Species of Sundara: Orcs (PFRPG)

Species of Sundara: Orcs (PFRPG)

Species of Sundara: Orcs (PFRPG)Sundara is a vast world filled with a huge number of creatures. In Species of Sundara we explore some of the more common creatures, their unique cultures, and the differing variations they display.

The series began with elves, and then it talked about dwarves. But now is the time of the orc!

Stronger, faster, and more durable than many other species, there are hundreds of myths and legends about orcs. From whether their genesis is truly tied up with the elves and their arcane manipulations, to feats of terrifying bravery, and deeds of horrifying brutality, the tapestry of orcs is woven from many different threads. From the myths of the shadowy Nemlocks in their dark caverns beneath the world, to the tales of great packs of Menanka who prowl the dense forests of the wild. From sailors stories of the Barrada in their seagoing tides, to the colossal Ferruna on the plains, these orcs all come with their own cultures, customs, and unique adaptations to make them truly stand out.

Lastly, as with other Sundara releases, the orcs in this book can be used as part of the growing Sundara setting, or integrated into your own, ongoing game!

The supplement is also available in a version for 5th Edition gaming.

Released: 16th October 2021 Pages: 28

PDF ($3.99): DriveThruRPG

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