100 Nobles to Encounter

100 Nobles to EncounterNobles are common in medieval fantasy settings. They can be a source of patronage and quests or potentially long-term and locally powerful foes. They might also be simply encountered in a local court.

This supplement has 100 different nobles for characters to encounter. Each is given their name and some details on them and their behaviour. The nobles are not the highest ranks in the realm, for such are too important for random selection.

Nobles can be selected randomly by rolling d100 but a GM is advised to pick suitable ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

38. Shovara Kris, The Half-Dead Prince: It’s said that King Amoran Kris’s fourth child came into the world a stillborn, but that when he tasted blood from his mother’s little finger he opened his eyes and wailed. His skin is cool to the touch, and though he is still a boy he often speaks of events that happened long ago as if he had seen them with his own eyes.

39. Monara Valcuse: The latest in a long line of Ifriti to wear the Phoenix Circlet, Monara’s temper has been an issue for them as they’ve come of age. The raven-haired outsider may be the most powerful of the djinni-blooded to be granted their current position, but those who have seen Monara grow up can’t decide what is worse; the flames of their passion, or the inferno of their rage.

40. Barca Barehand: The middle child of the Fang and his wife, Barca makes up for his lack of size with a skill and viciousness that makes even his sire wince. Though he has had to prove himself over the years, few are now willing to fight the grayskinned lordling with the scarred knuckles. The last one who tried wore his full field armor in court, and Barca struck him so hard that the side of his helmet dented in, shattering the visor and dropping him unconscious to the ground.

Released: 20th April 2019 Pages: 15

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
