D8: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: Kuambis

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Buried beneath the glass desert are pockets and hollows where artefacts dating back to the Age of Myth can be found. Legend has it that also under the desert are much larger pockets, where not just artefacts from that Age can be found, but creatures from the final battle between the armies of Lotan and those of the Maker. Something that would be extremely dangerous to uncover.
  2. Glass pirates ride ships that skate across the Glass Desert of Kuambis on magical skates, posing another hazard to any that travel through the region. Recently, there have been rumours of internecine fighting amongst the pirates, and it’s said this is because one pirate has decided to forge them into a single force and is destroying any pirates who refuse to join up. Should the pirates unite, this will make the region even more dangerous.
  3. Illicit items, dark sorceries and slaves can all be bought at the Citadel of the Harrowing in Kuambis, things that would be illegal in other regions. It’s rumoured that these are only the comparatively tame surface of the goods and services that are truly available at the Citadel, and that far darker things can be bought by people in the know.
  4. Kuambis is home to many of the dragons of Ardeyn, as there are rumours that relics of their draconic ancestors can be found in the waste, powerful enough to let the dragons take control of all of Ardeyn. Dragons are no good at cooperating with each other, though, but there are rumours that several have formed an alliance in pursuit of their goals. Though it is likely such an alliance would eventually fall apart, it could be that this would be after they have managed to find what they are looking for and conquered everywhere on Ardeyn.
  5. The Ahlan Mountains run through Kuambis, and other regions of Ardeyn, and three tall peaks known as the Three Sisters have stars descend to them on some nights of the year, resting there for several hours before rising again. It’s said that the frequency with which this happens, and the numbers of stars that descend, has been gradually increasing over the years.
  6. The Citadel of the Harrowing is the only place in Kuambis that the dragons cannot go, thanks to the Red Pact they swore many years ago. However, it’s said that just because the dragons can’t go there, it doesn’t mean their agents or those acting on their behalf cannot, and that the most powerful dragons always have representatives looking out for their interests in the Citadel.
  7. The Glass Desert in Kuambis which is said to be where the final battle between the armies of Lotan and the Maker was fought, the glass itself coming from the glass castle of Maker’s Hall. There are rumours that the glass ended up infused with part of Lotan’s will, and is slowly moving to the old site of Maker’s Hall, where it will form into a new castle, but one of Lotan, not the Maker.
  8. The Harrowing is the yearly competition held at the Citadel of the Harrowing in Kuambis, where four mortal contestants fight a dragon in the arena, with the prize being something worthy from the dragon’s hoard. The dragon usually wins, and can choose to take the survivors as slaves or eat them, but dragons who lose submit rather than be killed. It’s said that those who win the contest rarely survive the year, as the defeated dragon dedicates its time to destroying them.

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100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road, 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C), Mason Mansion and Filler Art – Fruit Now Available

100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road, 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C), Mason Mansion and Filler Art – Fruit are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Not every fantasy merchant has a fixed place of business and 100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road has 100 such for characters to encounter. Their goods range from junk to valuable, the merchants range from everyday to odd and their honesty is equally variable.

Characters may not be the first people inside a dungeon and 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C) has 100 signs they can find of such that can be used to decorate the dungeon. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.

Mason Mansion is an adventure for Call of Cthulhu in which the characters need to try and survive the night in the home of a dead relative.

Filler Art – Fruit contains five hand drawn fruit. There are two versions of each image, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.

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Speaking of Sundara: The Blooded

A new video has been published in which Neal Litherland talks about the Blooded in Sundara, which are available for 5E and Pathfinder.

Hexploratores Volume 1-5: Thurak Woods (Year Zero Engine) Now Available

Hexploratores Volume 1-5: Thurak Woods (Year Zero Engine)Hexploratores Volume 1-5: Thurak Woods (Year Zero Engine) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this supplement we have contributed to is in a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.

Itch Halloween Sale 2022

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Itch’s Halloween Sale is now live and for the next week all of our paid titles have 30% off. Click here to see them.

