason, it looks to be attracting spiders, who can be seen within the webbing, and either the grave hasn’t been cleared in some time or the spiders are spinning the webbing back at a very fast rate.
  9. Standing at the head of a small grave is the statue of a small girl, posed as if in dance. The next time that the characters pass the grave, the statue of the little girl is no longer there.
  10. Two gravediggers are sitting at the side of a grave they are in the process of digging. They have stopped for a break and are sitting on the pile of soil they’ve dug out so far. They are naturally talkative and will willingly chat to anyone who stops about the graveyard as a whole.

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