100 Individuals and Groups to Meet on the Road (PFRPG)

100 Individuals and Groups to Meet on the Road (PFRPG)

100 Individuals and Groups to Meet on the Road (PFRPG)Characters will often be travelling from one location to another and this supplement has 100 different groups that they could meet on the road.

The encounters range from single individuals to caravans. Some of them may be potentially hostile; others potentially friendly. They can be used to make a journey more interesting or as a source of potential adventure hooks.

The supplement also comes in a system neutral version. You do not need to buy both versions.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

75. Ruthan Seldew and Faerin Klorat: Ruthan and Faerin (nobles, see the GameMastery Guide) are clearly well off and are accompanied by six men-at-arms (human warrior 6)) dressed in hunting leathers, an individual with a bow who appears to be a hunter (human warrior 2) and another with a falcon on their arm (falconer, see the NPC Codex). Ruthan and Faerin are a pair of nobles who are going hunting, and their entourage is to help them with this.

76. Ryman Jankin: Ryman (successful merchant, see the NPC Codex) is a grim-looking individual riding in a wagon with an enclosed compartment that has been reinforced with iron and is firmly
locked. Accompanying Ryman are six heavily-armed horsemen (human warrior 6 armed with longswords and lances) and a soldier (human warrior 6 armed with a heavy crossbow) wielding a heavy crossbow sitting beside them in the wagon. Ryman is a moneylender and in the back of the wagon are a couple of strongboxes full of coins and gems. Anyone who approaches too closely will be warned away,
first with words then with a crossbow bolt. Ryman has no problems pre-emptively defending their strongboxes from potential robbers.

77. Saran Jilgor: Saran hails from a farm (farmer, see the GameMastery Guide) and they are travelling to the nearest city with the intention of becoming an adventurer. They have what they believe are adequate supplies for their chosen profession, but truthfully neither their armour nor weapons will be suitable. Saran is capable of surviving off the land, though, and could be helpful.

Released: 12th December 2020 Pages: 17

PDF ($1.79): DriveThruRPG

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
