100 Sci-Fi Cults

100 Sci-Fi Cults

100 Sci-Fi CultsEven in the future, people will still look to various things for answers, and one of those is cults.

This supplement has 100 futuristic cults to encounter, from those that would seem to be beneficial to those that are definitely not, that characters could encounter or even attempt to join.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

40. Keepers of The Black Moon: Most people, upon meeting members of this cult, assume that the stories about them and their practices are nothing more than malicious gossip. After all, those who practice this faith seem relatively normal. Their services are a little strange, but moons and the movement of the cosmos have always had religious significance to them. Those allowed into the inner circle, though, find the talk of blood and sacrifice is not a metaphor, but a practice that happens during eclipses which, according to the cult, ensures that the beings on the other side of the Black Moon never awaken.

41. The Vessels of Shaera Fann: There are many faiths who claim their members are merely vessels for some form of divinity. The disciples of Shaera Fann take this very literally, however, claiming they have found a being of divine wisdom and knowledge that fills them. Those who take the sacrament of this cult are presented with a light, fluffy, delicious substance that is both filling and nourishing. It is not a foodstuff, though, but a fungal extension of the great fruiting body of a colossal mushroom that ties the cult together in a kind of hive mind. The cult watches over this gigantic fungus, helping to spread it to others by masking its sporing and infection as just another religious ceremony.

42. Temple of The Heart’s Desire: Deities of love and sexuality have long held places of cultural significance, and the Temple of the Heart’s Desire claims to be carrying on this proud tradition. While it offers counseling services and rather “athletic” displays during services, there are many who argue it’s just a scam claiming to be a religion in order to avoid prostitution laws.

Released: 17th December 2022 Pages: 23

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

“Saints Among the Stars”

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