100 Cults to Encounter

100 Cults to EncounterThere are more religions across the world than there are stars in the sky. From those who recite prayers to the spirits of their ancestors, to those who revere the great trees of the primeval forests, it can seem like there are rarely two groups of people who practice the same faith. Among these ancient traditions and established churches, though, are those who believe in the bizarre, the strange and the unorthodox. These cults dedicate themselves to little-known gods, forgotten disciplines or ancient ruins, and though many of them have a veneer of normalcy, those who dig beneath the surface often find that something dark lurks beneath.

This supplement has 100 different cults of varying types that a GameMaster can drop into their campaign, as sources of conflict, interest or perhaps help.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

52. The Line: “Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the dawn,” goes the prayer commonly spoken by this sect of ancestor worshipers. The faithful can list the names and deeds of their family going back for generations, and many of them believe they can hear those ancestors speak to them, and feel their hands guiding them. It’s said that no member of The Line is ever truly alone, and that if the correct prayer is spoken that one descendant may fill themselves from the well of those who came before, drawing strength from the centuries of their kin.

53. Bleakers: Most religions teach that the gods will provide for those who give them praise and sacrifice, and that rewards await in the afterlife for the faithful. Bleakers, by contrast, don’t believe that. Mortals suffer, often for no rhyme or reason. There is no cosmic justice, and expecting a god to come down and balance the scales of your life is folly, pure and simple. Dour, and often depressing, Bleakers seem immune to optimism. There is also a grim stoicism about them, though, which makes them implacable when they set themselves to a task.

54. The Circle: With their silver hoops worn as amulets, members of the Circle go nowhere alone. Everything is shared among one another in this sect, with no deceit or jealousy between members. Everyone shares in the work, the raising of the children, and in the wealth of the community. There are salacious rumors that chores and bread aren’t all the members of the Circle share, claiming the reason children are raised communally is that no one can be sure who the fathers of any of the children truly are. While the gossip is waved off as hearsay by members of the Circle, it has made a number of people (particularly younger folk looking for something different) curious about them and their ways.

Released: 21st March 2020 Pages: 19

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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