A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Random Magic Effects to Encounter in a Dungeon.
Long Roads and Short Tempers Part II
Long Roads and Short Tempers Part II is a piece of fiction for Species of Sundara: Elves, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.
Valo stalked closer to the dark-haired elf, who had his back against the bar, his elbows resting on the dark wood. The elf took a last sip from his glass before he spoke.
“I will give you a single strike,” he said. “Make the most of it.”
Valo hesitated for just a moment. The elf’s steady gaze was placid as he waited. Then Valo shifted, and lunged forward. The knife was a blur as it streaked forward, but the elf tilted his head to one side. Rather than the butcher’s strike taking the elf through the eye, the blade barely grazed his cheek as it went past, leaving the butcher off-balance.
If Valo’s strike had been fast, what the elf did next happened quickly enough that none could say they saw it happen. The elf’s arm shot out, and his glass exploded against the side of Valo’s face. Before the butcher could pull away, the elf snaked his arm around Valo’s, and twisted. A loud snap could be heard. Valo opened his mouth to scream, but the elf struck him in the throat. Gagging, blinded by broken glass and wine, and barely able to breathe, Valo stumbled, and fell to the floor of the tavern.
The men who had come into the room with Valo stepped forward, but when the elf raised his head they stopped as one. A trickle of black blood had oozed down his cheek from the wound Valo had dealt, but it had already stopped. They had assumed Arumil’s companion was another of the Rhodann; a traveler and a wanderer. They had learned too late that was not the case. The elf with the gray eyes picked up Valo’s knife, and idly flipped it in the air, catching it by the blade.
“Arumil is a creature made of honor, and mercy,” the dark-haired elf said, and though he was looking down at Valo, he was clearly speaking to the room. With a flick of his wrist he flung the knife into the floor hard enough that it quivered. “I am not. It is only because my love has interceded on your behalf that you still draw breath.”
“Shan, please, no more,” Arumil said, stepping between the dark-haired elf and Valo. He put a hand to Shan’s wounded cheek, and turned his face to him. Shan pressed his forehead to Arumil’s for a moment, before raising his head to look at the room.
“Either take your friend away, or take up the knife,” Shan said.
The men around the room exchanged glances. They’d all seen the same thing. One by one they eased their hands away from their weapons, and approached the two elves the way they might approach a bear’s den. Two of them lifted Valo, careful of his dislocated arm, and stumbled with him out the door. The others followed one after another, walking backwards out of the tavern so they never took their eyes off of Shan. When they were all gone, the knife remained.
Shan patted Arumil on the shoulder, and then resumed his place at the bar. The room let out the breath it had been collectively holding. Shan smiled, and gestured with two fingers at Arumil.
“Go on,” he said. “You were just getting to the good part of the story.”
100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp, 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp (Mutant Future), 100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain II and Map – Stone Circle Now Available
100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp, 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp (Mutant Future) and Map – Stone Circle are now available on DriveThruRPG and 100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain II is available on DMs Guild.
Even in a post-apocalyptic setting, there can be things to encounter, ranging from the useful to the odd to the dangerous. 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp has 100 such for swamps.
100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp (Mutant Future) is the above supplement converted for use with Mutant Future. You do not need both versions.
100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain II has 100 notes, letters or graffiti to find in Undermountain, covering levels 11 to 23. Each snippet has details as to what it refers to and there are supplementary tables for customising the appearance.
Map – Stone Circle is a hand-drawn black and white map of a stone circle with a 300dpi resolution in two versions that can be used for personal and commercial use.
Neal Litherland Reads “Two Paths Converged in a Wood” from Species of Sundara: Orcs
In this video, Neal Litherland reads the fiction “Two Paths Converged in a Wood” from Species of Sundara: Orcs, available for 5E and Pathfinder.
Expanded Hub Backgrounds and Quirks for Death in Space Now Available
Expanded Hub Backgrounds and Quirks for Death in Space is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Published by Sad Fishe Games, this is a collection of new Hub backgrounds and quirks for Death in Space to which a number of authors, including us, have contributed.