100 Derelict and Wrecked Spaceships to Encounter PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Derelict and Wrecked Spaceships to Encounter.

D10: Night City Rumours – East Marina

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the East Marina district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Blue Light Special Sales in the East Marina is known by rockers to be one of the best places to get equipment in Night City, from instruments to all the cyberware a would-be star, or an actual star, needs. The prices are so competitive that there are constant rumours about just how Blue Light manages to get their stock, from smuggling to outright robbery. Not that customers are that bothered.
  2. Decker, Tanaka & Rogers are always looking for escorts to help protect their freighters heading for the Pacific Rim. It’s known that D, T & R are not exactly bothered about asking too many questions about why someone might need to leave Night City in a hurry, though they do ensure that anyone they provide travel for isn’t in league with any pirates. It’s rumoured that the company will even take people they know have certain legal problems away from the city for the right price.
  3. Joe’s Diner in the East Marina is a human-staffed fast-food joint from which gang elements are excluded, and the regular patrons are willing to ensure that it remains that way. The diner itself does not have high security and there are rumours that the Wild Things are planning an attack on Joe’s to make a point.
  4. Pier Three Paradise in East Marina has an exotic chain restaurant catering to low and middle level corporates, but it’s far from what many would call exotic. However, there are rumours that the restaurant has a special room for special diners, where what’s served is definitely exotic and, frequently, outright illegal.
  5. Stallion Slough Shipyard in the East Marina is Night City’s only major shipyard. It’s rumoured that it’s possible to get certain modifications done to ships, for the right price. Less than legal modifications, whose main use would be to pirate other ships.
  6. The ILLW, the union for Night City’s longshoremen and technical crews who unload ships, is described as the last bastion of organised labour in the area. Their hiring hall is in East Marina, and the building has reputedly suffered a number of attacks recently. Some say that the corporations are trying to make sure that the last bastion of labour crumbles, eliminating a final problem in the corporations’ way.
  7. The Reunification Hall and Social Club in East Marina is a place where small and large groups rent rooms for meetings. There have been accusations that not all of these meetings are as private as they should be, with bugs planted in the rooms to pick up what’s going on.
  8. There was a break in at the offices the Prudhoe Pride Oil Co. in East Marina, though nothing is said to have been stolen. It’s rumoured that those who broke into the place were looking for evidence that the company is involved in illegal activities when it comes to disposing of their waste.
  9. Universal Export in East Marina is rumoured to be a front for the British Provisional Government’s Army Intelligence Active Service. It’s also rumoured that there was an attempt to break into the place recently, by the Wild Things, and that this attempt failed disastrously, with none of those who attempted it seen since. It’s said that ARMINTAC suspects the gang were hired to test the place’s defences.
  10. Weird Stuff in East Marina is a place where it seems just about any leftover spare part can be found, and not all of those the store buys in were obtained by the seller legally. It’s said that the store ran into trouble recently, as an item sold to them was rather more important than either buyer or seller thought, and the original owner came looking for it. Though the store remains open, it’s believed that the thief has disappeared. Possibly in several different directions.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – East Marina is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths, 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (PFRPG) and 100 Redcaps for Changeling: the Dreaming Now Available

100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (PFRPG) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG and 100 Redcaps for Changeling: the Dreaming is available on Storytellers Vault.

Moorlands and heaths are similar regions and often the result of long habitation. 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths has 100 encounters for such regions and can be used as ways of enhancing journeys or as potential adventure hooks.

100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. You do not need both versions.

100 Redcaps for Changeling: the Dreaming has 100 redcaps for characters to encounter. Each is named and briefly has its main interest described. They can be used as friends, foes or simply passers-by.

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100 Landmarks for a Fantasy City PDF Preview

A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Landmarks for a Fantasy City.

d66 Bandit Gangs Now Available

d66 Bandit Gangsd66 Bandit Gangs is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Published by Sad Fishe Games, this is a collection of 36 bandit gangs to which a number of authors, including us, have contributed.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
