Characters may encounter things in orbit and 100 Orbital Encounters has 100 such encounters. These range from the mundane to the potentially dangerous.
When asking around for information, characters may hear rumours, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme II (Lost Lands) has 100 such related to the Grand Duchy of Reme in the Lost Lands. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.
Goblins are short-lived beings who come from Davokar in Symbaroum. 100 Goblins for Symbaroum has 100 named and briefly described goblins to encounter.
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This video looks at how to make some cheap piles of rubble suitable for tabletop gaming from foamboard, toilet roll, PVA, acrylic paint and various scraps.
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
Chaosphere hierarchs are quickened natives of recursions from the Shoals of Earth who have gained power over the Strange itself. Most are arrogant and dismissive of the needs of others, which does seem to include other Chaosphere hierarchs. However, there are rumours of a group of the beings that work together, albeit somewhat erratically, for a common cause.
Cinticus Z is an artificial intelligence that can often be found in the Strange and seeks out first-time recursors, asking them to do something for it. Though it isn’t normally a hostile entity, there’s a persistent rumour that the intelligence seeks to become a planetovore, and the tasks it asks others to do for it are with this goal in mind.
Cypher eaters graze on things that crystalise from the Strange, preferring violet spiral, reality seeds and cyphers, all things that are of value to others as well. Though some use cypher eaters to locate such, others consider them pests to be wiped out, but attempts to do the latter rarely seem to work.
Dark energy pharaohs are essentially refugees from a collapsed recursion based on the Egyptian afterlife. After war broke out amongst the pharaohs, this collapsed the recursion and the survivors fled. Most dark energy pharaohs exist in strongholds in the Strange or in their own recursions, and have little to do with each other, but it’s rumoured that a few have banded together after a fashion to achieve mutual goals.
Inklings are the ghosts of the Strange, and sometimes they can creep into recursions as well. No-one is entirely sure what inklings are, and one theory is that they are real ghosts, or at least the remains of dead people. Some claim that when an inkling kills someone with the spark, the deceased will turn into a brand-new inkling.
It’s possible to train thoniks to follow simple instructions, rather like it can be done with various animals, such as dogs. It’s said that there are some trainers who visit the Strange to capture thoniks in order to train and sell them. Some of these trainers are said to train the thoniks to follow commands only known by the trainer as well, just in case.
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The Winter Sale is now live on and all of our paid supplements have 40% off. Alternatively, all the supplements can be bought in a bundle with 50% off. Click here to see them.
Ironfire in the Sundara setting is a young city but that doesn’t mean it is quiet. 100 Whispers and Rumors For Ironfire, The City of Steel! has rumours for the city’s different districts.
Dwarven halls can sometimes fall to their enemies, and 100 Things for a Fallen Dwarven Hall (5E) has 100 things to discover in such an overrun hold. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.
Frailers are the half-elven descendants of elven hostages left in Alderland in the Forbidden Lands. D66 Frailers for the Forbidden Lands has 36 names and briefly described Frailers to encounter.
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10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Europe
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the process of trying to get past the borders of Europe. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Europe’s land borders are still maintained by the forces of their member nations, rather than being a unified group in charge of this, which causes a degree of variability in how borders are watched. It’s rumoured that some within Europe would like to create a unified border police force, but no nation seems willing to lose control of its landward borders.
Hydrophones have been planted around the coasts of Europe by several northern nations in the hopes of perfecting underwater surveillance. Ships would be identified by the sound of their screw, and it’s rumoured that a database of ship screw sounds is being slowly built up, and that a bounty is paid for any genuine sound that can be added.
It’s said that if a way of getting into the EC under the radar seems to be too good to be true, that’s because it is. It’s rumoured that the cheapest smugglers don’t make their money from the fees they charge, but from what they can sell their human cargo for. Both intact and in pieces.
Permanent cards allow the person who has one to permanently reside in the EC, and obtaining them is difficult. Naturally, there is a market in fake and stolen cards as a result, and it’s rumoured that some fake cards that have recently been cropping up on the black market are so convincing that they must be being obtained with the cooperation of bureaucrats inside the EC government.
Permanent Resident’s Cards allow someone who has one to live in Europe and gain most of the benefits of EC citizenship, including upgrading to full citizenship after five years. The cards can be revoked at any time, and it’s rumoured that a high percentage of cards are revoked in the last six months of the five years needed to become a full citizen.
The different forces that guard the land borders of Europe are said to be of varying quality. Or, rather, of varying honesty, with some of them, members of certain countries’ forces, being far more amenable to taking a bribe than others. However, it’s said that bribing them is dangerous, because many of those taking a bribe will turn in anyone offering such, after they have been paid.
The EC will give citizenship to those who have made “cultural contributions” which means the recovery of lost artistic and cultural treasures. It’s rumoured that there’s a thriving black market in fake “missing” minor league artwork that is sold to those who believe they can use it to bargain for citizenship.
The Navy is the unified force that protects the coastal borders of the EC against smugglers. Recently, subs have become a major problem, even though they are easy to spot from orbit. The Navy is reputedly looking into deploying automated torpedo platforms that will fire on any sub without a valid transponder, though this has been meeting pushback out of concerns about just how accurate the systems are at telling friend from foe.
There are illegal methods of entering Europe, but as with all such methods, those using them should be very careful about who they trust. Some of those claiming to sneak people over the borders instead kill them and strip them for parts, both cybernetic and organic.
Those entering Europe from outside the zone are heavily scrutinised by customs police when they fly in, and the rooms where interviews are carried out house ducts to deliver paralysing nerve gas. It’s rumoured that in extreme situations, the gas emitted by these ducts is far more dangerous than merely paralysing.
D10: Europe Rumours – Entering Europe is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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