Releasing in November 2022
November 5th
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp
- 100 Encounters for the Post-Apocalyptic Swamp (Mutant Future)
- 100 Notes, Letters or Graffiti to Find in or about Undermountain II
- Map – Stone Circle
November 12th
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains (Black Spear)
- 100 Havens
- 100 Mostly Cosmetic Starship Modifications
November 19th
- Colour Filler Art – Mixed Coins in Sand
- Cults of Sundara (5E)
- Cults of Sundara (PFRPG)
- D66 Paradise Valley Encounters
November 26th
- 100 Encounters for Fantasy Hills (Lore 100)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Brecken Vale
- 100 Books to Find on a Wizard’s Bookshelf
- Filler Art – Pot of Powder
D8: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: Kuambis
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
- Buried beneath the glass desert are pockets and hollows where artefacts dating back to the Age of Myth can be found. Legend has it that also under the desert are much larger pockets, where not just artefacts from that Age can be found, but creatures from the final battle between the armies of Lotan and those of the Maker. Something that would be extremely dangerous to uncover.
- Glass pirates ride ships that skate across the Glass Desert of Kuambis on magical skates, posing another hazard to any that travel through the region. Recently, there have been rumours of internecine fighting amongst the pirates, and it’s said this is because one pirate has decided to forge them into a single force and is destroying any pirates who refuse to join up. Should the pirates unite, this will make the region even more dangerous.
- Illicit items, dark sorceries and slaves can all be bought at the Citadel of the Harrowing in Kuambis, things that would be illegal in other regions. It’s rumoured that these are only the comparatively tame surface of the goods and services that are truly available at the Citadel, and that far darker things can be bought by people in the know.
- Kuambis is home to many of the dragons of Ardeyn, as there are rumours that relics of their draconic ancestors can be found in the waste, powerful enough to let the dragons take control of all of Ardeyn. Dragons are no good at cooperating with each other, though, but there are rumours that several have formed an alliance in pursuit of their goals. Though it is likely such an alliance would eventually fall apart, it could be that this would be after they have managed to find what they are looking for and conquered everywhere on Ardeyn.
- The Ahlan Mountains run through Kuambis, and other regions of Ardeyn, and three tall peaks known as the Three Sisters have stars descend to them on some nights of the year, resting there for several hours before rising again. It’s said that the frequency with which this happens, and the numbers of stars that descend, has been gradually increasing over the years.
- The Citadel of the Harrowing is the only place in Kuambis that the dragons cannot go, thanks to the Red Pact they swore many years ago. However, it’s said that just because the dragons can’t go there, it doesn’t mean their agents or those acting on their behalf cannot, and that the most powerful dragons always have representatives looking out for their interests in the Citadel.
- The Glass Desert in Kuambis which is said to be where the final battle between the armies of Lotan and the Maker was fought, the glass itself coming from the glass castle of Maker’s Hall. There are rumours that the glass ended up infused with part of Lotan’s will, and is slowly moving to the old site of Maker’s Hall, where it will form into a new castle, but one of Lotan, not the Maker.
- The Harrowing is the yearly competition held at the Citadel of the Harrowing in Kuambis, where four mortal contestants fight a dragon in the arena, with the prize being something worthy from the dragon’s hoard. The dragon usually wins, and can choose to take the survivors as slaves or eat them, but dragons who lose submit rather than be killed. It’s said that those who win the contest rarely survive the year, as the defeated dragon dedicates its time to destroying them.
100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road, 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C), Mason Mansion and Filler Art – Fruit Now Available
100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road, 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C), Mason Mansion and Filler Art – Fruit are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Not every fantasy merchant has a fixed place of business and 100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road has 100 such for characters to encounter. Their goods range from junk to valuable, the merchants range from everyday to odd and their honesty is equally variable.
Characters may not be the first people inside a dungeon and 100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C) has 100 signs they can find of such that can be used to decorate the dungeon. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Castles & Crusades.
Mason Mansion is an adventure for Call of Cthulhu in which the characters need to try and survive the night in the home of a dead relative.
Filler Art – Fruit contains five hand drawn fruit. There are two versions of each image, one on a white background, one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
Speaking of Sundara: The Blooded
A new video has been published in which Neal Litherland talks about the Blooded in Sundara, which are available for 5E and Pathfinder.
Hexploratores Volume 1-5: Thurak Woods (Year Zero Engine) Now Available
Hexploratores Volume 1-5: Thurak Woods (Year Zero Engine) is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Published by Sad Fishe Games, this supplement we have contributed to is in a series that details hexes from a setting in finer detail. The supplement can be used to build the setting, or dropped into others.